Project Automated and Connected Public Transport
Project Lead
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Automated and connected public transport (AVÖV) is expected to bring about significant changes in public transport. Fully autonomous driving vehicles are currently not yet applicable on a large scale. On the other hand, the operator models of networked transport can very well be emulated and thus tested by equipping corresponding vehicles with a driver. In this way, operator experience for an AVÖV can be developed in advance. The present project shall first evaluate this operation, e.g. with regard to mode changers vs. real additional traffic, or the incorporation of AVÖV into the daily schedules of travellers. This evaluation is to be supported by a microscopic model, so that after the evaluation has been carried out, a calibrated predictive model is also available. This model will then be used to systematically optimise the considered AVÖV, e.g. by changes in the service area, in the price, or in the coordination between booking options and waiting times. A small number of these optimisations will then be tested by a "research fleet" in real operation and then evaluated again. The developed model will then be transferred to another urban region (Ruhr area) as well as to a rural region. In both cases, a corresponding AVÖV model will be developed and discussed with stakeholders. The project will be rounded off with work on the possible transformation of urban and rural areas through the AVÖV and a synthesis report.