BTA Tamara Mussfeldt
ELAN Student with Fandrey lab Jouly Sbeiti
Master's Student Lisa Weber
Room 2.049
Tel. 0201/723-4768
Bachelor Student and Student Research Assistant (April 2021-April 2022) Frederic Borkamp
Master's Student (September 2021-June 2022) Laila Smaina
Master's Student (jointly with Sutter lab) Carolin Kruth
Master's Student (April 2022-February 2023) Vivienne Schneider
Bachelor Student (April 2022-November 2022) Maria Leonhardt
Master's Student (September 2022-August 2023) Balkissa Mountessoumoun
Bachelor Student (October 2022-April 2023) Forooz Afiuny
Bachelor Student (April 2023-September 2023) Rieke Wingenfeld
Master's Student (April 2023-November 2023) Katharina Hock
Guest Student (September 2023-January 2024) Samson Folami
Master's Student (October 2023-March 2024) Julia Graute
Master's Student (March 2024-July 2024) Yasmin Yusuf