Courses, workshops, and other events on all RDM aspects

Workshops of the RDM Curriculum of the UA Ruhr
The RDM Curriculum of the University Alliance Ruhr gives you the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about RDM in cross-disciplinary and professionally focused basic training courses and advanced training courses, where you can try out the practical use of tools in hands-on workshops.

RDM for students
Research data management (RDM) is not just a topic for researchers. Students also frequently use data, collected by others or themselves – e.g. for final theses. A basic knowledge of RDM can be very helpful here.
With our range of training courses for students, we want to raise awareness of the topic of RDM and teach the fundamentals of good research practice as related to data.

Further events & activities
In addition to the workshops within the RDM Curriculum of UA Ruhr, we offer further events and activities on various RDM topics.