Publications of the Essen College of Gender Research
Research Report 2019
![Schwarz-weiß Fotografie des Innenraums einer U-Bahn. Die Fotografie zeigt mittig, aus der Untersicht in Fahrtrichtung aufgenommen, verschiedene Personen, die rechts und links auf den Sitzen der Bahn Platz genommen haben. Der Kamerafokus liegt auf dem vorderen Bildmittelgrund und zeigt einige Schuhpaare in Schärfe. Die Gesichter und der Hintergrund wie auch der Vordergrund sind aufgrund der starken Unschärfe nicht zu erkennen.](
The research report of the University of Duisburg-Essen for the research year 2019 has been published. It presents the work of the profile priorities as well as the interests of selected research institutions of the university, including the Essen College for Gender Research. The report of the EKfG can be found here.
The full version of the current research report is available here.
Research Report 2017
The research report of the University of Duisburg-Essen for the research year 2017 has been published. It presents the work of the profile focuses as well as the interests of selected research institutions of the university, including the Essen College for Gender Research (pp. 118-127). The report of the EKfG can be found here.
The full version of the current research report is available here.
Publication Research Report 2015
The research report 2015 of the University of Duisburg-Essen has been published. It contains the research of the university's research profile and main areas, as well as the research interests of selected university institutions, including the Essen College of Gender Research (pp. 178-187). The EKfG's contribution can be found here.
The full version of the latest research report is available here.
Conference Documentation is available Ready for Dialogue. Conference on the Gender Dimension in Science and Research
On 5 November 2012, 120 representatives of national and European associations, research institutions and research funding institutions supporting the integration of the gender dimension in science and research gathered together at the international conference "Ready for Dialogue" which was organized by the Essen College of Gender Research (EKfG) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany in close cooperation with the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS as European partner organisation. The participants discussed possibilities to integrate the gender dimension into science and research content in a more binding way and thus, to contribute to an improved use of the knowledge and innovation potential of the gender dimension for scientific impulses for further social changes in this manner.
Central point of discussion was the proposed initiation of a more intensive strategic exchange between the knowledge and action level, implementing, strengthening and developing existing knowledge- and action-oriented approaches in both areas in a more sustainable way and to link both levels to existing synergies. The documentation of the conference contributions is now available in written form in German and English. Both editions can be downloaded from the conference website underneath the section conference documentation.
Publication Research Report 2013
The University of Duisburg-Essen has published its research report of 2013. It contains the research of the university's research profile and main areas, as well as the research interests of selected university institutions, including the Essen College of Gender Research (pp. 142-151). The EKfG's contribution can be found here.
The full version of the research report of 2013 is available here.
UNIKATE 41 Gender Research: A look behind the curtain
The contributions of the recent UNIKATE publication show the broad, interdisciplinary and institutional range in which 'sex' and 'gender' are understood as analytical categories of scientific analysis, by involving the faculties of humanities, social sciences, engineering or medicine. The analyses show that 'sex' and 'gender' are not to be understood as one category which comprises all relevant aspects, but that they are intertwined and in interaction with other properties which distinguish human beings, such as socio-economic, ethnic and educational background, societal position, or age.
Table of Contents*
Press Release of the UDE (03.08.2012)*
Further information about the UNIKATE publication*
UNIKATE are published at least twice a year by the University board of the University of Duisburg-Essen with an edition of 4,000-5,000 copies. Click here* to find out where the UNIKATE publications are available.
* in German
Publication Research Report 2011
The research report 2011 of the University of Duisburg-Essen has been published. The five research profiles and main areas, as well as seven research institutions, including the EKfG (pp. 88-97) give insight into their research.
The EKfG's contribution can be found here. The full version of the research report is available here.
Articles on Different Fields of Gender Studies
The Essen College of Gender Research considers supporting gender research which transcends disciplinary borders one of its primary endeavours.
The series of writings of the college aims to be a forum for exchanges and dialogue between the social and natural sciences, engineering, arts and medicine, but also between women’s and men’s studies.
Publications in English are:
Doing Critical Men's Studies in a State Feminist Country - Reflections on Gender Research in Sweden by Uwe Mellström (2005)
Some Links between Music and Mathematics by Ekaterina Blagoveshenskaya (2004)
Special Edition
In 2008 a special edition of the series was published:
Annäherung und Grenzüberschreitung. Konvergenzen - Gesten - Verortungen.
Here is a list of all the articles in the series. To download the pdf-version of each article, please click on the title.
AutorIn |
Jürgen Budde | 2007 | I | |
Rüdiger Gollnick | 2006 | I | |
Ulf Mellström |
Doing Critical Men's Studies in a State Feminist Country - Reflections on Gender Research in Sweden |
2005 | I |
Ute Gerhard |
Menschenrechte und Frauenrechte - Überlegungen zu Gleichheit und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Islam |
2004 | III |
Ekaterina Blagoveshenskaya |
Some Links between Music and Mathematics
2004 | II |
Ilse Modelmog | 2004 | I | |
Peter Döge |
Gender-Mainstreaming als gemeinsamer Lernprozess von Männern und Frauen - Blockaden und Ansatzpunkte |
2003 | I |
Heidrun Hoppe | 2002 | II | |
Ute Büchter-Römer |
Das Italienerlebnis Fanny Hensels, geb. Mendelssohn Bartholdy |
2002 | I |
Sigrid Thielking | 2001 | III | |
Michael Meuser |
Männerwelten. Zur kollektiven Konstruktion hegemonialer Männlichkeit |
2001 | II |
Doris Janshen | Zwischen Tradition und Aufbruch: Frauen in den ländlichen Räumen Europas |
2001 | I |