Open Educational Resources: Financial support

With the OER policy adopted by the Rectorate, UDE encourages its teaching staff to publish their educational materials as OER and thus offers them an official framework for action.

An important element in promoting the use of OER in teaching is the financial support for lecturers in the creation and publication of OER content. The aim is to support teachers in converting existing materials into OER and then making them accessible in an OER repository.  

In the course of publicising the OER policy, UDE lecturers will also be supported in 2024 with a one-off financial grant for the preparation of materials into open educational materials.

What you need to know

Key financial data

The grant can amount to up to 3,500 euros per project; usually, funding is provided for one student assistant (SHK) or research assistant (WHK) for 10 hours per week. In individual cases, technology and software products can also be financed. The individual project has a duration of up to 6 months.

Time frame

An application for funding can be submitted in 2024 as long as funds are available.

There is no fixed start or end phase, but the funds should be spent in 2024.

Orientation framework

Double funding of open educational materials that have already been or will be funded by other funding programmes (e.g. the innovation and funding programmes of the ZHQE) will be examined internally.

What you should do

Please submit an application. You can use the web-based application form for this purpose.

The approval committee (UL, ZIM, ZHQE, ZLB in the case of teacher training programmes) will review the applications and invite you to a personal interview as soon as possible.

After you have received a positive response, we will arrange an appointment for an online training course (lecturer and SHK/WHK).

We will provide you with individual support throughout the entire project period.

Apply for funding now!

to the application form

Courses and support


Simona Koch (UL)