Course of study in Energy Science

Information for all who are interested in studying Energy Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen or are thinking about Energy Science studies in general.

Information for all Energy Science students who are about to start their first semester or who have already begun their Bachelor- or Masterstudies.
Interdisciplinary activities
Interdisciplinary research activities are of particular importance at the UDE. Physicists at the University of Duisburg-Essen work closely at the campuses in Essen and Duisburg in particular with research groups from chemistry, engineering, computer science and mathematics. There are also exciting collaborations with important research institutes outside the university framework. A small selection can be found here:
- NanoEnergyTechnologyCenter (NETZ)
- Center for Fuel Cell Technology GmbH (ZBT)
- Max Planck Institutes
- Fraunhofer Institutes
This not only results in interesting research, but also means that physics students have the opportunity to additionally broaden their spectrum of education as part of their final theses.
International contacts and cooperations
There are numerous cooperations with research institutes and universities in Germany and abroad. Scientists come to Duisburg and Essen from all over the world to participate in research work here. Conversely, researchers from Essen and Duisburg are welcome guests all over the world, as visiting professors, visiting scientists or as exchange students. The Faculty of Physics particularly welcomes and supports activities of students who wish to spend a semester abroad, and also arranges longer-term research stays for young scientists after graduation and during or after their doctorate.