Mitarbeiter Details

Name: M. Sc. Xiang Yao

Mitglied der AG seit 2013-04-03 bis 2015-02-01

Publikationsliste von M. Sc. Xiang Yao
2 - Magnetic hardening of Fe30Co70 nanowires
S. Libana-Vias, R. Salikhov, C. Bran, E. M. Palmero, M. Vzquez, B. Arvan, X. Yao, P. Toson, J. Fidler, M. Spasova, U. Wiedwald and M. Farle
Nanotechnology 26, 415704 (2015) DOI: doi:10.1088/0957-4484/26/41/415704
1 - Growth modes and epitaxy of FeAl thin films on a-cut sapphire prepared by pulsed laser and ion beam assisted deposition
Xiang Yao, Ulf Wiedwald, Moritz Trautvetter, and Paul Ziemann
Journal of Applied Physics 115, 023507 (2014) DOI: 10.1063/1.4861377