Winter semester 2015/16


We offer the following courses in the winter semester 2015/16:


Lecture with exercise for Bachelor AI Digitaltechnische Grundlagen und Mikrocomputer

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele (Lecture)
Alwyn Burger (exercise)
Language: german
cycle: winter semester
Time: Mon 12:00 - 16:00 (Lecture)
Tue 12:00 - 14:00 (exercise)
Tue 14:00 - 16:00 (exercise)
Tue 16:00 - 18:00 (exercise)
Wed 10:00 - 12:00 (exercise)
Wed 16:00 - 18:00 (exercise)
Thu 10:00 - 12:00 (exercise)
Thu 12:00 - 14:00 (exercise)
Place: LB 134 (Lecture)
Begin: 19.10.2015

The students will learn the basic concepts of digital technologies. They should understand the principals of components in digital systems, logical functions and their complexity, as well as their application in circuits and computer systems.

The design of a digital system is part of the core knowledge in the technical computer science and information technology. The content of this course will among others: number systems and calculating in number systems - common aspects of digital systems; logical development; components - logical circuits - boolean algebra; simplification of functions; adder - practical examples; logical components; Karnaugh diagram - sequential logic; flip-Flop; shift register - Memory; ROM,RAM; structure, processors, ALU, Programming


Lecture with Exercise for Bachelor AI Embedded Systems

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele (Lecture)
Alwyn Burger (exercise)
Language: german
cycle: winter semester
Time: Thu 10:00 - 12:00 (Lecture)
Tue 12:00 - 14:00 (exercise)
Place: LC 140 (Lecture)
Begin: 29.10.2015

Goal of this course is the understanding of the characteristics of embedded systems, the ability to program embedded systems by using the language C.

Embedded Systems are tiny computer systems, that have a specific application area. They can be part of a more complex system (cars, household appliance) or autonomous (mobile phones, measuring equipment). The lecture will discuss the characteristics of embedded systems. The focus will be on the problems, a software developer can encounter when programming for embedded systems. The content of the lecture will be: The basic architecture of embedded systems - memory types - Input/Output (bus systems) - interupts - timer - analog/digital and digital/analog converts - device drivers

Project for Bachelor AI/ISE Project Link-Data Streams for Online Big Data Analysis

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele
Stephan Schmeißer
Language: german/english
cycle: winter semester
Time: Wed 14:00 - 16:00
Place: BC 003
Begin: 21.10.2015

Cooperating with the group for social media the "Embedded Systems" group will develop
a Big Data framework for online analysis of complex, semantic web data.


The goal of the project is to develop a generic interface to simplify and automate the collection and analysis of complex, semantic web data emitted by, for instance IoT (Internetof Things)-Systems or social media. In addition to that it is the distinct desire to develop applications for state-of-the-art Big Data frameworks for data analysis. The aim is to implement this system for the social
media plattfrom "Flickr" and -depending on the number of participants- also "Twitter".

Organisation and Requirements:

Depending on the number of participants the group will be splitted into several groups, each concentrating their work on one task. The whole project will facilitate the use of agile software development concepts. The project will be divided into Sprints, a fixed period of time to achieve a pre-established task. For each and every sprint a separate leader will be assigned who is responsible for the sprint and presenting the achieved results. Therefore you should be able to work in teams. Furthermore you should have experience in Java programming, Git, software development tools, build systems and databases. The Big Data framework that will be used is Apache Spark. You do not need to have knowledge about this software since it is the aim of the project to gain an understanding of this framework.

Should you participate?
    - You have fun in developing software in teams?
    - You want to use agile software development concepts?
    - You will use state-of-the-art technologies in the areas of Big Data and semantic web.

Then join us at the meeting in the first week of lectures.

Practical Exercise for Bachelor ISE Computer Architecture Lab

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele
Alwyn Burger
Language: english
cycle: winter semester
Time: Tue 18:00 - 20:00 (Übung)
Wed 18:00 - 20:00 (Übung)
Thu 18:00 - 20:00 (Übung)
Place: BC 203
Begin: 20.10.2015

There will be a preliminary meeting in the first week of lectures on the 20th of october at 18:00 for all following exercises. This meeting is mandatory for participation.

Project for Master AI/ISE Project Link-Data Streams for Online Big Data Analysis

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele
Stephan Schmeißer
Language: german/english
cycle: winter semester
Time: Wed 14:00 - 16:00
Place: BC 003
Begin: 21.10.2015

Cooperating with the group for social media the "Embedded Systems" group will develop
a Big Data framework for online analysis of complex, semantic web data.


The goal of the project is to develop a generic interface to simplify and automate the collection and analysis of complex, semantic web data emitted by, for instance IoT (Internetof Things)-Systems or social media. In addition to that it is the distinct desire to develop applications for state-of-the-art Big Data frameworks for data analysis. The aim is to implement this system for the social
media plattfrom "Flickr" and -depending on the number of participants- also "Twitter".

Organisation and Requirements:

Depending on the number of participants the group will be splitted into several groups, each concentrating their work on one task. The whole project will facilitate the use of agile software development concepts. The project will be divided into Sprints, a fixed period of time to achieve a pre-established task. For each and every sprint a separate leader will be assigned who is responsible for the sprint and presenting the achieved results. Therefore you should be able to work in teams. Furthermore you should have experience in Java programming, Git, software development tools, build systems and databases. The Big Data framework that will be used is Apache Spark. You do not need to have knowledge about this software since it is the aim of the project to gain an understanding of this framework.

Should you participate?
    - You have fun in developing software in teams?
    - You want to use agile software development concepts?
    - You will use state-of-the-art technologies in the areas of Big Data and semantic web.

Then join us at the meeting in the first week of lectures.

Seminar for Master AI/Komedia/ISE Seminar Internet of Things

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele
Stephan Schmeißer
Language: german/english
cycle: winter semester
Time: Tue 10:00 - 12:00
Place: LK 051
Begin: 20.10.2015


The masters seminar will be about current topics of the research areaof the Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical systems as well as adaptive and intelligent embedded systems.

The following topics will be offered in this seminar:

Internet of Things (de/en)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is widely considered to be one of the major technological trends of this time. It is projected to change industrial production (Industrie 4.0) as well as our cities (Smart Cities) and our everyday surroundings (Pervasive Computing). Still, the term is used in many different contexts and with many (slightly) different meanings. What exactly the IoT really is, is not clear. Therefore, in this topic we will discuss different existing views and definitions of IoT as well as related terms like Industrie 4.0, Cyber Physical Systems, etc., resulting in a working definition of IoT for this seminar.

This topic is focussed on literature research and is suitable for MAI and KOMEDIA students.


Cyber Social Systems (de/en)

IoT systems use embedded sensors, actuators and robots to detect and influence physical environments, enabling the so-called programmable world. This includes the ability to influence the behaviour of humans, e.g. to avoid traffic jams or to help with medical rehabilitation. This topic is about possible approaches to influence human behaviour, their applications, chances and risks.

This topic is suitable for MAI and KOMEDIA students.


Wireless Energy Transmission (de/en)

The vision of the Internet of Things is to connect anything to the internet. The technologies to do so rely on a steady power supply. Usually this requires some form of battery which introduces maintenance and the possibility of device failure due to drained battery. New technologies allow to supply power in a wireless fashion. This topic gives an introduction to Wireless Energy Transmission, including its physics background.

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


Semantic Data Technologies (de/en)

Information on the World Wide Web is usually given in human readable formats like HTML or PDFs that are difficult to understand and process by autonomous software agents. The semantic web tries to overcome this by annotating information with its semantics. Linked-Data and RDF are examples to enrich data with semantics. This topic provides an overview of existing technologies for semantic data and how they can be used.

This topic is suitable for MAI and KOMEDIA students.


Semantic Sensor Networks (en)

Sensor networks are an important part of IoT systems. In such a network a large number of embedded sensors reports measurements to one or more data sinks. A data sink can then integrate all measurements to derive a life view on the state of a physical environment. A semantic sensor network uses semantic data technologies to model interoperable data formats as well as metadata about the sensors and the environment. This allows the system to reason on measurements and sensor deployments, potentially allowing it to adapt itself to changing requirements in realtime. This topic provides an overview on how to model a semantic sensor network, including modelling of the sensors, measurements, environment, etc.

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


Privacy in the Age of IoT (de/en)

What happens if we give up on privacy? With everything connected to the internet and constantly sending data about our personal life privacy becomes an outdated concept. Will this change our behaviour in everyday life? This topic discusses and evaluates the psychological and sociological implications of a society without privacy.

This topic is suitable for MAI and KOMEDIA students.


Industrie 4.0 (de/en)

"Industrie 4.0" applies the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) to logistics and production processes to create the "intelligent factory". People working in such a factory should be supported using self optimisation, self configuration and self diagnosis concepts to achieve higher efficiency, productivity as well as safety. In comparison to the research field of IoT the known ideas have to be adapted to be applicable to the requirements and regulations of industry. The goal of this seminar paper is to expose the specific differences between said requirements for IoT and Industrie 4.0.

This topic is suitable for MAI and KOMEDIA students.


Energy Efficient Networking (Routing) (de/en)

An important sub challenge of the Internet of Things (IoT) is how to connect small embedded systems to the Internet. These embedded systems typically have very sparse resources with regards to processing power, main memory as well as their power source. This creates special challenges to the network communication, for example with regard to energy efficient routing. The goal of this seminar paper is to expose the different criteria what make routing energy efficient and give several examples of algorithms in detail.

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


Energy Efficient Wireless Network Topologies (de/en)

An important sub challenge of the Internet of Things (IoT) is how to connect small embedded systems to the Internet. These embedded systems typically have very sparse resources with regards to processing power, main memory as well as their power source. Depending on the application scenario these devices are solely connected through wireless technologies. The resulting network topologies need to be adapted to said requirements. The goal of this seminar paper is to expose what network topologies can be energy efficient and how that is achieved. It also should be analysed, which consequences the use of such a topology has on an IoT-System.

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


Human Computer Interface for IoT-Systems (de/en)

The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects both classical computer systems as well as embedded devices with each other and to the Internet. This facilitates the cooperation between these different devices, makes them more efficient and enables new applications for end users. A typical embedded device in such a system does not posses the common direct input or output methods, but is in the worst case only accessible through a remote command line interface. This makes it highly difficult for an end user to see and understand the interactions of IoT devices with each other and to gain possible new information. New paradigms are needed to visualise and control the data and information streams between these homogeneous devices. The goal of this seminar paper is to show the requirements for a human computer interface that is suitable for such an IoT system and to analyse some example approaches to see how this can be realised.

This topic is suitable for MAI and KOMEDIA students.


Augmented reality (en)

Recently augmented reality has received a lot of attention, partly because advances in embedded devices have made them powerful enough to become a viable option. This topic deals with how augmented reality may change the way we interface with the world, and the impact that it can have on the Internet of Things. 

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


Task assignment in heterogeneous multicore systems (en)

The heterogeneous nature of modern multicore embedded systems (system on chips with different cores or independent co-operating processing units) pose new challenges for the assignment of tasks. Particularly, many systems have realtime requirements and must schedule tasks between different CPUs and Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) - while optimising energy efficiency. This topic calls for an overview of some techniques used for balancing high performance processing units with lower energy units for an optimal solution.

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


Computer vision on embedded systems (en)

More powerful embedded systems mean that more complex sensors (such as cameras) can be used on wireless sensor nodes, but the limitations of battery power dampen the usefulness of such sensors. Computer vision can be used on so-called wireless visual sensor nodes (WVSNs) to limit the amount of data to be transmitted, by pre-processing the images using available processing techniques. This topic entails providing an overview of these WVSNs and how they use computer vision to improve energy efficiency.

This topic is suitable for MAI students.


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