For prospective students (Teaching Post)
Future physics teachers have a great responsibility and they face a great challenge. They are expected to inspire joy and motivation in future generations for scientific research and topics in the natural sciences. Since physics will continue to be a shortage subject in schools in the long term, the career prospects are also very good in the future.
E = Register and get started!
Buddy System of the Faculty of Physics
We offer a two-tier buddy system to give you the best possible start to your studies. Buddies are students from the lower years of study who are happy to pass on their first-hand experience to you. This means that you will receive comprehensive support before you start your studies and during the first two semesters and can begin your studies without worries.
What is physics?
In physics, fundamental phenomena in nature are studied in order to explain their properties and behavior with laws. In addition to the other natural sciences, applied sciences such as medicine or engineering are also partly dependent on physics. It plays a role in almost all areas of our everyday life, even in places where one would not immediately suspect it. Physics is therefore a very exciting subject and extremely important for our future. To secure our economic and ecological future, people with physics skills are increasingly needed so that we are able to develop competitive technologies and products.
Why study physics (teaching post) with us?
- We make it easier for you to get started. Different introductory courses are offered for students of the teaching profession at Haupt-, Real- and Gesamtschulen and for students of the teaching profession at Gymnasien and Gesamtschulen. In the subject-physics part of all degree programs, there are exclusively independent courses tailored to the needs of future teachers.
- The University of Duisburg-Essen is a center of teacher training in North Rhine-Westphalia and a center of empirical educational research. Physics didactics is represented here by two professorships.
- With us, you can expect good supervision and the best conditions for a speedy, successful study.
Our teaching degree programs
With us you can study physics for a teaching degree for...
Subject combinations
- For the teaching profession at Haupt- Real- und Gesamtschulen (LHRGe) and for the teaching profession at Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (LGyGe), physics can be combined as a core subject with all other subjects.
- For the teaching profession at elementary schools, you will study the learning area "Sachunterricht", which contains, among other things, study components from physics and the other natural sciences.
Research topics of the Faculty of Physics
You can find out about current research topics at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen by clicking on the link below. As you can see, the research spectrum is very broad. In addition, the faculty is and has been active in a leading role in large collaborative research centers!
What makes the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen special?
The Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen is a medium-sized, manageable faculty. This offers great advantages:
- No anonymous mass operations: teachers and students know each other by reputation and name after a while. Professors and staff are open for questions at all times and ready to help where they can.
- Research-near studies: You can establish closer contacts with the research groups after the fourth semester and gradually get involved in a special field.
- Teamwork: The individual operation helps to get in contact with other students. You will certainly find someone to work with. Physics means "teamwork". The earlier you start, the better.
- Bilingualism: The basic lectures in experimental and theoretical physics will be additionally held in English from the third semester onward - directly after the lectures in German.

Flyer studies in physics (teaching post)
All information about the studies in physics (teaching post) clearly arranged as a flyer.
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