Ph.D. Programme International Relation/Peace and Development Studies

Together with the professorships of International Relations and Development Policy at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, Prof. Dr. Christof Hartmann), INEF offers a doctoral programme in the field of "International Relations / Peace and Development Research".

The programme does not receive third-party funding and therefore cannot offer scholarships.

Supervision by one of the professors mentioned above is a prerequisite for participation in the Ph.D. programme.

The participating doctoral students are integrated into a structure which enables them to plan their Ph.D. project in manageable individual steps. In addition, they are familiarized with selected methods and theoretical approaches in regularly offered workshops. The programme not only facilitates networking among the doctoral students, but also serves to link individual Ph.D. projects with the research profiles of the participating institutes.


You find further information and details on doctoral degrees at the Faculty of Social Science (University Duisburg-Essen) on the site of the doctoral programme doknet.

UAR Graduate Centre

The UA Ruhr Graduate Centre for Development Studies is a collaboration project in the framework of the University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr (UAR). The three involved institutes from the Ruhr-University Bochum and the University Duisburg-Essen cooperate to conjoin their distinctive research and teaching areas for complementary benefits. Pease find further information about the Graduate Centre here.