New publication - The search for the best parents

Alexandra König and Arne Niederbacher (TU Dortmund) have a new article in the journal Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Journal of Sociology). Entitled "Die Suche nach den besten Eltern. Eine Dokumenten-analyse zum Wandel des normativen Musters guter Kindheit in der Adoptionsvermittlung" (The search for the best parents. A document-analysis of the change of normative patterns of good childhood in adoption placements), this article explores the question of how child welfare offices find the "best parents" for a child up for adoption.

König, A./Niederbacher, A. (2022): Die Suche nach den besten Eltern. Eine Dokumenten-analyse zum Wandel des normativen Musters guter Kindheit in der Adoptionsvermittlung. Zeitschrift für Soziologie. 51/3: 278-297. DOI: 10.1515/zfsoz-2022-0018

DFG-sponsored Projekt: Growing up in transnational families. Children's perspectives on "good childhood"

The bi-national research project deals with the phenomenon of transnational families, which are being formed due to temporary migration of workers between Poland and Germany. In Poland, mothers who migrate to earn money abroad, are being heavily criticised and their children are being called 'euro-orphans'. We know little about how these family constellations are being perceived by children. What do they think about these family arrangements? Which experiences do they have? And what perceptions of 'good childhood' are the basis for their perception and rating?

Based on a multi-method design, we turn towards these question in a collaborative project with researchers of the University of Wrocław.

This project is being sponsored by DFG and NCN.

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