Publications · Publikationen

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On this site we inform you about recent publications of scientists working at the IN-EAST.
Auf dieser Seite informieren wir Sie zu aktuellen Publikationen von WissenschaftlerInnen am IN-EAST.

All issues of our publication series / Alle Ausgaben unserer Publikationsreihe:
‘Working Papers on East Asian Studies’ (‘Green Series’)

  • 19.11.2024 - 11:01:11

    New Book Publication by Thomas Heberer

    Xinjiang – eine Region im Spannungsfeld von Geschichte und Moderne. Beiträge zu einer Debatte
    Herausgegeben von Georg …
  • 05.11.2024 - 13:39:11

    New Publication by Jens Wrona and Tomoya Mori

    Centrality Bias in Inter-City Trade. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 109, November 2024
    The research paper …
  • 10.10.2024 - 16:43:10

    New Article by Hannes Mosler

    Das südkoreanische Wahlsystem und die Parlamentswahl vom 10. April 2024. In: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), …
  • 01.10.2024 - 08:55:10

    Taiwan: Asiens erstaunliche Demokratie

    So lautet der Titel einer neuen einführenden Monographie, vorgelegt von Frédéric Krumbein und David Demes.
    Der Band …
  • 28.09.2024 - 12:37:09

    New Article by Giulia Romano and Ardita Osmani

    La BRI in Europa: il caso di Duisburg, tra i sogni di sviluppo e una realtà di declino. In: OrizzonteCina, Vol. 15 (2024), …
  • 17.09.2024 - 11:43:09

    New Publications and Editorial Work by Steve Entrich

    in zbf (Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung), Special Issue: Youth in Times of Crisis: Societal and Individual Challenges …
  • 05.09.2024 - 17:03:09

    New Publication by Florian Coulmas, Aimi Muranaka, and Zi Wang (Eds.)

    Immigration and Quality of Life in Ageing Societies. How Attractive for Migrants are Japan and Germany? Abingdon / New York: …
  • 01.08.2024 - 01:19:08

    Last Issue: Green Series No. 139

    Visualizations of Chinese Nation Branding: A Comparative Study of the 2008 and 2022 Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies …
  • 22.07.2024 - 13:23:07

    Last Issue: Green Series No. 138

    Duisburg and Its Partnerships with China and Wuhan: An “All-Weather” Friendly Relationship amidst Contemporary Crises? …
  • 17.07.2024 - 23:00:07

    Hannes Mosler in koreanischen Medien

    Besprechungen des Kapitels “The State of South Korea’s Democracy after Democratization from an Outside Perspective” …
  • 02.07.2024 - 12:37:07

    New Book Chapter by Hannes Mosler (in Korean)

    The State of South Korea’s Democracy after Democratization from an Outside Perspective
    In: Shin, Jin-wook (ed.): Democracy …
  • 14.06.2024 - 12:58:06

    New Journal Article by Ruixing Cao and Nele Noesselt

    Ruixing Cao, Nele Noesselt: Political Settlement and China’s Overseas Operation: The Case of Ethiopia. In: Foreign Policy …
  • 07.06.2024 - 14:16:06

    New Journal Article by Elizaveta Priupolina, Tanja Eckstein and Nele Noesselt

    Priupolina, E., Eckstein, T., & Noesselt, N. (2024): Cooperative, competitive and responsible: the visualization of China …
  • 08.05.2024 - 17:07:05

    Interview mit Thomas Heberer in der GR

    Wir müssen weiter präsent sein und mit chinesischen Kollegen kooperieren – Gespräch von Peter Dannenberg und Sina Hardaker …
  • 03.05.2024 - 17:08:05

    New Book Review by Florian Coulmas

    Review of Ran Zwigenberg: Nuclear Minds. Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Chicago …
  • 02.05.2024 - 10:24:05

    New Book Chapter by Florian Coulmas

    Happy Japan: An Essay. In: The Routledge History of Happiness, ed. by Katie Barclay, Darrin M. McMahon, and Peter N. Stearns, …
  • 23.03.2024 - 11:02:03

    New Book Review by Florian Coulmas

    Cultural Manifold Analysis on National Character, by Ryozo Yoshino. In: Contemporary Japan, Vol. 36, 2024 – Issue 1
  • 15.02.2024 - 18:52:02

    Neuerscheinung: Düsseldorf-Oberbilk hat es in sich!

    Stadtteilgeschichte unter Mitwirkung von Helmut Schneider und Aktion Oberbilker Geschichte(n) e.V.
    Düsseldorf-Oberbilk …
  • 14.02.2024 - 15:31:02

    New Article by Giulia Romano

    The transfer of eco-city concepts to China: A selective and gradual policy transfer style?
    In: Environment and Planning …
  • 06.02.2024 - 11:00:02

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer

    Lobbying in China, in: Karsten Mause and Andreas Polk (eds.), The Political Economy of Lobbying. Channels of Influence and …
  • 16.01.2024 - 13:40:01

    New Journal Article by Steve Entrich

    The Role of Institutional Contexts for Social Inequalities in Study Abroad Intent and Participation. In: Higher Education …
  • 05.12.2023 - 13:19:12

    Buch neu herausgegeben von Thomas Heberer

    Sun Longji: Das ummauerte Ich. Die Tiefenstruktur der chinesischen Mentalität. Neu hrsg. von Thomas Heberer, Esslingen: …
  • 03.11.2023 - 22:07:11

    Neue Publikation von Thomas Heberer

    Kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit China. Plädoyer für die Fortführung des Dialogs und Handlungsempfehlungen …
  • 21.10.2023 - 22:43:10

    Neue Publikation von Thomas Heberer

    Von Misstrauen geprägt. Ein kritischer Blick auf die China-Strategie. In: Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte, 10/2023, …
  • 06.10.2023 - 11:50:10

    Review Article of "Weapons of the Rich" (Heberer / Schubert)

    by Kosmas Tsokhas: Ruling Party or Ruling Class? Reading Thomas Heberer and Gunter Schubert Weapons of the Rich: Strategic …
  • 26.09.2023 - 14:00:09

    Neuerscheinung: China – Geographien einer Weltmacht

    Sina Hardaker, Peter Dannenberg (Hrsg.): China – Geographien einer Weltmacht. Springer-Verlag 2023, 453 Seiten.
    Das …
  • 15.09.2023 - 14:00:09

    Webinar Launching New Publication Edited by Karen Shire, Heidi Gottfried, and Sylvia Walby

    The Future of Gender Regimes. Special Issue of Women’s Studies International Forum – Webinar on 15 Sep 2023, 15–16.30 …
  • 13.09.2023 - 10:00:09

    Last Issue: Green Series No. 137

    Populism in the Liberal Democracies of East Asia: South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan  |  Paper edited by Hannes Mosler
    Download: …
  • 05.09.2023 - 12:11:09

    New Publication by Tanja Eckstein and Elizaveta Priupolina (Editors)

    Narratives in East Asia and Beyond. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Using Narratives as a Research Method. Washington DC: …
  • 23.08.2023 - 12:44:08

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Florian Coulmas

    Sociolinguistics in Japan. In: The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World, ed. by Martin J. Ball, Rajend …
  • 16.08.2023 - 16:48:08

    New Journal Article by Hannes Mosler

    The Nord Stream pipe dream: How an outdated Ostpolitik misguided Germany’s foreign policy toward Russia
    In: The Korean …
  • 09.08.2023 - 10:54:08

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer

    Social Disciplining and Civilising Processes in China. The Politics of Morality and the Morality of Politics. Routledge 2023.
    Link …
  • 27.07.2023 - 11:16:07

    News Publication by Bohyun Kim

    South Korea’s Partial Withdrawal from the 2015 Korea-Japan Comfort Women Agreement: Changed National Role Conceptions via …
  • 27.07.2023 - 11:03:07

    Neue Publikation von Hannes Mosler

    Reaktionen auf Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und Südkoreas Außenpolitik auf Abwegen. In: ASIEN 164/165 (Juli/Oktober …
  • 17.07.2023 - 13:57:07

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Benedikt Staar

    Why Presenting a Foe as a Friend Can Make Sense: Explaining Shifts in North Korea’s Construction of a South Korean Threat …
  • 13.07.2023 - 14:59:07

    New Publication by Giulia Romano

    Two Articles in Asian Politics & Policy, Special Issue, 2023 (Wiley Online Library)
    (with Kidjie Saguin) Introduction. …
  • 04.07.2023 - 16:30:07

    Neuer Artikel von Nele Noesselt

    China und seine Nachbarn. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Nr. 26-27/2023
  • 04.07.2023 - 12:33:07

    Artikel von Thomas Heberer zu China-Russland-Beziehungen

    Zweckbündnis statt Allianz. In: Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. IPG-Journal, hg. von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 4.7.2023.
  • 04.07.2023 - 12:01:07

    New Publication by Florian Coulmas

    Japanese Propriety, Past and Present. Disciplined Liberalism. Routledge 2023, 166 pages.
  • 23.06.2023 - 15:08:06

    New Publication by Hannes Mosler

    Mosler, Hannes B. (2023): “Politics of Memory in South Korea: President Yoon Suk-yeol’s 2022 Memorial Address on the …
  • 19.06.2023 - 09:21:06

    Book Review by Hannes Mosler

    Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia, by Aram Hur. In: Political Science Quarterly.
  • 15.06.2023 - 18:14:06

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Giulia Romano

    Policy Diffusion and Innovation (co-authored with Osmany Porto de Oliveira, Andrew Karch, and Craig Volden). 2023. In: Christopher …
  • 04.04.2023 - 12:36:04

    New Publication by Florian Coulmas

    How to Write History? In: Storicamente, 18 (2022), No. 23. DOI: 10.52056/9791254691984/23
    Website of Storicamente: …
  • 04.04.2023 - 10:56:04

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 136

    Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization in China’s Education System. A Systematic Analysis of the Policy Framework and …
  • 29.03.2023 - 15:34:03

    Neuer Sammelband co-hrsg. von Thomas Heberer mit Beiträgen auch von Axel Klein und Hannes Mosler

    Die politischen Systeme Ostasiens. Eine Einführung. Hrsg. von Claudia Derichs, Thomas Heberer und Gunter Schubert. Wiesbaden: …
  • 21.03.2023 - 11:31:03

    New Publication (Research Report) by Hannes Mosler

    Characteristics of the German Proportional Representation Election System’s Reform History and Its Implications for South …
  • 14.03.2023 - 15:20:03

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Hannes Mosler

    Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland und Perspektiven auf Südkorea. In: Renner, Alexander und Kwang-Jun Tsche (Hrsg.): Vergangenheitsbewältigung …
  • 09.03.2023 - 10:07:03

    New Article published by Giulia Romano

    (co-authored with Osmany Porto de Oliveira) Brazil and China Going Global: Emerging Issues and Questions to Explore Knowledge …
  • 08.12.2022 - 10:41:12

    New Article published by Florian Coulmas

    Writing Regime Change: A Research Agenda. In: Sociolinguistica, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, 2022, pp. 9–21
  • 23.11.2022 - 21:01:11

    Neues Buch von Thomas Feldhoff und Helmut Schneider

    Georessourcen: Transformationen, Konflikte, Koooperationen. Berlin: Springer Spektrum, 2022, 358 Seiten.
    Karten und Grafiken: …
  • 05.10.2022 - 14:54:10

    New Edited Book by Giulia Romano and Osmany Porto de Oliveira

    Brazil and China in Knowledge and Policy Transfer. Agents, Objects, Time, Structures and Power. Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.
  • 22.08.2022 - 09:38:08

    New Book Chapter by Hannes Mosler

    Changing South Korean Politics without Taking Power? The Presidential Power Trap Three Years after Impeachment
    In: Julia …
  • 08.08.2022 - 12:23:08

    New Journal Article by Aimi Muranaka

    Brokerage in the Cross-border Labour Market: Recruitment and Training of Vietnamese IT Workers by Japanese Temporary Staffing …
  • 22.07.2022 - 18:33:07

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 135

    Paper edited by David M. Malitz (DIJ Tokyo) and Suranachee Sriyai (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok): Civil Societies’ …
  • 02.07.2022 - 19:55:07

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Thomas Heberer

    Strategisches Lobbying und Privatunternehmertum in der VR China. In: Handbuch Lobbying, hg. von Andreas Polk und Karsten …
  • 01.07.2022 - 12:30:07

    New Journal Article by Aimi Muranaka

    Beyond blue ocean? The roles of intermediaries in the cross-border labour market between Japan and Vietnam. Global Networks, …
  • 24.06.2022 - 13:29:06

    How Is the War in Ukraine Reshuffling the Cards for China?

    Article by Markus Taube on Briefs | Analyses No. 23, June 2022.
  • 23.06.2022 - 16:52:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 134

    Guanxi and Networking. The Hidden Business Matrix of the Chinese Economy | Paper by Markus Taube and Sven Horak
  • 21.06.2022 - 13:29:06

    New book published by Florian Coulmas

    Language, Writing, and Mobility. A Sociological Perspective. Oxford University Press, 2022, 208 pages
  • 10.06.2022 - 19:56:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 133

    Paper by Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya  |  Städtediplomatie in den 2020er Jahren: Mehr als eine Geschichte zweier …
  • 15.05.2022 - 20:25:05

    New Journal Article by Thomas Heberer

    Strategische Partnerschaft, systemischer Wettbewerber oder Pakt gegen China? In: Das Argument, Zeitschrift für Philosophie …
  • 03.05.2022 - 17:49:05

    Neue Publikation von Diana Schüler

    Institutional change and entrepreneurship as occupational choice – The case of South Korea. In: Journal of International …
  • 07.04.2022 - 14:25:04

    New Book Chapter by Florian Coulmas

    1. Research Methodology. In: Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics, ed. by Yoshiyuki Asahi, Mayumi Usami and Fumio Inoue. …
  • 01.04.2022 - 14:34:04

    New Paper by Werner Pascha on EU-South Korea Relations

    International Connectivity Initiatives and Implications for EU-Korea Relations. Working
    Paper No. 1 of a new series on …
  • 30.03.2022 - 15:45:03

    Artikel von Thomas Heberer und Anna Ahlers jetzt ausgeliefert

    Rekalibrierung der deutschen und europäischen Wissenschaftskooperation mit China: Mehr Augenhöhe und Austausch wagen.
    In: …
  • 18.03.2022 - 12:05:03

    New Journal Article by Nele Noesselt

    Strategy Adjustments of the United States and the European Union vis-à-vis China ... In: Journal of Chinese Poitical Science …
  • 03.03.2022 - 09:47:03

    New Journal Article by Florian Coulmas

    Japans Atompolitik: Doppelzüngig und geschichtsvergessen. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 3/2022, …
  • 03.03.2022 - 09:03:03

    New Paper by Connor Malloy

    Does the Linguistic Landscape Influence Happiness? Framing perceptions of language signs among speech communities in Germany.
    In: …
  • 10.02.2022 - 14:00:02

    Festschrift for Flemming Christiansen

    Presentation to him at the IN-EAST on Thursday, 10 February 2022, 14 h (CET), via Zoom
    Titel of the Festschrift:
    Northeast …
  • 08.02.2022 - 18:29:02

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Elizaveta Priupolina

    Russian methodological and theoretical approaches to the analysis of Sino-Russian relations in 1990s–2010s
    In: Russia …
  • 07.02.2022 - 10:06:02

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 132

    Lessons Learned? South Korea’s Foreign Policy toward North Korea under the Moon Jae-In Administration  |  Paper by …
  • 01.02.2022 - 10:44:02

    New Publication by Axel Klein, Hannes Mosler and Frédéric Krumbein

    Populism in East Asian Democracies: Report on the International Lecture Series of the Institute of East Asian Studies
    at …
  • 27.01.2022 - 14:15:01

    Neue Publikation (Blog) von Nele Noesselt

    Multilateralismus-Debatten im Schatten von Weltordnungskontroversen: Globaler Multilateralismus statt Multipolaritätsvisionen
    Blog …
  • 12.01.2022 - 20:13:01

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer (Book Chapter)

    Ethnicity in China. In: Routledge Handbook of Race and Ethnicity in Asia, ed. by Michael Weiner. London and New York (Routledge) …
  • 20.12.2021 - 16:05:12

    South Korea's Infrastructure Initiative: New Paper by Werner Pascha

    The Republic of Korea's New Northern Policy and New Southern Policy in the Context of International Connectivity Initiatives: …
  • 20.12.2021 - 14:56:12

    Florian Coulmas ins Esperanto übersetzt

    Gardantoj de lingvo. Dudek vocoj tra la historio. Übersetzer: Jan P Sandel. New York: Mondial, 2021, 466 pages
    The original …
  • 25.11.2021 - 23:31:11

    New Book (Ed.) by Nele Noesselt

    Visualized Narratives. Signs, Symbols and Political Mythology in East Asia, Europe and the US. Tectum, 2021, 216 pp.
  • 25.11.2021 - 11:49:11

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Ying Sargin

    Is Sibe a Linguistic Continuation of Manchu? In: Nicola McLelland and Hui Zhao (eds): Language Standardization and Language …
  • 13.10.2021 - 10:44:10

    Woher kommt eigentlich das Squid Game? Neuer Beitrag zu den koreanischen Kulturindustrien

    Diana Schüler und Werner Pascha: Jenseits der Werkbank: Aufstieg der Kulturindustrien in Ostasien am Beispiel Koreas.
    In: …
  • 08.10.2021 - 09:12:10

    New Book Review by Florian Coulmas

    (Review of) Ryozo Yoshino: Cultural Manifold Analysis on National Character. Singapore: Springer, 2021, 168 pp.
    In: Contemporary …
  • 29.09.2021 - 08:59:09

    New Publication by Florian Coulmas and Zi Wang

    Introduction: East Asian Migrants in Western Europe. In: Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 31:2, 2021, pp. 123–136
    Zi …
  • 21.09.2021 - 09:56:09

    Neue Publikation von Thomas Heberer und Anna Ahlers

    Kooperation auf Augenhöhe? In: Forschung und Lehre, 09/2021. Hrsg. vom Deutschen Hochschulverband.
  • 31.08.2021 - 09:56:08

    New Publication by Hannes Mosler

    Political structure changes in South Korea since 1948. In: Sojin Lim and Niki J.P. Alsford (eds.): Routledge Handbook of …
  • 16.08.2021 - 09:30:08

    New Publication by Axel Klein and Hannes Mosler

    The Oldest Societies in Asia: The Politics of Ageing in South Korea and Japan.
    In: Achim Goerres and Pieter Vanhuysse …
  • 16.08.2021 - 09:25:08

    New Publication by Nele Noesselt

    Ageing China: The People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

    In: Achim Goerres and Pieter Vanhuysse …
  • 04.08.2021 - 07:30:08

    Nele Noesselts Buch findet international Beachtung

    Rezension von Alexandra V. Sitenko in der russischen Zeitschrift Latinskaya Amerika
    Das neue Buch von Nele Noesselt (Nele …
  • 03.08.2021 - 09:38:08

    New Publication by Nele Noesselt (Editor)

    Nele Noesselt (Ed.): China’s Interactions with Latin America and the Caribbean. Conquering the US’s Strategic Backyard? …
  • 23.07.2021 - 13:04:07

    100 Jahre KPCh – Inszenierung einer Erfolgsgeschichte

    Artikel von Nele Noesselt zu 100 Jahre KPCh auf dem Webportal von bpb: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 23.7.2021
  • 29.06.2021 - 16:09:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 130

    Decrypting China’s Self-Image as “Great Power”  |   Paper by Nele Noesselt, Tanja Eckstein and Elizaveta Priupolina
  • 15.06.2021 - 16:18:06

    The Thesis of Hanno Jentzsch has been published

    Harvesting State Support. Institutional Change and Local Agency in Japanese Agriculture. University of Toronto Press, 2021
    Agriculture …
  • 09.06.2021 - 11:37:06

    Friedensgutachten 2021 vorgestellt

    Nele Noesselt (IN-EAST) gehörte zum Autorenteam des Fokus (S. 25–47) „China – Partner, Konkurrent oder Rivale?“
    Harald …
  • 31.05.2021 - 15:28:05

    Thomas Heberers Buch jetzt auf Russisch erschienen

    „Ostpreußen und China: Nachzeichnung einer wundersamen Beziehung“, Kaliningrad 2021. Übersetzt von Svetlana Kolbanewa …
  • 27.05.2021 - 11:26:05

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Karen Shire

    In: Nora Kottmann and Cornelia Reiher (Hg.): Studying Japan. Handbook of Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods. Nomos, …
  • 18.05.2021 - 10:38:05

    New Paper by Yuan Li, Martin Kleimann, Ling Fang, and Hans-Jörg Schmerer

    The Implications of the New Silk Road Railways on Local Development. In: Journal of Asian Economics, Online, May 2021.
    Recently, …
  • 14.05.2021 - 11:59:05

    Article co-authored by Hannes Mosler published in Korean

    The Elephant in the Unification Room: How North Koreans think about the Workers’ Party
    The original journal article …
  • 13.05.2021 - 01:03:05

    Call for Papers for Special Issue of ASIEN

    Until June 10, 2021: Aimi Muranaka, An Huy Tran (AREA Ruhr) et al. are now collecting contributions to a Special Issue of …
  • 04.05.2021 - 06:32:05

    Ibrahim Öztürk Publishes Article on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

    On the Institutional Quality of the Belt and Road Initiative as a Hybrid International Public Good. In: ASIEN No. 154/155, …
  • 30.04.2021 - 10:19:04

    New Publication by Benedikt Staar

    How to Treat Your Sworn Enemy. North Korea’s Securitisation of the United States. In: International Quarterly for Asian …
  • 30.04.2021 - 09:22:04

    Best Paper Award für Diana Schüler

    Seeking for the Determinants of Entrepreneurship from National Level Data. In: Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing …
  • 19.04.2021 - 19:08:04

    New Publication (Book Chapter) by Hannes Mosler

    The Constitutional Court as a Facilitator of Fundamental Rights Claiming in South Korea, 1988–2018.
    In: Rights Claiming …
  • 18.03.2021 - 11:32:03

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 129

    Provider Payment Reform for Chinese Hospitals: Policy Transfer and Internal Diffusion of International Models  |  Paper …
  • 11.03.2021 - 19:34:03

    3.11 – Ten Years after

    3.11 From one Disaster to another: Japan’s Earthquake. In: storicamente 17/2021, 5 March 2021 (Web-based publication of …
  • 05.03.2021 - 14:13:03

    Hannes Mosler: Special Issue on Memory Politics in Korea

    Hannes Mosler guest edited a special issue (Themenheft) on “Politics of Memory in Korea” for the ASIEN-German Journal …
  • 01.03.2021 - 09:41:03

    Nele Noesselt war Guest Editor bei Journal of Contemporary China

    Volume 30, Issue 128, March 2021. Special Section zu Chinas Außenpolitik mit 2 Aufsätzen
  • 25.02.2021 - 08:04:02

    Book Review by Hannes Mosler

    Review of: Top-Down Democracy in South Korea. By Erik Mobrand. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2019. 201 pp. ISBN: …
  • 16.02.2021 - 10:30:02

    Axel Klein & Levi McLaughlin on Komeito

    Komeito: The Party and Its Place in Japanese Politics. In: The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics, edited by Robert J. …
  • 11.02.2021 - 10:53:02

    Zi Wang publishes new article on Chinese migrants' wellbeing during Covid-19

    Addressing migrants’ well-being during COVID-19: An analysis of Chinese communities’ heritage language schools in Germany. …
  • 26.01.2021 - 14:54:01

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 128

    Growth, Development, and Structural Change at the Firm Level: The Example of the PR China  |  Paper by Torsten Heinrich, …
  • 07.01.2021 - 15:55:01

    New Journal Article by Hannes Mosler

    Understanding the Politics of Constitutional
    Resilience in South Korea. In: Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 33, …
  • 15.12.2020 - 22:37:12

    Neues Arbeitspapier von Momoyo Hüstebeck

    Die Bürgerbeteiligung an deliberativen Entscheidungsverfahren in Japan: Kommunale Planungszellen und die erste nationale …
  • 07.12.2020 - 19:20:12

    Neuer Buchbeitrag von Werner Pascha

    Die ASEAN-Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft: Unvollkommenes Integrationsprogramm oder Vorreiter „asiatischer“ Kooperationsmechanismen? …
  • 04.12.2020 - 23:46:12

    Neuer Aufsatz von Thomas Heberer

    Chinas Kampf gegen Corona. Historische Erfahrungen, innen- und außenpolitische Implikationen. In: Markus Heidingsfelder …
  • 12.11.2020 - 23:26:11

    Vicent Plana Aranda at IN-EAST

    Vicent Plana Aranda is new Research Fellow at the IN-EAST, PhD Student at Prof. Hannes Mosler’s Chair of Social Sciences …
  • 28.10.2020 - 07:55:10

    Markus Taube in China Trends #7

    The Roadblocks on China's Innovation Drive. In: China Trends #7 – The shrinking margins for debate. Published by Institut …
  • 27.10.2020 - 10:34:10

    Florian Coulmas and Zi Wang guest edit special issue on language and migration

    Florian Coulmas and Zi Wang guest edited a special issue on "Language and Communication Behaviours of Asian Migrants in Western …
  • 21.10.2020 - 00:20:10

    Diana Schüler beim Deutsch-Koreanischen Sonderjuniorforum

    Als Mentorin beim Deutsch-Koreanischen Sonderjuniorforum dabei
    Am 16.10.2020 war Dr. Diana Schüler als Mentorin der Gruppe …
  • 16.10.2020 - 00:16:10

    Neuer Artikel in ASIEN von Nele Noesselt, Jonas Seyferth et al.

    Nele Noesselt, Ulrike Gansen, Martin Miller und Jonas Seyferth: Konstitutionalisierungsprozesse in der chinesischen Staatstheorie: …
  • 30.09.2020 - 09:19:09

    „Sayonara“ für Prof. Werner Pascha

    Am 30. September hat das IN-EAST sein langjähriges Mitglied Prof. Werner Pascha in den Ruhestand verabschiedet
    Neben …
  • 29.09.2020 - 21:17:09

    New Journal Article by Hannes Mosler

    South Korea’s April Revolution through the Lens of West Germany. In: Korea Journal, Vol. 60, No. 3, 09/2020, 118–150.
    Germany’s …
  • 22.09.2020 - 15:02:09

    New Journal Article by Giulia Romano

    Poursuivre le développement durable dans une ville chinoise. L’État local chinois et l’incertitude : un aperçu à …
  • 13.09.2020 - 14:44:09

    New Publication by Yuan Li, Martin Kleimann and Hans-Jörg Schmerer

    Estimating Causal Effects of BRI Infrastructure Projects Based on the Synthetic Control Method. Asian Development Bank Working …
  • 10.09.2020 - 15:14:09

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer

    Disciplining of a Society: Social Disciplining and Civilizing Processes in Contemporary China. Ash Center, Kennedy School, …
  • 03.09.2020 - 09:40:09

    New Publication by Yuan Li and Markus Taube

    China’s Integration into the Global Economic System: Institutional Idiosyncrasies and Emerging Patterns
    In: The Oxford …
  • 01.09.2020 - 15:49:09

    Rezension von Helmut Schneider in der ZfW

    Rezension von Helmut Schneider zu Karl Vorlaufer: Südostasien in der Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie (ZfW) …
  • 01.09.2020 - 09:55:09

    New Publication by Karen Shire with Kumiko Nemoto

    The Origins and Transformations of Conservative Gender Regimes in Germany and Japan. In: Social Politics: International Studies …
  • 27.08.2020 - 11:53:08

    New Publication by Nele Noesselt

    Microblogs and the Transformation of Political Debate. In: Latham, Kevin (ed.): Routledge Handbook on Chinese Culture and …
  • 17.08.2020 - 08:19:08

    New book on Japanese language socialisation and hierarchy by Zi Wang

    Zi Wang published his new book The Discursive Construction of Hierarchy in Japanese Society: An Ethnographic Study of …
  • 01.08.2020 - 05:22:08

    Beitrag „Ostasien“ von Prof. Werner Pascha im Staatslexikon

    Prof. Werner Pascha hat einen grundlegenden Übersichtsartikel zu „Ostasien – Politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung“ …
  • 16.06.2020 - 14:42:06

    Friedensgutachten 2020 vorgestellt

    Das Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden der UDE und weitere Friedensforschungsinstitute haben das Friedensgutachten 2020 …
  • 08.06.2020 - 12:12:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 127

    Government Policies for Start-ups in Korea and its Regions: Motives, Mechanisms and Major Obstacles  |  Paper by Diana …
  • 27.05.2020 - 14:50:05

    New Publication by Werner Pascha

    The quest for infrastructure development from a “market creation” perspective:
    China’s “Belt and Road”, Japan’s …
  • 18.05.2020 - 22:51:05

    New Publication by Axel Klein

    Political Games. In: Japan Through the Lens of the Tokyo Olympics, co-edited by Barbara Holthus, Isaac Gagné, Wolfram Manzenreiter, …
  • 15.05.2020 - 16:34:05

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer

    Chinas Kampf gegen Corona. Vorbildliches Krisenmanagement? In: Soziologie heute, 71, Juni 2020, Seite 10–13.
  • 09.05.2020 - 08:36:05

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer

    Ostpreußen und China. Nachzeichnung einer wundersamen Beziehung. Husum-Verlag 2020, 204 Seiten.
  • 07.05.2020 - 23:41:05

    Is There Left Populism in Japan?

    The rather heterogeneous state of populism research on Japan and the potentially populist quality of the new political party …
  • 07.05.2020 - 17:39:05

    New Journal Article by Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya

    Online Connective Representation in China – The Case of the Entrepreneurs. In: Asian Survey 2/2020, pp. 391–415.
    Part …
  • 07.05.2020 - 15:10:05

    Focal Theme bei ASIAN SURVEY von Thomas Heberer und Anna Shpakovskaya

    Focal theme “Political Representation in China”, organisiert von Thomas Heberer und Anna Shpakovskaya. ASIAN SURVEY 2/2020.
    Beiträge …
  • 30.04.2020 - 19:32:04

    New Book by Thomas Heberer and Gunter Schubert

    Weapons of the Rich. Strategic Action of Private Entrepreneurs in Contemporary China. Singapore, New York: World Scientific …
  • 30.04.2020 - 14:10:04

    New Publication by Werner Pascha

    Belts, Roads, and Regions: The Dynamics of Chinese and Japanese Infrastructure Connectivity Initiatives and Europe’s Responses. …
  • 23.04.2020 - 11:56:04

    New Publication of Hannes Mosler

    The Contested Political Remembrance of the Kwangju Uprising and Presidential Speeches in South Korea. In: S/N Korean Humanities, …
  • 18.04.2020 - 15:18:04

    New Publication by Thomas Heberer and Armin Müller

    Entwicklungsstaat China. Politik, Wirtschaft, sozialer Zusammenhalt und Ideologie. Ein Beitrag zur Einordnung der chinesischen …
  • 03.04.2020 - 08:06:04

    New Open Access Publikation by Karen Shire

    The Social Order of Transnational Migration Markets. Wiley Online Library / Open Access, 2 April 2020
    Global Networks. …
  • 27.03.2020 - 09:14:03

    New Publication of Gracia Liu-Farrer and Karen Shire

    Who are the fittest? The question of skills in national employment systems in an age of global labour mobility. In: Journal …
  • 04.03.2020 - 11:16:03

    China-Broschüre der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung erschienen

    Thomas Heberer / Armin Müller: Entwicklungsstaat China. Politik, Wirtschaft, sozialer Zusammenhalt und Ideologie. Hrsg. …
  • 18.02.2020 - 10:02:02

    Giulia Romano’s Dissertation now Published as a Book

    Changing Urban Renewal Policies in China. Policy Transfer and Policy Learning under Multiple Hierarchies. Basingstoke: Palgrave …
  • 12.02.2020 - 11:00:02

    New Publication by Momoyo Hüstebeck

    Innovating Japanese Representative Democracy by Means of Participatory Democracy. In: Schmidt, Carmen and Ralf Kleinfeld …
  • 05.02.2020 - 10:52:02

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 126

    Silk Subway: Japan’s Strategy for an Age of International Connectivity Activism  |  Paper by Werner Pascha
  • 03.02.2020 - 10:59:02

    New Publication of Momoyo Hüstebeck

    Deliberative Innovationen in Japan angesichts demokratischer Herausforderungen. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft …
  • 17.12.2019 - 16:45:12

    Publications by Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya

    Peer-review accepted: Guest Editorship for “Journal of Chinese Governance” (Taylor & Francis) and Focal Theme for …
  • 04.12.2019 - 11:20:12

    Neue Buchveröffentlichung von Florian Coulmas

    Das Zeitalter der Identität. Zur Kritik eines Schlüsselbegriffs unserer Zeit. Universitätsverlag Winter: Heidelberg 2019, …
  • 22.11.2019 - 09:06:11

    Neuer Buch-Beitrag von Florian Coulmas

    Tokyo nisenjukyunen ichigatsu toka – yukei no rekishi (Tokyo, 10 January 2019, tangible history). In: Todai toso kara …
  • 21.11.2019 - 09:38:11

    Neue Publikation von Florian Coulmas

    Japan in 1010 vragen – von Judith Stalpers und Florian Coulmas. Yoyogi Park: Den Haag 2019, 176 Seiten (auf Niederländisch)
  • 12.11.2019 - 15:59:11

    New Publication of Shuanping Dai and Markus Taube

    (Eds.): China’s Quest for Innovation. Institutions and Ecosystems. Routledge: London 2020.
    After more than three years …
  • 08.11.2019 - 10:01:11

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 125

    The Belt and Road Initiative as a Hybrid International Public Good  |  Paper by Ibrahim Öztürk
  • 08.11.2019 - 09:42:11

    New Publication of Yuan Li, Ling Fang, Martin Kleimann

    and Hans-Jörg Schmerer: The Implications of the New Silk Road Railways on Local Development. CESifo Working Paper No. 7923, …
  • 31.10.2019 - 10:57:10

    Werner Pascha co-author in Sustainable Governance Indicators 2019

    Werner Pascha, Patrick Köllner, and Aurel Croissant: Japan Report. Sustainable Governance Indicators 2019 Country Reports, …
  • 23.10.2019 - 15:17:10

    New Journal Article by Giulia Romano

    Chine: un nouveau tournant pour les villes anciennes et la rénovation urbaine? In: Tous Urbains, Vol. 2019/3-4, No. 27–28, …
  • 16.10.2019 - 15:21:10

    Talk with Prof. Coulmas published in GCR Magazine (3) 2019

    'Where you have linguistic diversity, you have a hierarchy' ... A talk with Prof. Coulmas about languages, power and society. …
  • 14.10.2019 - 13:39:10

    Belt & Road Initiative – wer zahlt?

    Markus Taube und Antonia Hmaidi haben für die Bertelsmann-Stiftung eine Expertise zur Finanzierung der „Neuen Seidenstraße“ …
  • 09.10.2019 - 11:40:10

    Special Issue of East Asian Community Review

    Special journal issue on “East Asia and the EU – Partners in Global Economic Governance”, edited by Sebastian Bersick …
  • 05.10.2019 - 16:15:10

    New Publication by Mahmood Shubbak

    Advances in Solar Photovoltaics: Technology Review and Patent Trends. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. …
  • 02.10.2019 - 10:31:10

    Special Issue of Journal of Chinese Governance by Heberer/Shpakovskaya

    Special issue titled “Reappraisal of Political Representation across Political Orders: New Conceptual and Analytical Tools”, …
  • 01.10.2019 - 14:49:10

    Artikel von Nele Noesselt in Russland-Analysen

    Diplomatischer Tanz auf dem Eis: China, Russland und die „Arktis-Seidenstraße“. – Artikel von Nele Noesselt in Russland-Analysen, …
  • 20.09.2019 - 09:45:09

    China: Changing the Norms of Internet

    IN-EAST Master student Andrew Devine publishes analysis of China's strategy in changing the norms of global Internet governance …
  • 03.09.2019 - 10:59:09

    New Publication edited by Yuan Li and Markus Taube

    How China’s Silk Road Initiative is Changing the Global Economic Landscape. Routledge 2019, 304 pages, £ 115.00 (Hardback) …
  • 16.04.2019 - 07:57:04

    Florian Coulmas’ Book in Chinese Translation

    Writing and Society: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press) has now been translated into Chinese by Xi Yan.
    ISBN: …
  • 05.03.2019 - 12:31:03

    Neue Veröffentlichung von Florian Coulmas

    Identity: A very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press (Very Short Introductions series), 168 pages, ISBN: 9780198828549
  • 15.01.2019 - 13:09:01

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 124

    Decoding the Chinese Puzzle: Rapid Economic Growth and Social Development ­Despite a High Level of Corruption  |  Paper …
  • 20.11.2018 - 11:12:11

    New Publication of Giulia Romano

    A Critical Reappraisal of Resident Participation in China and France: ‘Authoritarian Deliberation’ Goes Global? – In: …
  • 06.11.2018 - 10:38:11

    Neue Publikation von Helmut Schneider

    Beitrag „Umweltgefahren und Umweltrisiken in Südostasien“ im Sammelband „Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und …
  • 07.08.2018 - 11:26:08

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 123

    Informal Social Ties and Relationship Orientation in Korean Business Exchanges: A Content Analysis of Ten Inter-Organizational …
  • 21.06.2018 - 12:17:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 122

    The Belt and Road Initiative: A Hybrid Model of Regionalism  |  Paper by Andreas Grimmel and Yuan Li
  • 21.06.2018 - 11:16:06

    Tattoos: Konformistische Einzigartigkeit

    Gastkommentar von Florian Coulmas in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung über die lang anhaltende Tattoo-Welle (und die, die ihr …
  • 29.05.2018 - 09:09:05

    Beitrag von Florian Coulmas in Japan-Sammelband

    "How Average am I?" Youths in a super-aged society. In: Being Young in Super-Aging Japan. Formative Events and Cultural Reactions. …
  • 25.02.2018 - 00:41:02

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 121

    How to Change the Game of Security Cooperation: The Case of the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership  |  Paper by Charmaine …
  • 08.02.2018 - 15:34:02

    China’s Energy Security in paperback version

    China’s Energy Security – edited by Giulia Romano and Jean-François Meglio – is now offered in paperback version as …
  • 31.01.2018 - 12:04:01

    New Publication by Tao Liu

    Occupational Safety and Health as a Global Challenge: From Transnational Social Movements to a World Social Policy. In: Transnational …
  • 25.01.2018 - 11:32:01

    New Publications by Vitali Heidt

    Affiliated Risk and East Asia Research Training Group researcher Vitali Heidt has recently published a book and a book chapter
    Heidt, …
  • 19.12.2017 - 10:38:12

    Irgendwas geht immer – die Identität der Identität

    Artikel von Florian Coulmas in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung vom 19.12.2017 über das umsichgreifende Nonsense-Gerede über …
  • 18.12.2017 - 09:28:12

    An Introduction to Multilingualism

    – Language in a Changing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 (Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics). 352 Pages. New …
  • 17.12.2017 - 22:53:12

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 120

    Cooperation of Vocational Colleges and Enterprises in China. Institutional Foundations of Vocational Education and Skill …
  • 13.12.2017 - 14:26:12

    New Essay from Giulia Romano in Asia Trends

    La Chine et les défis de l'adaptation aux caprices de la nature. In: Asia Trends No. 2, Automne 2017, pp. 24–31. (will …
  • 03.12.2017 - 22:44:12

    Call for Papers for Special Issue with JCEBS

    – Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies – on “Belt and Road Initiative and China-Europe Relation”. Deadline …
  • 20.11.2017 - 12:05:11

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 119

    The Digital Turn in Political Representation in China  |  Paper by Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya
  • 15.11.2017 - 02:34:11

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 118

    From ‘State Control’ to ‘Business Lobbying’: The Institutional Origin of Private Entrepreneurs’ ­Policy Influence …
  • 08.11.2017 - 15:43:11

    Neuer Artikel von Nele Noesselt in Internationale Politik

    Ganz auf Linie. Xi Jinping sieht die Volksrepublik global auf der Überholspur [Analyse zum 19. Parteitag der KPCh]. In: …
  • 26.10.2017 - 14:11:10

    New Essay from Giulia Romano in OrizzonteCina

    Post-doc researcher Giulia Romano, IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies, published at OrizzonteCina, Vol. 8, No. 4 (August …
  • 04.09.2017 - 19:41:09

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 117

    Demystifying the Belt and Road Initiative: Scope, Actors and Repercussion for Europe  |  Paper by Mario Esteban (Elcano …
  • 29.08.2017 - 13:31:08

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 116

    Building Transnational Labor Markets – the Case of Taiwan | Paper by Chih-Chieh Wang (former Researcher at IN-EAST)
  • 15.08.2017 - 10:11:08

    JCEBS Special Issue "Trade and the New Silk Road"

    Edited by Yuan Li and Hans-Jörg Schmerer, the special issue focussing on international trade and transportation costs is …
  • 18.07.2017 - 15:31:07

    New Publications by Giulia Romano

    IN-EAST School’s Postdoc Researcher Giulia Romano has recently published a book chapter, and a paper in "China Perspectives"
    Giulia …
  • 21.06.2017 - 10:25:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 115

    The “Construction” of Chinese Culture in a Globalized World and Its Importance for Beijing’s Smart Power. Notes and …
  • 14.06.2017 - 09:34:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 114

    Discoordination and Miscoordination Caused by Sunspots in the Laboratory  |  Paper by Jan Siebert (Quantitative Wirtschaftspolitik) …
  • 31.05.2017 - 10:38:05

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 113

    The Impact of Incentives on Prosocial Behavior – An Experimental Investigation with German and ­Chinese Subjects
    Paper …
  • 26.05.2017 - 18:51:05

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 112

    Does Social Inducement Lead to Higher Open Innovation Investment? An Experimental Study
    Paper by Shuanping Dai and Guanzhong …
  • 09.05.2017 - 18:46:05

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 111

    China’s Idiosyncratic Economics: An Emerging Unknown Monism Driven by Pluralism
    Paper by Shuanping Dai (IN-EAST)
  • 13.03.2017 - 09:42:03

    Markus Taube Appointed to Advisory Board of ABM

    Asian Business & Management (ABM), published by Springer - Palgrave MacMillan, is an international peer reviewed journal …
  • 21.02.2017 - 09:29:02

    Trust and Mistrust in Contemporary Japan

    Kerstin Lukner and Alexandra Sakaki, two (former) members of the IN-EAST, organized the annual VSJF conference in 2014. Japan …
  • 15.02.2017 - 11:27:02

    Chinese Cultural Diplomacy in the European Context:

    Between Sophistication and Lack of Self-Confidence. Notes by Alessandra Cappelletti on Chinese Cultural Diplomacy Activities. …
  • 16.01.2017 - 11:00:01

    Chinas gesellschaftliche Transformation

    Entwicklungen, Trends und Grenzen.
    Neue Publikation von Thomas Heberer und Armin Müller bei der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, …
  • 04.12.2016 - 11:34:12

    Institutsbericht Nr. 23/2016 erschienen

    Das IN-EAST hat seinen jährlichen Institutsbericht Nr. 23 für den Zeitraum Oktober 2015 bis September 2016 fertiggestellt. …
  • 02.12.2016 - 11:23:12

    Südostasien im Fokus der Weltpolitik

    Der Territorialstreit um das „asiatische Mittelmeer“. Publikation von Helmut Schneider in der Zts. Universitas, 71. Jg., …
  • 22.11.2016 - 22:50:11

    Renaissance der Geopolitik?

    Kritische Bemerkungen zu Tim Marshall und Fred Scholz. Diskussionsbeitrag von Helmut Schneider in der Zeitschrift Geographische …
  • 22.11.2016 - 17:57:11

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 110

    Reflections on the Concept of Representation
    and Its Application to China
    Paper by Thomas Heberer (IN-EAST)
  • 25.08.2016 - 13:36:08

    Vorkoloniale Ursprünge der Urbanisierung in Asien

    Neue Publikation von Helmut Schneider in: Mitteilungen der Essener Gesellschaft für Geographie und Geologie, 2/2016, S. …
  • 16.06.2016 - 09:56:06

    Neue Publikation von Helmut Schneider

    Heft 1/2016 der „Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie“
    (Verlag Walter de Gruyter), moderiert von Helmut Schneider …
  • 15.06.2016 - 09:53:06

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 109

    The Effect of the New Silk Road Railways on Aggregate Trade Volumes between China and Europe.
    Paper by Yuan Li, Kierstin …
  • 06.06.2016 - 09:56:06

    APuZ-Heft – Kulturrevolution China

    Unterstützt durch mehrere Gastvorträge hat sich das IN-EAST mit der Kulturrevolution in China befasst. Jetzt erscheint …
  • 20.05.2016 - 11:29:05

    Latest Issue: Green Series No. 108

    Strategic Behavior of Private Entrepreneurs in China –
    Collective Action, Representative Claims, and Connective Action …
  • 26.04.2016 - 14:48:04

    Neue Publikation von Nele Noesselt

    China als unsichtbarer Faktor der transatlantischen Beziehungen: Eine trianguläre Analyse, in: Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian …
  • 30.03.2016 - 09:18:03

    Thesis on Informal Village Institutions in Japan

    Congratulations to Hanno Jentzsch, doctoral fellow at the DFG training group 1613 Risk and East Asia, who passed his defense …
  • 24.03.2016 - 09:57:03

    New Book by Florian Coulmas

    “Guardians of Language - Twenty Voices Through History” provides an accessible account of the origins and conceptual …
  • 18.03.2016 - 11:51:03

    Helmut Schneider in GR: Phnom Penh Land Grabbing

    In der Zeitschrift Geographische Rundschau 2/2016 Artikel von Helmut Schneider: Stadtentwicklung durch land grabbing? …
  • 05.03.2016 - 15:56:03

    Latest Issue: Green Series N° 105

    Improving Intergroup Relations through Actual and
    Imagined Contact: A Field Experiment with (...) - paper by Jun Gu, Annika …
  • 23.02.2016 - 09:30:02

    New Publication by Shuanping Dai

    Diversity of firm sizes, complexity, and industry structure in the Chinese economy. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. …
  • 19.01.2016 - 11:39:01

    Neue Publikation von Nele Noesselt

    Abschied vom Trittbrettfahren: In seinem neuen Weißbuch präsentiert sich China verantwortungsbewußt. In: Internationale …
  • 29.12.2015 - 15:34:12

    Latest Issue: Green Series N° 107

    Diversity of Firm Sizes, Complexity, and Industry Structure in the Chinese Economy - paper by Torsten Heinrich (University …
  • 26.12.2015 - 15:49:12

    Latest Issue: Green Series N° 106

    Identification to Oneself and to the Others: Employees’ Perceptions after a Merger - paper by Ralf Bebenroth (Kobe University) …
  • 22.12.2015 - 17:07:12

    Latest Issue: Green Series N° 104

    Architectural Innovation in China. The Concept and its Implications for Institutional Analysis - paper by Marcus Conlé (IN-EAST …
  • 09.12.2015 - 00:00:12

    Neue Publikation von Nele Noesselt

    China: Solo oder Sinfonie? Außenpolitische Ambitionen und Positionierungspläne. In: Die Politische Meinung, Jg. 60 (2015), …
  • 02.11.2015 - 14:23:11

    RSS feed on publications by IN-EAST members

    IN-EAST has a new RSS feed on publications by its members.

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