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BachelorProf. Dr. Dirk Wittowsky / M.Sc. Fabia Scharf

Untersuchung der Verkehrssicherheit für Radfahrende mit der senseBox:bike

Die senseBox:bike ist ein am Fahrrad montierbarer Bausatz mit dem unter anderem Daten zur Fahrradinfrastruktur als auch Gefahren, mit denen Radfahrer:innen im Straßenverkehr konfrontier sind, erfasst werden können. Die Bachlorarbeit soll die Potentiale der senseBox:bike für die Bewertung von Radwegequalitäten am Beispiel ausgewählter Verkehrsachsen in Gladeck untersuchen. Voraussetzung ist die Verfügbarkeit eines eigenen Fahrrads.

Bachelor/MasterProf. Dr. Dirk Wittowsky / M.Sc. Tatiane Borchers

Analysing/ exploring the effectiveness of sustainable transportation initiatives in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Cities have a significant impact from the point of view of greenhouse gas emissions, and the transport sector is among the main contributors to global warming and the depletion of non-renewable resources. Therefore, promoting environmentally-friendly modes of transportation stands as one of the main current urban challenges. This Bachelor or Master thesis should analyse and explore the effectiveness of various sustainable transportation initiatives in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with a focus on infrastructure for active mobility (e.g. cycling) and public transport modes; electrification can also be investigated, but on those modes of transport. The methodology can comprise case studies, data analysis, and scenario analysis. Suggested methods: multi-criteria decision analysis (especially Analytic Hierarchy Process), GIS supported / spatial analysis, optimisation techniques.

General / working background:

  • The thesis must be written in English;
  • The student is expected to be familiar with the selected method and be able to apply it without excessive supervision;
  • It is preferable to work with open datasets and softwares.

Bachelor/MasterProf. Dr. Dirk Wittowsky / M.Sc. Tatiane Borchers

Analysing/ exploring the effectiveness of sustainable transportation initiatives in promoting modal shift

Cities have a significant impact from the point of view of greenhouse gas emissions, and the transport sector is among the main contributors to global warming and the depletion of non-renewable resources. Therefore, promoting environmentally-friendly modes of transportation stands as one of the main current urban challenges. This Bachelor or Master thesis should analyse the effectiveness of sustainable transportation initiatives in promoting modal shift (from private cars to active modes and public transport), with a focus on transport infrastructure. The methodology can comprise case studies, data analysis, and scenario analysis. Suggested methods: multi-criteria decision analysis (especially Analytic Hierarchy Process), GIS supported / spatial analysis, optimisation techniques.

General / working background:

  • The thesis must be written in English;
  • The student is expected to be familiar with the selected method and be able to apply it without excessive supervision;
  • It is preferable to work with open datasets and softwares.