Prof. i. R. Dr. Hans E. Fischer

Former Head of the Fischer Working Group on Physics Education until 06/2020

Research Areas

Research Areas

  • Physics education
  • Instructional research
  • Teacher training
  • Lesson plan development

Research and Projects

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2010 Member of the commission for evaluating the graduate programme of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts of Baden Württemberg
2009 - 2016 Head of the Centre of Teacher Education of the University of Duisburg-Essen  
2007 - 2008 Vice president of the University Duisburg-Essen
Since 2003 Professor of physics education (University of Duisburg-Essen), research professorship of the DFG. Speaker of the DFG-Research Group Science Education (nwu)  
2002 - 2004 Member of the Commission of the Conference of the Ministries of Education (Kultusminister Konferenz) of Germany for Curriculum Development and Standards of Education
2000 Member of the working groups „Teacher Education“ and „Evaluation of Research“ of the „Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony“  
1998 - 2006 Member of the council of experts on science of the PISA project (OECD)
1998 - 2006 Member of the national council of experts on „increasing the efficiency of mathematics and science instruction“
1995 University Professor of Physics Education (C3) at the University of Dortmund
1994 Venia legendi (authorization to teach at the university level following completion of the postdoctoral thesis or Habilitation) for physics education. Thesis title: “Learning physics: A challenge for instructional research"
1985 Dissertation with the title “Learning processes in physics instruction. Case studies in lessons on electrostatics from a constructivist perspective”
1985 - 1995 Assistant at the Institute for Physics Education at the University of Bremen (Prof. Dr. St. v. Aufschnaiter). Deputy teacher in the Bremen state program “Schulnahe Forschung” designed to bring research closer to schools
1974 - 1985 Studienassessor (probationary teacher) and Studienrat (tenured graduate secondary teacher) for physics and mathematics at a variety of secondary schools (stages I and II) in Bremen.  
1974 Second State Teacher Certification Examination at Studienseminar Bremen for the subjects of physics and mathematics at the academic-track secondary level (Gymnasium). Thesis title: “Introduction to nuclear physics in the 12th grade from a problem-oriented perspective“, analysis of material structures for the construction of a curriculum in “Nuclear Physics” following H. Niedderer, J. Eigenmann, and A. Strittmatter    
1973 First State Teacher Certification Examination at the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the University of Münster. Thesis title: “Activation energies and energy distribution in the thermo-stimulated electron emissions of aluminum”    
1968 - 1973 Degree in Physics, Mathematics and Education at the Technical University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld and the University of Münster

