Florian Richtscheid

Florian Richtscheid

Master Thesis Student

Email: florian.richtscheid@stud.uni-due.de

Thesis topic: Learning Analytics to support the self-regulated course planning of students: A case study with the PERLA framework

Related project: RIMA

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amine Chatti

Thesis duration: 03/2020 - 09/2020


When designing and developing a system that supports learners in their execution of learning activities, it is essential to take into account the findings about self-regulated learning in order to select the right methods from the field of learning analytics. It is precisely this combination that the conceptual PERLA framework tries to unite. In this thesis, the PERLA framework was applied to the course planning of students and requirements and indicators were derived from it. A separate procedure was developed for this and problems of the PERLA framework were pointed out during the implementation. This work showed that the PERLA framework is not only applicable to learning activities, but can also be used in general for tasks of a self-regulatory nature.