Information Literacy Training


Strengthening Information Literacy
in the IN-EAST MA programs

Starting from winter term 2020/21, the IN-EAST in close cooperation with the University library has introduced a training program to strengthen students’ information literacy and research skills. This program aims to

  • actively support students in their individual skill development in terms of general and discipline-specific literature research
  • enhance the overall quality of student research and papers

Project Team:
Melanie Kogler, Rita Németh (IN-EAST)
N.N. (University library)

Melanie Kogler Thumb     Rita Nemeth Thumb

The program is composed of several different units that build upon each other and develop and deepen the students’ skills through a combination of live instruction (digital or face-to-face) and e-learning elements (virtual tours and course rooms). Students can check their own progress by taking online tests for each unit and in the end receive a formal certificate upon completion of the program by passing a final test covering all units.

The training program is structured as follows:

Introduction to the library (Einführung in die Nutzung der Bibliothek ENB)
Literature research (Allgemeine Literaturrecherche AL)
(Discipline-specific) literature research (Fachspezifische Literaturrecherche FL)
With a focus on East Asia-related sources / mit Fokus auf ostasienbezogener Literatur
– Economic science / Wirtschaftswissenschaften
– Social sciences (Political Science/Sociology) / Sozialwissenschaften (Politikwissenschaft/Soziologie)
Students choose one discipline according to their disciplinary major / Studierende wählen eine Disziplin basierend auf ihrem Studienschwerpunkt
Reference Management / Citavi (Literaturverwaltung / Citavi)
Citavi for advanced users
(voluntary upon request / freiwilling bei Nachfrage)

MA students do the full training program in their first semester, while BA students start with the introductory library workshop and the general literature research training in their first term and take the more advanced parts at a later stage of their studies. This way, the specific needs of IN-EAST students at different stages of their academic path are met by a flexible structure, anchoring the training within the BA and MA study programs.

More Information:

Rita Németh
For concrete questions related to the integration of the training into the IN-EAST study programs:
Melanie Kogler

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