Innovative Teaching & Learning Projects
Innovative Lehr-Lern-Projekte
Proactive engagement in the development of innovative projects to enhance quality in teaching, studying, research and transfer activities is part of the IN-EAST overall mission to create an open and supportive atmosphere for new ideas and projects developed by institute members.
► Information Literacy Training (since WS 2020/21)
(Melanie Kogler, Rita Németh)
► Hybrid East Asian Language Learning Program (HELLP) (2019–2022)
(Markus Taube, Jörn-Carsten Gottwald; Landesspracheninstitut)
► Mobile Learning: Japanese Intermediate Grammar (2020–2021)
(Axel Klein, Yuko Sugita, Yuka Ando)
► Task Force / Forschendes Lernen (WS 2020/21)
► Japanese Signs and Symbols
(Florian Coulmas, Helmut Demes)