Chair of Dynamics and Control - Team

Please contact us only using email.
Faculty / Professors
Dirk Söffker
Room: MB 341
Phone: +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 34 29
E-mail: soeffker{äd}
Web: Website
Academic associates and members
Lauri Bodenröder
Lauri Bodenröder,

DLR Braunschweig
Course: Systemzuverlässigkeit und Notlaufstrategien
Mohieddine Jelali
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohieddine Jelali,

Technische Hochschule Köln
E-mail: mohieddine.jelali{äd}
Course: Prozessautomatisierungstechnik (Wintersemester)
Sebastian Röttgermann
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Röttgermann
LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG, Alpen
Course: Vision-based Control
Administration (Secretary/Lab engineer)
Yvonne Vengels
Yvonne Vengels
Room: MB 342
Phone: +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 34 23
Fax.: +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 30 27
E-mail: sekretariat-srs{äd}
E-mail: yvonne.vengels{äd}
Adnan Hasanovic
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Adnan Hasanovic
Room: MB 344
Phone: +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 15 83
E-mail: adnan.hasanovic{äd}
Scientific coworkers and Doctoral candidates
Imene Benrabia, M.Sc. MB 361 +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 1734 imene.benrabia{äd}
Olena Shyshova, M.Sc. MB 345 +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 3023 olena.shyshova{äd}
Mazen Zeno, M.Sc. MB 350 +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 1445 mazen.zeno (at)
Associated Doctoral candidates (Söffker)
Marcel Zydeck, M.Sc. MB 351 +49 (0) 203 / 3 79 - 1914 marcel.zydeck{äd}
Associated Doctoral candidates (Jelali)
Associated members
Dr.-Ing. Manh Hung Do Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bedatri Moulik Amity University, Noida, Indien
Dr.-Ing. Jackson Njiri Jomo Kenyatta Universityof Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr.-Ing. Foghor Tanshi Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria
Visiting researchers/Guests
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sigurður Freyr Hafstein Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, Iceland
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sigurður Freyr Hafstein Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, Iceland
Ahmed El-Mallawany, M.Sc. Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt
Dandan Hu, M.Sc. Jiangxi Vocational College of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, China
Dr. Wenjuan Sheng Shanghai University of Automation and Power, China
Prof. Dr. Maciej Ławryńczuk Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Dr. Min Liu School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tonji University, Shanghai, China
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karim Tahboub Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine
Prof. Dr. Xiuzhong Xu Engineering Logistics Faculty, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
Congxiao Zhou Enginnering Logistics Faculty, Shanghai Maritime University, China
Project collaborators (Student staff)
Anastassiya Averina Studentische Hilfskraft SHK
Bastian Bauer, B.Sc. Netzadministration I
Pankaj Rana, B.Sc. Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
Selvaraj Sharan Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft WHK
Former scientific staff, Doctoral candidates and former visiting professors and scientists (Alumni)
Dr.-Ing. Lou'i Al-Shrouf TH Köln Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yousef Al-Sweiti Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron yousefs{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Ahmed Mohamed Ali Military Technical College, Egypt
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Adofo Ameyaw Epiroc, Essen, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorra Baccar Technische Fachhochschule Mittelhessen dorra.baccar{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Bathelt Fraunhofer FHR
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nejra Beganovic Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnien und Herzegowina
Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Ruth David, M.Sc. TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands ruth.david{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Anna Lena Demmerling Rhenus Lub, Mönchengladbach
Dr.-Ing. Manh Hung Do Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) hung.domanh{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Georg Hägele Semcon (Sweden)
Dr.-Ing. Mustafa Turki Hussein University of Babylon, Irak
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartiny Kahar Shah Alam Polytechnics, Malaysia
Edwin Kipchirchir, M.Sc. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenia edwin.kipchirchir{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. agr. Friederike Kögler, M.Sc. Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Dr.-Ing. Marcel Langer, M.Sc. (USA) Siemens
Dr.-Ing. Quang Khanh Luu Vietnam Maritime University khanhluu{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Elmira Madadi Transnet BW, Germany
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Marx Thyssen Krupp Steel, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bedatri Moulik Amity University, Noida, Indien
Dr.-Ing. Jackson Njiri Jomo Kenyatta Universityof Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr.-Ing. Xi Nowak Bosch GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Oberheid DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung) hendrik.oberheid{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Lina Owino Scheele Jaeger Wetzel Patentanwälte, Munich
Dr.-Ing. Markus Özbek Nidec Motors and Actuators
Dr.-Ing. Hoang Anh Pham XCMG European Research Center, Krefeld
Dr.-Ing. Astrid Rother ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG astrid.rother{äd}
Dr.-Ing. Mahmud-Sami Saadawia Phicom
Dr.-Ing. Mark Spiller DLR Braunschweig, Germany
Dr.-Ing. Foghor Tanshi Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria
Dr.-Ing. Chunsheng Wei Siemens
Dr.-Ing. Xiao Wei U Osnabrück, Germany
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Wirtz Innoscripta, Germany
Dr.-Ing. Krischan Wolters Metso
Dr.-Ing. Fan Zhang Volkswagen AG