Mitarbeiter Details

Name: Dr. Nicolas Josten

Raum Büro: ME 343
Telefon Büro: 0203/37-94411

Mitglied der AG seit 2016-08-15 bis 2028-02-29
Dynamic Unidirectional Anisotropy in FeGe studied by Ferromagnetic Resonance

Dynamische Eigenschaften des chiralen Magneten Fe50Ge50 in eingeschrnkter Geometrie

Publikationsliste von Dr. Nicolas Josten
5 - Location and morphology of ferromagnetic precipitates in Ni-Mn-Sn
N. Josten, S. Franzka, Z. Rao, T. Smoliarova, A. Kovács, F. Scheibel, F. Staab, M. Acet, A. Çakir, K. Durst, B. Gault, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, O. Gutfleisch, and M. Farle
Physical Review Material 7, 124411 (2023) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.124411
4 - Annealing time, temperature, and field dependence of pinned magnetic moments in the collinear antiferromagnet PdMn
N. Josten, O. Miroshkina, M. Acet, M. E. Gruner, and M. Farle
Physical Review B 108, 064417 (2023) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.064417
3 - Formation of precipitates in off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloys probed through the induced Sn-moment
B. Eggert, A. Çakir, D. Günzing, N. Josten, F. Scheibel, R. A. Brand, M. Farle, M. Acet, H. Wende, and K. Ollefs
RSC Advances 13, 18217-18222 (2023) DOI: 10.1039/D3RA01420G
2 - Emergence of net magnetization by magnetic field biased diffusion in antiferromagnetic L1$_0$ NiMn
Nicolas Josten, Olga Miroshkina, Sakia Noorzayee, Benjamin Zingsem, Asli Cakir, Mehmet Acet, Ulf Wiedwald, Markus Gruner, and Michael Farle
Physical Review B 107, 174417 (2023) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.174417
1 - Dynamic unidirectional anisotropy in cubic FeGe with antisymmetric spin-spin-coupling
N. Josten, T. Feggeler, R. Meckenstock, D. Spoddig, M. Spasova, K. Chai, I. Radulov, Z. Li, O Gutfleisch, M. Farle and B. Zingsem
Scientific Reports 10, 2861 (2020) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-59208-8