Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbach
Professor of Sociology with focus on Family and Migration
Book Series: Family Research (
Editors: Steinbach, A., Hennig, M., Arránz Becker, O., Klein, Th.
In family research we can identify two basic position: On the one hand, there is an institutional perspective, where family is seen as an institution, which can be thought independent of their members, and, on the the other hand, there is a micro-social perspective, where family is seen as a unit of interacting members. The book series "Family Research“ includes publications in the whole range of research topics regarding partnership and family. Taking into account an interdisciplinary view on family, sciological studies are included as well as sudies from Psychology, Pedagogic, or Economics.
Series Titles
Erlinghagen, Marcel und Hank, Karsten
Transnational Family Relations of German Emigrants
Wonneberger, Astrid / Weidtmann, Katja und Stelzig-Willutzki, Sabina (Hrsg.)
Grundlagen und Überblick
Lübke, Christiane
Intergenerationale Transmission subjektiver Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit
Wie sich Arbeitsplatzsorgen von Eltern auf Kinder übertragen
Häring, Armando
Die Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen
Eine Analyse zur Bedeutung von sozialer Einbettung und von Partnermarktgelegenheiten