Publications at Risk and East Asia
Stephanie Bräuer (2013): Aktivismus gegen häusliche Gewalt in Peking, Volksrepublik China (VR China). In: Gewalt gegen Frauen in Südostasien und China: Rechtslage, Umgang, Lösungsansätze, edited by Genia Findeisen and Kristina Großmann: 217–232. Berlin: Regiospectra Verlag.
Stephanie Bräuer (2013): (郭建梅) Guo Jianmei: Kämpferin für die Frauenrechte. In: Gewalt gegen Frauen in Südostasien und China: Rechtslage, Umgang, Lösungsansätze, edited by Genia Findeisen and Kristina Großmann: 233–238. Berlin: Regiospectra Verlag.
Stephanie Bräuer (2014): Becoming Public: Anti-Domestic Violence (ADV) Activism as a Public Event. China Development Brief.
Stephanie Bräuer (2019): Advocating for better legal protection against domestic violence in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), 1995–2012: A case study of the Center for Women’s Law Studies and Legal Services at Peking University. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Sunkung Choi (2014): Effects of Experiencing Economic Crisis on Risk Perception and Risk Attitude – the South Korean Case. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Sunkung Choi (2014): Effect of Experiencing Economic Crisis on Risk Perception and Risk Attitude: The South Korean Case, Dissertation Book Publication, Metropolis-Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik GmbH, ISBN 978-3-7316-1096-0 (September 2014).
Huijie Chu (2016): Zai ri xin huaqiao huaren yu zhonghua xuexiao – xin huaqiao huaren jiazhang de zexiao dongyin (Chinese Newcomers and Chinese Schools in Japan – Motives and Rationales of Chinese Newcomer Parents in Choosing Schools). In: Qirong Li (ed.): Xietong fazhan: huaqiao huaren yu “changjiang jingjidai” “yidaiyilu” (Coordinated Development: Overseas Chinese and “the Yangtze River Economic Zone” “Belt and Road Initiative”), 129–139. Guangzhou: Jinan Daxue Chubanshe (Jinan University Press).
Huijie Chu (2018): Construction of Individuality: Sociological Imagination of Entering Higher Education Institutions in China. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Magnus Dau (2012): Zeitreihenanalyse. In: Aktuelle Methoden der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft: Einführung in konfigurationelle (QCA) und Makro-quantitative Verfahren, edited by Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Lasse Cronqvist, 97–112. Opladen: UTB.
Magnus Dau and Stephanie Bräuer (2016): Continuity and Change in China’s Civic Engagement from a ‘State in Society’ Perspective. In: Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 27(5), 2021–2026.
Magnus Dau (2018): Media as a Deliberative Arena? The Case of Environmental Protection Bureaus on Sina Weibo in China. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Kai Duttle and Keigo Inukai (2015): Complexity aversion: Influences of cognitive abilities, culture and system of thought. In: Economics Bulletin, 35(2): 846–865.
Kai Duttle (2015): Disentangling Two Causes of Biased Probability Judgment: Cognitive Skills & Perception of Randomness. Ruhr Economic Papers 568.
Kai Duttle and Tatsuhiro Shichijo (2015): Default or Reactance? Identity Priming Effects on Overconfidence in Germany and Japan. Working Papers on East Asian Studies 103, Duisburg.
Kai Duttle (2016): Cognitive skills and confidence: Interrelations with overestimation, overplacement and overprecision. In: Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 68, Issue S1, 42–55.
Kai Duttle (2016): Momentum, Overconfidence and Irrationality – An Experimental Study of Behavioral Puzzles in Japan. PhD thesis. University of Duisburg-Essen.
Kai Duttle and Keigo Inukai (2017): Implications from biased probability judgments for international disparities in momentum returns. In: Journal of Behavioral Finance, 18(2), 143–151.
Vitali Heidt (2017): Altenpflege in Japan: Wohlfahrtsgenese im regionalen Kontext. In: Iris Wieczorek and David Chiavacci (eds.): Japan Jahrbuch 2017, 241–273. München: iudicium.
Vitali Heidt (2017): Two Worlds of Aging. Livelihood, Institutional Dependence, and Exclusion of the Japanese Elderly. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Vitali Heidt, Sibylle Meyer, Markus Nachbaur, Benjamin Rabe (2017): Globalisierung – Tickt Japan anders? Technologieverbreitung am Beispiel der Pflege in Japan. In: Kongress der Sozialwirtschaft e.V. (Hg.): Der Zukunftskongress der Sozialwirtschaft. Die vernetzte Gesellschaft sozial gestalten, 185–210. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Vitali Heidt and Karen Shire (Forthcoming): Institutional Care by Day and Home Alone by Night – The Two Worlds of Eldercare in Contemporary Japan. In: Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in The People’s Republic of China and Japan, Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Martin Heinberg (2014): Review of Multinational Retailers and Consumers in China: Transferring Organizational Practices from the United Kingdom and Japan, by Jos Gamble. In: The China Journal, 72, 172–174.
Martin Heinberg (2016): Analysis of Chinese Consumer Behavior: Value Propositions and Perceptions. Determining Purchasing Decisions with Respect to Foreign and Local Consumer Good Brands. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Martin Heinberg (2016): Outbreaks of Animosity against the West in China: effects on local brand consumption. In: International Marketing Review 2016.
Martin Heinberg, Erkan Ozkaya and Markus Taube (2016): A brand built on sand: Is acquiring a local brand in an emerging market an ill-advised strategy for foreign companies? In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44, 586–607.
Martin Heinberg (2017): Outbreaks of animosity against the West in China: effects on local brand consumption. In: International Marketing Review, 34(4), 514–535.
Martin Heinberg, Erkan Ozkaya and Markus Taube (2017): The influence of global and local iconic brand positioning on advertising persuasion in an emerging market setting. In: Journal of International Business Studies, 48(8), 1009–1022.
Martin Heinberg, Erkan Ozkaya and Markus Taube (2018): Do corporate image and reputation drive brand equity in India and China? – Similarities and differences. In: Journal of Business Research, 86, 259–268.
Steffen Heinrich (2007): Die Wahlreform in Japan von 1994 und der Wandel des Parteienwettbewerbs – Eine vergleichende Studie zur Relevanz institutioneller Einflüsse [The electoral reform of 1994 and the transformation of partisan competition in Japan]. Münster: LIT-Verlag.
Steffen Heinrich (2010): Facing the ‘dark side’ of deregulation? The politics of two-tier labour markets in Germany and Japan after the global financial crisis. In: Social Policy Review 22. Analysis and debate in social policy, edited by Ian Greener, Chris Holden and Majella Kilkey, 151–176. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Steffen Heinrich (2013): Patterns of dualisation. Coordinated capitalism and the politics of flexible labour markets in Germany and Japan 1990–2010. Dissertation, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg.
Birgit Apitzsch, Karen Shire, Steffen Heinrich, Hannelore Mottweiler and Markus Tünte (2015): Flexibiliät und Beschäftigungswandel. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.
Steffen Heinrich and Tobias Söldner (issue eds.) (2016): Contemporary Japan, 28(2).
Steffen Heinrich (2016): Does employment dualisation lead to political polarisation? Assessing the impact of labour market inequalities on political discourse in Japan. In: David Chiavacchi and Carola Hommerich (eds.): Social inequality in post-growth Japan. Transformation during economic and demographic stagnation, 73–87. London: Routledge.
Steffen Heinrich and Gabriele Vogt (eds.) (2017): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse. München: Iudicium.
Steffen Heinrich (2017): (Keine) Angst vorm Wähler: Abes arbeitsmarktpolitische Strukturreformen in Zeiten wachsender Ungleichheit. In: Steffen Heinrich and Gabriele Vogt (eds.): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse, 118–138. München: Iudicium.
Steffen Heinrich and Gabriele Vogt (2017): Abes Politik und Politik unter Abe: Eine Einführung. In: Steffen Heinrich and Gabriele Vogt (eds.): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse, 11–27. München: Iudicium.
Steffen Heinrich and Gabriele Vogt (2017): Abes Politik und Politik unter Abe: Eine Zwischenbilanz. In: Steffen Heinrich and Gabriele Vogt (eds): Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse, 271–284. München: Iudicium.
Karen Shire, Steffen Heinrich, Jun Imai, Hannelore Mottweiler, Markus Tünte and Chih-Chieh Wang (2018): Private labour market intermediaries in cross-border labour markets in Europe and Asia: International norms, regional actors and patterns of cross-border labour mobility. In: Sigrid Quack, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Karen Shire and Anja Weiß (eds.): Transnationalisierung der Arbeit, 155–183. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Steffen Heinrich (2018):ドイツ労働市場 (The German labour market). In: 日本労働研究雑誌 (The Monthly Journal of the Japan Institute of Labour) 60(4), 29–37.
Sven Horak (2010): Aspects of inner-Korean relations examined from a German viewpoint. Duisburg Working Papers on East Asian Studies 83.
Sven Horak (2010): Can religion give impetus for change in North Korea? In: Journal of Religious Culture 134: 1–5.
Sven Horak (2010): Phases of the relationship between East Germany and North Korea after WWII. In: North Korean Review 6: 100–107.
Sven Horak (2011): Challenges to system stability in North Korea. In: Journal of Asian Public Policy 4: 119–125.
Sven Horak and Katja Restel (2011): Perspectives of democratisation in North Korea in the style of Arabia (in German). In: Beiträge zur Internationalen Politik und Sicherheit 1: 27–40.
Sven Horak (2011): Enabling Cultural Diplomacy Through Sport Sponsoring: The case of North Korea. Case Studies in Cultural Diplomacy (Institute for Cultural Diplomacy): 1–11.
Sven Horak (2011): The influence of relation-based networks on business activities in Korea (in German). Japanese-German Center Berlin, Conference Vol. 61: 53–60.
Sven Horak (2012): Regime stability and leadership transition. In: Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs 12.
Sven Horak (2013): Business Risk and Ethics in Prospective Emerging Markets: The Case of Sports Sponsorship in North Korea. In: North Korean Review, 9, 18–28.
Sven Horak, Sabine Bacouël-Jentjens and Inga Beyler (2013): Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Restoring Economic Growth in South Korea by Building a Domestic Green Technology Industry? In: Journal of International Business Education 8, 5–26.
Sven Horak (2014): Antecedents and characteristics of informal relation-based networks in Korea: Yongo, Yonjul and Inmaek. In: Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 20, 78–108.
Ting Huang (2015): Building a New Rural Pension System in China: Local Policy Making and Social Process. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Ting Huang (2017): Urban-Rural Harmonization in Social Security, Local Policy Innovations and Development of Social Citizenship of Rural Residents: A Case Study on Institutional Change in Old-Age Pensions (in Chinese). In: Social Security Studies 1, 3–13.
Ting Huang (Forthcoming): Local Policy Experimentation, Social Learning, and the Development of Rural Pension Provision in China. In: Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in The People’s Republic of China and Japan, Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Hanno Jentzsch (2008): Hinter dem Medaillenspiegel – Kann die Olympiade einen Beitrag zum Wandel in China leisten? [Looking Beyond the Medal Table – Will the Olympic Games Contribute to Political Change in China?]. Asienhaus/Asienstiftung (2008).
Hanno Jentzsch and Peter Mühleder (2015): Konferenzbericht VSJF-Jahrestagung 2012: Japan und Südostasien – Spielarten einer Intraregionalen Beziehung. In: Asien, 127(1), 99–101.
Hanno Jentzsch (2016): The “Local” in Processes of Endogenous Institutional Change – Informal Village Institutions in Japan’s Changing Agricultural Support and Protection Regime. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg Essen.
Hanno Jentzsch (2017): Abandoned Land, Corporate Farming, and Farmland Banks: A Local Perspective on the Process of Deregulating and Redistributing Farmland in Japan. In: Contemporary Japan 29(1), 31–46.
Hanno Jentzsch (2017): Subsidized Tradition – Hamlet Farms in Contemporary Japanese Agricultural Politics. In: Andreas Niehaus and Tine Walravens (eds.): Feeding Unity, Eating Difference, 412–442. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hanno Jentzsch (2017): Tracing the Local Origins of Farmland Policies in Japan – Local-National Policy Transfers and Endogenous Institutional Change. In: Social Science Japan Journal, 20(2), 243–260.
Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in The People’s Republic of China and Japan. Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (Forthcoming): Introduction. In: Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in The People’s Republic of China and Japan, Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Hanno Jentzsch (Forthcoming): Japan’s changing regional world of welfare. Agricultural reform, hamlet-based collective farming, and the local renegotiation of social risks. In: Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in The People’s Republic of China and Japan, Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Norifumi Kawai (2009): Keiretsu corporate networks are innate to the Japanese auto sector, but could this system finally be changing? J@pan Inc 85: 10–12.
Norifumi Kawai and Manja Jonas (2007): Ownership Strategies in the Post-Financial Crisis Southeast Asia: The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Firms. Duisburg Working Papers on East Asian Studies, No. 73.
Norifumi Kawai and Manja Jonas (2009): Market Entry Strategies in the Post-Financial Crisis Southeast Asia: The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Firms. In: Asian Business & Management 8: 247–275.
Norifumi Kawai (2009): Location Strategies of Foreign Investors in China: Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Multinationals. In: Global Economic Review 38: 117–141.
Norifumi Kawai (2011): Does Downsizing Really Matter? Evidence from Japanese Multinationals in the European Manufacturing Industry. In: International Journal of Human Resource Management: 1–19.
Norifumi Kawai (2011): The role of institutional conditions in Japanese FDI in European transition economies. In: Institutional Variety in East Asia. Formal and informal patterns of coordination (New Horizons in Institutional and Evolutionary Economics), edited by Werner Pascha, Cornelia Storz and Markus Taube, 268–300. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Norifumi Kawai and Jong-Hwan Ko (2012): The Dark Side of Institutionalized Informal Connections: Evidence from the Japanese Banking Sector in the Post-bubble Crisis Era. In: International Journal of Business 17: 238–257.
Norifumi Kawai (2012): The influence of external network ties on organisational performance: evidence from Japanese manufacturing subsidiaries in Europe. In: European Journal of International Management 6: 221–242.
Alison Lamont (2016): The Societal Impacts of the Wenchuan Earthquake: Normalising after Catastrophic Disaster. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Alison Lamont (Forthcoming): The Death of a Child: Policy approaches to bereaved parents in the PRC. In: Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in the People’s Republic of China and Japan, Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Alison Lamont (2020): Wretched? Women’s Questions of Love and Labour in Contemporary Urban China. In: Julie Carter and Lorena Arocha (eds): Romantic Relationships in a Time of Cold Intimacies. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Alison Lamont (Forthcoming 2020): Rebuilding Family after the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake: Finding Normal. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Chun-Yi Lee (2006): The Changing Pattern and Evolution of the Relationship between Taiwanese Business and Chinese Local Government: 1987–2004. In: The American Journal of Chinese Studies 13, 149–167.
Chun-Yi Lee (2007): An Empirical Analysis of the Cross-Strait Relationship: Chinese Governments’ Commitments to Taiwanese Entrepreneurs. In: Asian and African Studies 10, 161–177.
Chun-Yi Lee (2008): When Private Capital Becomes a Security Asset: Challenging Conventional Government/ Business Interaction. In: East Asia: an International Quarterly 25, 145–165.
Chun-Yi Lee (2008): Special Government/Business Relationship: The Case of Taiwanese Businessmen Association in China. In: Journal of Chinese Economics and Foreign Trade Studies 3, 244–256.
Chun-Yi Lee (2010): Between Dependency and Autonomy – Taiwanese Entrepreneurs and Local Chinese Governments. In: Journal of Current Chinese Affair [China aktuell] 1, 37–71.
Chun-Yi Lee (2010): People’s Republic of China – Hong Kong – Taiwan. In: The Annual Register 2010, 333–343.
Chun-Yi Lee (2011): Taiwanese Businesses or Chinese Security Asset: A Changing Pattern of Interaction between Taiwanese Business and Chinese Governments. Leiden: Routledge.
Chun-Yi Lee (2011): The Political Views of Chinese Businessmen in China: Blue, Green, or Red? In: The Changing Dynamics of the Relations among China, Taiwan, and the United States, edited by Cal Clark, 191–213. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Chun-Yi Lee (2011): Book review of Jie Chen and Bruce J. Dickson: Allies of the state: China’s private entrepreneurs and democratic change. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2010. In: China Information 25(3), 283–284.
Chun-Yi Lee (2013): A new era for studies on cross-strait relations: Introduction. In: China Information, 27(1), 3–9.
Chun-Yi Lee (2013): Social Dimensions of Changing Cross-Strait Relationship. In: New Dynamics in Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations: How Far Can the Rapprochement Go?, edited by Richard Weixing Hu, 190–201. London: Routledge.
Chun-Yi Lee (2013): A Taiwanese Lives in China vs. A Chinese Born in Taiwan. In: Migration across the Taiwan Strait, edited by Lin Ping, Chiu Kuei-fen, Dafydd Fell. London: Routledge.
Chun-Yi Lee (2014): From being privileged to being localized? Taiwanese businessmen in China. In: Chiu K.-F.; Fell, D. and Lin, P. (eds.): Migration to and from Taiwan Strait, 57–72. London: Routledge.
Chun-Yi Lee (2014): Learning from Taiwan’s Lesson? The Comparison of Changes and Continuity of Labour Policies in Taiwan and China. In: Journal of Current Chinese Affair (China aktuell), 3, 45–71.
Chun-Yi Lee (2015): Growing or Perishing? The Development of Labour NGOs. In: A. Fulda (ed.): Civil Society Contributions to Policy Innovation in the PR China, 125–150. Basingstoke: Palgrave and Macmillan.
Chun-Yi Lee and Lara Momesso (2017): Transnational mobility, strong states and contested sovereignty: Learning from the China-Taiwan context. In: Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, 26(4), 459–479.
Mingwei Zhou and Yuan Li (2005): The Irrational Behaviors of the Stock Investors Based on Behavioral Finance.” Jing Ji Zong Heng [Economic Review] 12: 38-40. (in Chinese)
Mingwei Zhou and Yuan Li (2005): The Exiting Ways of Venture Capital in China Nowadays." Shi Chang Zhou Kan [Market Weekly] 8: 98-99. (in Chinese)
Yuan Li and Hanfei Tong (2007): Research of the Types and Characteristics of Risks in E-banking Business in China. In: Jing Ji Yan Jiu Dao Kan [Economic Research Guide] 9, 75–76. (in Chinese)
Yuan Li and Mario Gilli (2012): Citizenry Accountability in Autocracies. In: Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 18, 1–12.
Yuan Li and Mario Gilli (2012): A Model of Chinese Central Government: the Role of Reciprocal Accountability. University of Milan-Bicocca working paper 223.
Yuan Li and Mario Gilli (2012): Citizenry Accountability in Autocracies: The Political Economy of Good Governance in China. NEPS Working Papers No. 3 (2012) and CERC Stockholm School of Economics Working Paper 23 (2012).
Yuan Li and Mario Gilli (2013): A Model of Chinese Central Government: The Role of Reciprocal Accountability. In: The Economics of Transition 21(3), 451–477.
Yuan Li (2014): Downward Accountability in Response of Collective Actions: The Political Economy of Public Goods Provision in China. Diskussionsbeiträge der Mercator School of Management, No 379.
Li Sun and Tao Liu (2014): Injured but not entitled for legal insurance compensation: Ornamental institutions and migrant workers’ informal channels in China. In: Social Policy & Administration 48(7): 905–922.
Susanne Löhr and René Trappel (2011): Taskforce: Nahrungsmittel in China – Food Security und Food Safety Problematik in China. Duisburg Working Papers on East Asian Studies No. 89.
Susanne Löhr and Zhanbin Zhang (2012): Zhongguo xinxing chengzhenhua beijing xia sheng zhi guanxian tizhi gaige – fang guojia xingzheng xueyuan jingjixue jiaoyanbu zhuren Zhang Zhanbin jiaoshou. [Direct Provincial Administration of Counties during the Process of New Type of Urbanization: Interview with Professor Zhang Zhanbin]. In: Jingji Shehui Tizhi Bijiao [Comparative Economic & Social Systems] 164, 1–12.
Susanne Löhr (2013): Buchbesprechung: Christian Wuttke: Die chinesische Stadt im Transformationsprozess. Governanceformen und Mechanismen institutionellen Wandels am Beispiel des Perlflussdeltas. Berlin: edition sigma 2012. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 57(1-2): 182–184.
Kerstin Lukner (2006): Japans Rolle in der UNO. Grundlage für einen ständigen Sitz im Weltsicherheitsrat? [Japan’s Role in the United Nations: Basis for a Permanent Seat on the Security Council?]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Kerstin Lukner and Alexandra Sakaki (2011): Blockade durch Misstrauen: Das Fukushima-Krisenmanagement der Demokratischen Partei Japans. [Paralyzing Misstrust: The DPJ’s Fukushima Crisis Management]. In: Welttrends 80, 49–58.
Kerstin Lukner (2012): Global Goals versus Bilateral Barriers? The International Criminal Court in the Context of the US Relations with Germany and Japan. In: Japanese Journal of Political Science 13, 83–104.
Kerstin Lukner and Alexandra Sakaki (2013): Japan’s Crisis Management amid Growing Complexity: In Search of New Approaches. In: Japanese Journal of Political Science 14, 155–176.
Kerstin Lukner and Alexandra Sakaki (2013): Lessons from Fukushima: An Assessment of the Investigations of the Nuclear Disaster. In: The Asia-Pacific Journal 11(19).
Kerstin Lukner and Claudia Derichs (2014): Japan: Politisches System und politischer Wandel [Japan: Political System and Political Change]. In: Claudia Derichs and Thomas Heberer (eds.): Die politischen Systeme Ostasiens – Eine Einführung [The Political Systems of East Asia – An Introduction]. Wiesbaden: Springer, 255–353 (expanded and updated 3rd edition).
Kerstin Lukner (2014): Health Risks and Responses in Asia. In: Rosemarie Foot, Saadia Pekkanen and John Ravenhill (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 606–621.
Kerstin Lukner (2015): From Tokyo to The Hague: War Crime Tribunals and (Shifting?) Memory Politics in Japan. In: Japan Forum, 27(3), 321–344.
Kerstin Lukner (2016): From Tokyo to The Hague: War Crime Tribunals and (Shifting?) Memory Politics in Japan. In: Glenn Hook (Hg.): Excavating the Power of Memory in Japan, 26–49. London and New York: Routledge.
Kerstin Lukner (2016): The Institutional Response to Infectious Diseases in Asia. In: Saadia Pekkanen (ed.): Asian Designs: Governance in the World Order. London and Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 180–199.
Kerstin Lukner (2016): Tôkyô kara hâgu e, senhan hôtei to sensô kioku no seiji [Von Tokyo nach Den Haag: Kriegsverbrechertribunale und Erinnerungspolitik]. In: G. Hook and C. Sakurai (eds.): Sensô he no shûshifu – mirai no tame no nihon no kioku [Einen Schlussstrich unter den Krieg ziehen – Japans Erinnerung für die Zukunft], 77–105. Tokio: Hôritsu Bunka.
Kerstin Lukner and Alexandra Sakaki (2017): Japan’s Political Trust Deficit. In: Japan Forum 29(1), 1–18.
Kerstin Lukner and Alexandra Sakaki (2017): Japan’s Uncertain Security Environment and Changes in its Executive-Legislative Relations. In: West European Politics 40(1), 139–160.
Rumin Luo (2014): Becoming Urban: State and Migration in Contemporary China. Kassel: Kassel University Press.
Rumin Luo (2015): When Network doesn’t Work: Strangers’ Encounter and Awkwardness in Urban China. In: Urbanities Journal, 5(1), 38–52.
Rumin Luo (2016): The Emergence of Informal Institutions among Internal Migrants in Urban China. In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 45(2), 83–112.
Connor Malloy (Forthcoming): Weaving Ethnicity into Welfare Regimes: The Case of Islamic Eldercare in China. In: Hanno Jentzsch and Alison Lamont (eds.) (Forthcoming): Renegotiating Social Risks in The People’s Republic of China and Japan, Special Issue of the Journal of Pacific Affairs.
Armin Müller (2011): Conference Report of the Junior Conference of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA Nachwuchstagung): Asien in Bewegung – Politischer, kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Wandel einer Weltregion [Asia on the Move – Political, Cultural and Social Change of a World Region]. In: Asien, 120, 103–105.
Armin Müller and Matthias Stepan (2012): Welfare Governance in China. A Conceptual Discussion of Governing Public Social Policy Programs and the Applicability of the Concept to Modern China. In: Journal of Cambridge Studies 7, 54–72.
Armin Müller (2012): Review of Wilhelm Hofmeister (ed.): Asia and Europe – Moving Towards a Common Agenda. Singapore: Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2011. In: Asien 124, 213–214.
Armin Müller (2014): China’s New Rural Cooperative Medical System – The National Policy Process and Local Strategic Agency. PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Peggy Levitt, Charlotte Lloyd, Armin Müller and Jocelyn Viterna (2015): Global Social Protections: Setting the Agenda. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2015/78. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2015/78
Armin Müller (2015): Review of Arndt Michael: India’s Foreign Policy and Regional Multilateralism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. In: Asien 134, 203–205.
Armin Müller (2015): Review of Boy Lüthje, Siqi Luo and Hao Zhang: Beyond the Iron Rice Bowl – Regimes of Production and Industrial Relations in China. Frankfurt: Campus, 2013. In: Asien 137, 137–138.
Müller, Armin (2015): Innovation und Institutioneller Wandel im Gesundheitswesen der VR China [Innovation and Institutional Change in the Healthcare System of the PRC]. 10. Schwerpunktausgabe: Innovation in China, ITB Infoservice 08/2015.
Armin Müller (2016): China’s New Public Health Insurance. Challenges to Health Reforms and the New Rural Cooperative Medical System. Routledge: Oxon.
Armin Müller (Editor) (2016): Topical Issue of the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (2016, 45:2): The Margins and the Marginalized: Social Policy, Labour Migration, and Ethnic Identity at the Peripheries of Chinese Society.
Armin Müller (2016): E-Health in Rural China: Information Technology and Network-based Management in the New Rural Cooperative Medical System. In: Jesper Schlaeger (ed.): Conference Proceedings: E-Governance in Asia: Strengthening Transparency and Accountability? Lund University – Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies.
Armin Müller (2016): Hukou and Health Insurance Coverage for Migrant Workers: The Interdependence between the New Rural Cooperative Medical System and Household Registration in China. In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 2016, 45(2), 53–82.
Armin Müller (2016): Premium Collection and the Problem of Voluntary Enrollment in China’s New Rural Cooperative Medical System (NRCMS). In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 45(1), 11–41.
Armin Müller (2016): Review of Stephan Köhn and Monika Unkel (ed.): Prekarisierungsgesellschaften in Ostasien? Aspekte der sozialen Ungleichheit in China und Japan (Precarization societies in East Asia? Aspects of social inequality in China and Japan). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. In: Asien 146, 127–145.
Armin Müller (2016): Should I Stay or Should I Go? Einflüsse auf den Verbleib von eingewanderten Pflegekräften aus der VR China in der BRD [Should I Stay or Should I Go? Influences on the Decisions of Nurses from the PRC to Remain in Germany]. Report for SinoCura.
Armin Müller (2016): Review of Terry Woronov: Class Work. Vocational Schools and China’s Urban Youth. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016. In: The China Quarterly 2016, 226, 560–592.
Armin Müller (2016): The Margins and the Marginalised: Social Policy, Labour Migration, and Ethnic Identity at the Peripheries of Chinese Society (Introduction). In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 45(2), 3–27.
Peggy Levitt, Jocelyn Viterna, Armin Müller and Charlotte Lloyd (2017): Transnational Social Protection: Setting the Agenda. In: Oxford Development Studies 45(1), 2–19.
Thomas Heberer and Armin Müller (2017): Chinas gesellschaftliche Transformation. Entwicklungen, Trends und Grenzen. (China’s Societal Transformations. Developments, Trends and Limitations). Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Bonn.
Armin Müller (2017): Functional Integration of China’s Social Protection. In: Asian Survey 57(6), 1110–1134.
Armin Müller (2017): Cooperation of Vocational Colleges and Enterprises in China, Institutional foundations of vocational education and skill formation in nursing and mechanical engineering – Preliminary findings. Working Papers on East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen.
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