Abdallah Ali
Abdallah Ali
Bachelor thesis student
Email: abdallah.ali@stud.uni-due.de
Thesis topic: Interactive Visualizations to Compare Educational Data Science Conferences
Related project: RIMA
Supervisor(s): M. Sc. Shoeb Joarder
Thesis duration: 02/2022 - 05/2022
Each year a lot of conference events about various scientific fields are taking place. One particular field that interests many researchers and university professors is Educational Data Science. Many research papers were made to explore related data, patterns, focus points, and interests of those conferences, as well as comparing and exploring similarities and differences between them.
This thesis aims to expand the visual exploration capabilities of the RIMA conference insights, by implementing new interactive visualizations based on the What-Why-How Information Visualization Framework to explore and compare Educational Data Science conferences to provide new insights to researchers in Educational Data Science conferences.