The UAR Working Papers on Development and Global Governance publish outstanding papers of students from the Master Programmes of the UAR Graduate Centre for Development Studies.

The series is edited by Dr. Gabriele Bäcker, Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, Prof. Dr. Christof Hartmann und Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Löwenstein.

Current Issue

Considered by policy-makers of the global South as a tool to fight youth unemployment and alleviate poverty, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has experienced esurgence in the course of the last decade. While academic research appears to focus on (macro-)economic effects of TVET and qualitative empirical research on micro-level effects of TVET participation is limited, this paper broadens the perspective on education and training by exploring the effects of TVET participation on overall well-being of youth from low socio-economic backgrounds.

This thesis bases its findings on indicative data derived from a field study conducted in late 2014 and encompassing personal interviews with graduates from the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Ashaiman, Ghana and employer representatives from the industry for data triangulation.


Previous Issues

UAR Working Paper 16/2018: Tischmeyer, Christian: The Strong Nation-State and Violence.

UAR Working Paper 15/2017: Langerwisch, Jörg: Konfliktpräventive Anpassung an den Klimawandel - Fallstudie Niger.

UAR Working Paper 14/2016: Fusenig, Mirjam: Why do Wine Producers seek a Fairtrade Certification?

UAR Working Paper 13/2016: Adisorn, Thomas: Paving the Way for Investment in Geothermal Power Deployment in Developing Countries.

UAR Working Paper 12/2016: Perlick, Franziska: Corruption and Political Stability in Post-Conflict Countries: Is there really a Trade-Off? 

UAR Working Paper 11/2015: Striegel, Simon: Building inclusive smallholder agricultural finance.

UAR Working Paper 10/2015: Mahla, Anika: Der deutsche Mediendiskurs zur (Neuen) Grünen Revolution.

UAR Working Paper 09/2015: Nett, Katharina: Enhancing climate change resilience in fragile states.

UAR Working Paper 08/2014: Noraie-Kia, Neda: Sensitive to Conflict?

UAR Working Paper 07/2014: Bastian, Julia: Local accountability in Mosambik.

UAR Working Paper 06/2014: Kriews, Paul: Ressourcensegen - Ressourcenfluch?

UAR Working Paper 05/2014: Siebert, Anne: Die Global Governance des Wassers.

UAR Working Paper 04/2014: David, Martin: Bedingungen nachhaltigen Handelns.

UAR Working Paper 03/2013: Gemperle, Sergio: Determinanten erfolgreicher Dezentralisierung.

UAR Working Paper 02/2013: Althaus, Lisa-Marie: Green Transformation towards Sustainable Development?

UAR Working Paper 01/2013: Knebel, Bastian: „Good is not enough“.