Staff A-Z
Universitatsstr. 12
45141 Essen
45141 Essen
R12 R04 A05
Office hours
Thursday / Donnerstag, 13-14:00 Uhr
Professor/in, Anglistik: Nordamerikastudien II - North American Cultural Studies
Current lectures
2024 WS
- Grundkurs Literaturwissenschaft (Introduction to Literary Studies) Gr. 1
- American Studies: Areas, Approaches, Methods
- Early North America
- Doctoral Colloquium in Literary and Cultural Studies
- Theses in American Studies
- Green Utopias? Flipping the Script on Urban Disaster
- Grundkurs Literaturwissenschaft (Introduction to Literary Studies) Gr. 2
- A Survey of American Literature Gr. 1
- E3 - GeiWi_Angl - Green Utopias? Flipping the Script on Urban Disaster - Cr. 5-5 - NEU
- Sustainable Urbanities in North America and Europe
Past lectures (max. 10)
2024 SS
- Doctoral Colloquium in Literary and Cultural Studies
- Theses in American Studies
- Postindustrial Scripts, Urban Planning and Urban Protest
- Battling to Belong in the Age of Pluralism
- Times of Compromise? Literature at the Turn to the American Century
- Auftaktveranstaltung des Wissenschaftssommers Essen 2024
2023 WS
The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.
Auf ins Unbekannte! : Denkfiguren und das Leben mit abstrakten UnterscheidungenIn: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2022) Nr. 58, Geisteswissenschaften : Uneindeutigkeit und kultureller Wandel, pp. 108 - 115Online Full Text: Online Full Text (Open Access)
The Goods of Bad Mobility: Pierre-Esprit Radisson’s Relation of my Voyage, being in Bondage in the Lands of the Irokoits, 1669/1885In: Swiss papers in English language and literature : SPELL (2012) Nr. 27, pp. 53 - 68
Inventing Iroquoia? Migrating Tropes of Similarity and Heritage in Francophone Narratives of Colonial PossessionIn: Forum for Inter-American Research : FIAR Vol. 4 (2011) Nr. 2,
Die Literatur mit Hilfe didaktischer Ansätze zur eigenen Sache machen: Offener, fächerverbindender Unterricht in der universitären Fremd-sprachenlehrerausbildungIn: Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht : LWU Vol. 41 (2008) Nr. 2/3, pp. 179 - 196
An Introduction to Intercultural Negotiations in the Americas and BeyondIn: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Vol. 3 (2001) Nr. 2, 1Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Comparativist Interpretations of the Frontier in Early American Fiction and Literary HistoriographyIn: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Vol. 3 (2001) Nr. 2, 8Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Introduction: How to do things with empiresIn: Post-empire imaginaries?: Anglophone literature, history, and the demise of empires / Buchenau, Barbara; Richter, Virginia (Eds.) (2015) pp. xiii - xxxviOnline Full Text:
Revolutionszeit und frühe RepublikIn: Amerikanische Literaturgeschichte / Zapf, Hubert; Müller, Timo (Eds.) 2024, pp. 45 - 104Online Full Text:
City Scripts in Urban Literary and Cultural StudiesIn: City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures / Buchenau, Barbara; Gurr, Jens Martin; Sulimma, Maria (Eds.) 2023, pp. 1 - 24
Walking Down Woodward Avenue : (Re-)Telling a City’s Stories through Urban Figures.In: City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures / Buchenau, Barbara; Gurr, Jens Martin; Sulimma, Maria (Eds.) 2023, pp. 44 - 68
"Scripts" in Urban Development : Procedural Knowledge, Self-Description and Persuasive Blueprint for the FutureIn: Charting Literary Urban Studies: Texts as Models of and for the City / Gurr, Jens Martin (Eds.) 2021, pp. 141 - 163Online Full Text: (Open Access)
On the textuality of American cities and their others : a disputationIn: Projecting American studies: essays on theory, method, and practice / Kelleter, Frank; Starre, Alexander (Eds.) 2018, pp. 135 - 152
Cain's Land, or troping indigenous agricultureIn: The Routledge companion to inter-American studies / Raussert, Wilfried (Eds.) 2017, pp. 283 - 295
Cain’s Land, or troping indigenous agricultureIn: The Routledge Companion to Inter-American Studies / Raussert, Wilfried 2017, pp. 283 - 295Online Full Text:
City scripts : urban American studies and the conjunction of textual strategies and spatial processesIn: Urban transformations in the U.S.A. :: spaces, communities, representations / Sattler, Julia (Eds.) 2016, pp. 395 - 420Online Full Text:
Empire, nation, urbanity : renewing scripts and frames in the Old NorthwestIn: Hemispheric encounters: the Early United States in a transnational perspective / Pisarz-Ramirez, Gabriele; Heide, Markus (Eds.) 2016, pp. 53 - 72
Urbanität Neu Denken? : Provokationen aus der nordamerikanischen GegenwartskulturIn: Neu gedacht und neu gemacht: Lehrideen aus der Universität Duisburg-Essen 2015, pp. 54 - 59
Erdichtetes Wissen über das präkoloniale Amerika : Junge Märkte und Ideen im Bann des Song of Hiawatha (1855)In: Von Käfern, Märkten und Menschen: Kolonialismus und Wissen in der Moderne / Habermas, Rebekka; Przyrembel, Alexandra (Eds.) 2013, pp. 221 - 232Online Full Text:
Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in WonderlandIn: Unter dem roten Wunderschirm: Lesarten klassischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur / Bräuer, Christoph Reinhard (Eds.) 2013, pp. 347 - 361
The Captive’s Crucible: Haudenosaunee Violence in Early North American Narratives of Christian and Cultural ConversionIn: Interculturalism in North America: Canada, the United States, Mexico, and beyond / Raab, Josef; Greiffenstern, Alexander (Eds.) 2013, pp. 27 - 56
Ethnic Performance and the Self-Representation of Frederick Philip GroveIn: American multiculturalism and ethnic survival / von Bardeleben, Renate; Matter-Seibel, Sabina; Schmidt, Klaus H. (Eds.) 2012, pp. 81 - 96
Prefiguring CanAmerica? White Man’s Indians and Religious Typology in New England and New FranceIn: Transnational American studies / Hebel, Udo J. (Eds.) 2012, pp. 165 - 182
Amerika – ‚für die liebe Jugend frei bearbeitet’In: Der rote Wunderschirm: Kinderbücher der Sammlung Seifert von der Frühaufklärung bis zum Nationalsozialismus / Wangerin, Wolfgang; Seifert, Jürgen; Bochem, Angelika (Eds.) 2011, pp. 217 - 222
James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the MohicansIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 174 - 175
Postethnic America? A Multicultural Training Camp for Americanists and Future EFL-TeachersIn: Identity in education / Sánchez-Casal, Susan; MacDonald, Amy (Eds.) 2009, pp. 225 - 250
Alternate Identities and Creolities in Canadian Literary DiscourseIn: Hybrid Americas: contacts, contrasts, and confluences in New World literatures and cultures / Raab, Josef (Eds.) 2008, pp. 33 - 56
Introduction to Literary Nationalization in the AmericasIn: Do the Americas Have a Common Literary History? / Buchenau, Barbara (Eds.) 2002, pp. 49 - 57
Introduction to Varieties of InternationalizationIn: Do the Americas have a common literary history? / Buchenau, Barbara; Paatz, Annette (Eds.) 2002 49-57, 295-300
Normative Programs and Artistic Liberties: Inter-American Case Studies in Historical Fiction and the Campaign for Cultural Emancipation. A Summary StatementIn: Do the Americas have a common literary history? / Buchenau, Barbara; Paatz, Annette (Eds.) 2002, pp. 195 - 200
From Influence Studies to Writer Response Criticism: A Brief Survey of Books on Anglo-American and British LiteraturesIn: The internationality of national literatures in either America: transfer and transformation. 2. British America and the United States, 1770s - 1850s / Frank, Armin Paul (Eds.) 2000, pp. 67 - 72
Normative Programs and Artistic Liberties: Inter-American Case Studies in Historical Fiction and the Campaign for Cultural EmancipationIn: Internationalität nationaler Literaturen: Beiträge zum ersten Symposion des Göttinger Sonderforschungsbereichs 529 / Schöning, Udo (Eds.) 2000, pp. 348 - 389
City Scripts : Narratives of Postindustrial Urban FuturesColumbus (2023) 253 SeitenOnline Full Text:
Narrative in Urban Planning : A Practical Field GuideBielefeld (2023) 146 S.Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Post-empire imaginaries? : Anglophone literature, history, and the demise of empiresIn: Cross cultures Leiden [u.a.] Vol. 182 (2015) XXXVI, 465 S. : Ill.Online Full Text:
Der frühe amerikanische historische Roman im transatlantischen VergleichIn: Interamericana Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] Vol. 2 (2002) 473 S.
Do the Americas have a common literary history?In: Interamericana Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] Vol. 1 (2002) 702 S.
Thematic Issue: Intercultural Negotiations in the Americas and BeyondIn: CLC Web Comparative Literature and Culture West Lafayette Vol. 3.2 (2001) 160 Seiten
Atlantic History : Nation and Empire in Northern Atlantic HistoryIn: Oxford Bobliographies 2019Online Full Text:
Adrienne Kennedy, Das dramatische WerkIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009
James Fenimore Cooper, The DeerslayerIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 178 - 179
James Fenimore Cooper, The PathfinderIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 178
James Fenimore Cooper, The PioneersIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 173 - 174
James Fenimore Cooper, The PrairieIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 175 - 176
John Augustus Stone, MetamoraIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009
John Steinbeck, Das RomanwerkIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 550 - 552
Lydia Maria Child, HobomokIn: Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon / Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Eds.) 2009, pp. 771 - 772
Deutungsfragen : Wie statische Denkfiguren gesellschaftlichen Wandel erzeugen und begleiten
Die kleine Form, 30. November 2016, Essen,In: Die kleine Form 2016/2017 (2016) -
Urban catastrophe in contemporary screen culture
Grounding Transnational American Studies in Euro-American Contexts ; RUDESA ; Radboud University Duisburg-Essen Spring Academy ; Nijmegen, March 16 – 18, 2015 ; Essen, March 18 – 20, 2015,(2015)