Essen College of Gender ResearchConcept and History
The Essen College for Gender Studies was conceived as a central research facility of the university and opened in January 1998.
Scientifically, the college stands in the tradition of gender studies and makes use of the paradigms and results developed over the past 30 years. It adopts an approach in which women's and men's studies are not thought of as mere additions, but rather emphasizes the gender relationship. The focus is on the constitutional conditions of gender, inequalities between the sexes, and differences within gender groups.
Founded in 1997 as a central research institution, the Essen College for Gender Studies (EKfG) initiates, coordinates and conducts disciplinary and interdisciplinary gender research with the participation of all departments that are or want to become active in the field of gender studies. One of its unique selling points is the close cooperation of medical doctors and members of the faculties of social sciences, humanities, engineering and natural sciences under one roof. The structure of the college, which currently has 50 members from seven different faculties, guarantees an exceptionally high degree of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity with a wide range of cooperation possibilities. At the same time, it poses great challenges in terms of effective networking of locations and topics - one of the great advantages and strengths of the college in the event of successful implementation.
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Founding Director of the Essen College for Gender Studies Prof. Dr. Doris Janshen
Prof. Dr. Doris Janshen founded the Essen College for Gender Studies in 1998 and was its director until 2009. An overview of her scientific career can be found here >> CV of Doris Janshen
On February 17, 2009 Doris Janshen passed away unexpectedly, so on October 22, 2009 the interdisciplinary symposium "Tempus fugit - Gender Remains. Thinking of Doris Janshen" took place. An obituary by Mona Motakef and Karen Shire appeared in the Journal of the Network Women's and Gender Studies NRW, No. 25.
Doris Janshen's private book estate was donated to the college and included in the college's collection as well as in the UDE University Library and the Bochum Women's Library Lieselle. A number of books were sold for the benefit of Girls' Hope with great support from Prof. Dr. Gerhard Metzger-Pregizer. The stock of the EKfG archive room was donated to both the UDE university archive and the Frauenarchiv ausZeiten.
Can I study Gender Studies at the Essen College of Gender Research?
Essen College of Gender Research is a central research institution of the University of Duisburg-Essen. We initiate and coordinate Gender Research in cooperation with all faculties active in this field.
We do not offer a degree program in Gender Studies.
However, students of the University Duisburg-Essen can attend our lectures in the framework of Research Forum Gender as an interdisciplinary Studium Liberale course in cooperation with IOS (Institute for Optional Studies)
Research Forum Gender presents a wide range of current research interests and newest findings from different faculties and their contribution to the scientific debate. The format of the course allows a broad interdisciplinary discussion and insight in the current topics of Gender Studies.
The lecture series is held in German. >> Zur aktuellen Vortragsreihe
Does the EKfG award scholarships, fellowships, etc.?
At the moment we don't award any type of scholarships.
Is the EKfG a Research Training Group?
No, the EKfG is not a Research Training Group. We initiate and coordinate gender research in cooperation with all faculties active in this field. Postgraduate students and post-docs are welcome to join the EKfG as members or associated members. Young researchers in the field of gender studies are invited to meet at the EKfG-Nachwuchsforum (EKfG Peer Colloquium).
The EKfG Peer Colloquium is an interdisciplinary, self-organized peer colloquium for junior researchers graduating on gender topics or during their post doc phase. It offers multidisciplinary discussions and networking in the field of gender research.
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How can I become a member of the EKfG?
Please contact us, if you wish to be a member.