Together with our colleagues of physics education at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Potsdam, we investigate academic achievement of students in the introductory phase of biology and physics study programmes. By considering certain knowledge types that have been shown to have significant effects on students’ academic success, subject-specific supportive measures are developed and tested. The project aims to increase academic achievement and to prove the previously found correlations regarding causality.
Funding Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Term 09/2021 - 08/2024
Funding program Student academic achievement and dropout II
Subproject The Influence of Certain Types of Prior Knowledge on Academic Achievement in Biology and Physics Study Programmes – Subproject Knowledge Types
Project Developing and evaluating subject-specific supportive measures to enhance academic achievement of freshman students in biology and physics study programmes (EASTER)
While there is a need for qualified graduates in the field of natural sciences, dropout rates at German universities are above average. Thus, supporting academic achievement in these fields of study is particularly important. In previous projects (DE), subject-specific predictors for academic achievement have been identified. We assess in how far these predictors can be an influencing factor for student academic achievement and how we can generally enhance students’ academic achievement. By implementing an intervention study, subject-specific supportive measures will be developed and assessed to foster academic achievement in biology and physics study programmes. Thus, this project is in cooperation with the research groups for physics education at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Potsdam (DE).
Contacts: Julia Tocco (PhD project), Philipp Schmiemann, Kai Cardinal (DE), Heike Theyßen
This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; funding code 16PX21015A). The author is responsible for the contents on this page.