Ebrahim Karjatwala
Bachelor student Ebrahim Karjatwala
Email: ebrahim.karjatwala@stud.uni-due.de
Related project: CourseMapper
Supervisor(s): M. Sc. Qurat Ain, M. Sc. Shoeb Joarder
Thesis topic: Development of an xAPI-based Notification Module in CourseMapper
Description: The aim of this thesis is to introduce a notification system in CourseMapper that uses xAPI statement logs as the source of data. The purpose of the notification system is to improve collaborative learning and student awareness of the activities taking place within the platform. The current notification system has some limitations, including redundancy of data and possible data inconsistencies. The aim of this thesis is to overcome these limitations by using the existing xAPI statements as the single source of truth for generating notifications. Overall, the goal of this thesis is to enhance the notification system in CourseMapper and provide a more efficient and effective way for students to stay informed about the activities in the platform.
Thesis duration: 05/2023 - 08/2023