Qintha Rahma Vierdestya
Bachelor student Qintha Rahma Vierdestya
Email: qintha.vierdestya@stud.uni-due.de
Related project: OpenLAP
Supervisor(s): M. Sc. Shoeb Joarder
Thesis topic: Development of a web-based CSV-xAPI converter in OpenLAP
Description: The Indicator Specification Cards (ISC) in OpenLAP provides an intuitive User Interface (UI) to help users design the indicators based on either CSV data or generating a tabular form of data before implementing them using the Indicator Editor. The Indicator Editor requires data in form of xAPI in order to generate indicators for the users. This thesis aims to develop a tool for OpenLAP to help the OpenLAP users to convert any CSV data into xAPI and vice versa in a quick, easy, and intuitive manner.
Thesis duration: 04/2023 - 07/2023