Research Programm until 2013
► Human Rights, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development
► The Implementation of the Ten Global Compact Principles in the Practice of German Companies
► Instruments and Procedures of German Development Cooperation in Post-Conflict Countries
► Functionality/ Dysfunctionality of Corruption in Changing Contemporary Societies
► Participation and Development in Central Asia: An Analysis of National Strategies in and Development Co-operation with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
► Social Market Economy: Potential for Poverty Reduction and Human Rights in Vietnam
► State Failure and Global governance
► The Political Field of Humanitarian Assistance in Conflict Regions and War
► State Failure as a Challenge to Peace and Development Politics: How Can Structures of Violence Be Transformed and Governance Be Strengthened?
► Capacity Development for a Better Participation of Development Countries at Global Governance in International Regimes
► Social and Political Fractures after Wars. The Role of Youth Violence in Cambodia and Guatemala
► Local Capacities for Peace: Empowering a Somaliland Peace Research NGO to Enhance Conflict Resolution Practices
► INFOCON - International Civil Society Forum on Conflicts
► Hybrid Political Orders in Fragile Environments
► Instruments and Procedures of German Development Cooperation in Post-Conflict Countries
► Conflict and Transformation in the South Caucasus - State Building between National Identity and Europeanization (Summer School in Georgia)
► Peaceful Change and Violent Conflict - The Transformation of the Middle East and Western-Muslim Relations
► Evaluation for the Elaboration of the Common Code for the Coffee Community (CCCC)
► The Political Field of Humanitarian Assistance in Conflict Regions and War
► Human Security in Theory and Practice
► Beyond Managing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Toward a New People-to-People Agenda
► 'Profiling CSR-Policies in Europe, America, Asia and Africa' - Recommendations for Strategic CSR Consultancy in Transforming and Developing Countries
► SEPHS - Student Exchange Programme in Human Security
► Global Insecurity and Late Modern Forms of Governance: Governing and Regulating Contemporary Piracy