Erasmus+ - the essential information

What is the Erasmus+ programme?

Erasmus+ is a programme from the European Union which promotes cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe as well as mobility for staff and students. With the Erasmus+ programme, students can complete an exchange semester or year at one of UDE’s Erasmus+ partner universities. The study period abroad can last a minimum of three months and a maximum of 12 months. As an Erasmus+ grant holder, you receive an Erasmus+ grant to provide financial support for your travel and accommodation expenses. Erasmus+ programme applications can be submitted straight to UDE.

Where can I study with Erasmus+?

The Erasmus+ programme is available in its entirety in 34 ‘programme countries’. Within the European Union, these consist of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Outside the EU, the following countries are also programme countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The exchange is based on contracts that UDE faculties have made with faculties at other European higher education institutions. UDE’s cooperations therefore do not apply to the whole university and all subjects, but enable faculty-specific Erasmus+ stays at a partner university. Applications for places outside of your faculty’s cooperations are not possible.

Special circumstances:

  • United Kingdom: as things stand, Erasmus+ funding for the UK will still apply after Brexit for the academic year 2023/24. You can find further information here.
  • Switzerland: if you are planning to study in Switzerland, the funding comes from the Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP). Each Swiss higher education institution is responsible for this programme independently. Please therefore contact the partner institution in Switzerland that you would like to study at.

What are the requirements?

  • You must be registered as a regular student in a University of Duisburg-Essen study programme that culminates in a higher education degree (up to and including doctoral studies).
  • You can be funded by Erasmus+ (study abroad periods and work placements) for up to 12 months within each cycle of study (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies). For ‘one-cycle’ study programmes (state examination etc.), a maximum of 24 months can be funded in total.
  • You must have successfully completed your first year of studies.
  • You must have sufficient knowledge of the language that the classes you will attend will be held in.
  • Your stay must be at a partner institution with which UDE has an Erasmus+ cooperation agreement.
  • The Erasmus+ study period must last a minimum of three months and may not exceed one year.

NOTE: when planning a stay abroad, you must follow the partner institution’s academic calendar and not the semester dates at UDE. The summer semester often begins as early as January/February at our partner universities.

IMPORTANT: students cannot submit individual Erasmus+ applications to Brussels or to the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The home university’s International Office or the faculty’s Erasmus+ coordinator is responsible for this.

What do I receive as an Erasmus+ grant holder? 

  • A study abroad period of 3-12 months at one of the home university’s partner institutions in either an EU member state or in Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway or Turkey.
  • A tuition fee waiver at the host institution.
  • Academic recognition of the credits earned abroad (ECTS).
  • A mobility grant (between €540 and €600 for three to 12 months according to length of stay).
  • For disabled students and students with a family, special funding to a limited extent for additional costs incurred abroad.
  • Support with subject and language-specific preparation for the stay abroad.
  • Usually, support from the host institution regarding accommodation, cultural offerings, etc.

How much financial support is available?

Erasmus+ students receive a monthly grant of between €540 and €600.

The amount of this mobility grant varies according to the different costs of living in the host countries. The following table shows the Erasmus+ grant amount per month for the academic year 2024/25:


Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden


Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey

The montly grant for United Kingdom for the academic year 2024/25 is 600,00 Euro.

There is also the possibility to apply for a BAföG grant or a BAföG grant for a stay abroad (Auslands-BAföG). You can find more information here.

Is there special support for students with a disability or with children?

  • Erasmus+ mobility with disabilities:

Erasmus+ students with a degree of disability of at least 20 can also apply for special support for their Student Mobility for Studies (SMS) programme. Information on the type and amount of support as well as the requirements can be found here (in German).

For further Information, please contact the Erasmus+ team at the International Office. They will also provide you with an application form.

  • Erasmus+ mobility for parents:

Students who want to go abroad with children (Erasmus+ study period abroad) can apply to receive Erasmus+ special funding as a lump sum. In addition to the regular Erasmus+ funding according to UDE’s grant rates, a monthly sum of €200 (regardless of the number of children) can be granted.

For further Information, please contact the Erasmus+ team at the International Office. There you can find out more about funding options and also get an application form.

All the key facts at a glance...


The International Office is currently inviting applications for the remaining Erasmus+ places for the winter semester 2024/2025 and the summer semester 2025. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2024.

Consultation hours

Would you like some individual advice on the options for a semester abroad? Or do you have questions about your Erasmus+ mobility period? Then join us for our regular online Zoom consultation hours. Please find further information here.

Erasmus+ partner universities

Bonjour Paris? Hola Madrid? Ahoj Prague? Hallå Stockholm? There are so many options for a semester abroad! That’s why it’s helpful to have an overview of all the possibilities.

You can find a list of our Erasmus+ partner universities sorted by subject and country in our search portal!


Step by step: the application process

Application form

How and where do I apply for Erasmus+?

You have to apply online for an Erasmus+ study period abroad. Your faculty’s Erasmus+ coordinator will select which students will participate. For study periods in the academic year 2024/2025 (winter semester 2024/2025 and/or summer semester 2025), you can apply from 1 December 2023 until 31 January 2024.

You must first fill in the online application form. To do so, log in to the outgoings application portal with your university credentials, select the Erasmus+ Outgoings form, fill in all the fields (don’t forget to mark each individual page as fully completed) and submit the form. After submission, a PDF with your application details will be generated. This is for your records. The following documents must also be included (and uploaded to the online form):

  • an up-to-date transcript (for students in their first subject-related semester: higher education entrance qualification certificate; for students in their first master’s semester: bachelor’s certificate and transcript)
  • a current enrolment confirmation
  • a letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
  • proof of language proficiency (for certain courses, proof of language proficiency does not have to be submitted. Please contact your faculty’s Erasmus+ coordinator or refer to the website of your faculty.)
  • a CV
  • a passport photo

Documents to submit

Which documents do I have to submit?

According to the faculty, you may have to submit further application documents and write the letter of motivation and the CV in the host country’s language/the language of instruction. Please get in touch with your faculty’s coordinator at an early stage. You can also find out which documents are to be submitted in more detail on many of the faculties’ websites (mostly in German):

Additional information: dual-subject applications

If you are studying a dual-subject BA or MA, dual-subject applications are possible. This means that you can send applications for Erasmus+ places to the respective coordinators from each of your two subjects (or also for educational sciences for students pursuing a teaching qualification). In total, you can select up to six universities of your choice in the online application, with a maximum of three universities per subject. The order in which you enter your universities of choice corresponds to your preferences.

Applications with other faculties

It is generally not possible to apply for places on cooperation programmes that are organised by faculties other than your own.

Selection process

What happens to my application?

The Erasmus+ coordinators within each faculty select which students will receive Erasmus+ places. All faculties are bound by the selection criteria of previous academic records, language proficiency, social skills and the letter of motivation. Individual faculties may also apply additional selection criteria. In this regard, please take note of the information on the faculty webpages.

After the selection has been made, the coordinators will inform the International Office of the result. The International Office will then inform all applicants about the result of the selection procedure. The selected students must confirm online whether they accept their place.

Following that, the International Office will nominate (send the names) of the selected students to the partner institutions, who will be asked to get into contact with the nominated students directly and send them all the necessary documents and information (e.g. registration form, course brochure, accommodation options).

My Erasmus+ stay was the best thing I’ve ever experienced. There are lots of organisations for Erasmus+ students so it’s also easy and cheap to travel around. I made the nicest friends with people from every continent, learnt a lot about myself and my future plans and saw more things than I ever have before. My Spanish also improved and Málaga will always be my second home!

Luiza (Dual-subject Bachelor’s in Spanish & English)

Erasmus+ study period abroad at the Universidad de Málaga, Spain

You’ve been selected for an Erasmus+ place – what now?

The Erasmus+ semester - a short guide

The Erasmus+ programme has been connecting European universities for over three decades! Everything to do with a semester abroad – preparing, applying, how the semester itself proceeds and any follow-up steps – can be done easily and without any bureaucratic hurdles so that every student has the chance to join in the Erasmus+ adventure.

You’ll find a clear summary of the most important information in the schedule sheet (in German).

You can also find out more about how a semester abroad in Europe works, as well as important documents and incentives in the video opposite.

Before your stay

1. Nomination and registration at the host university

After you’ve been selected for the Erasmus+ programme and confirmed your place online in the MoveOn portal, the International Office nominates you to the partner institution. This means that the partner institution receives the names of those who have been selected for the exchange programme and is asked to send all the necessary information and documents for registration directly to these students. As a rule, you must then fill in an online registration form and submit further documents to our partner institution. Please make sure to meet the deadlines given by our partner institution.

2. Signing a Learning Agreement

One of the most important instruments for the recognition of study credits obtained abroad is the Learning Agreement. It is obligatory to sign a Learning Agreement for all students who wish to complete a period abroad as part of the Erasmus+ programme. From the 2021/2022 winter semester, this takes the form of an Online Learning Agreement.

In the Learning Agreement, it is agreed which courses will be completed abroad and for which courses/modules these can be credited. This requires you to have previously looked into the courses on offer at the host university in detail and to have discussed your course selection with your subject coordinator. The Learning Agreement must be signed by all three parties (student, home university, host university) before beginning the stay abroad. With their signatures, the home university confirms that the courses selected can be credited and the host university declares that the study plan is expected to be possible. The subject coordinator within your faculty at your home university is your most important contact person for all subject-related questions.

A step-by-step guide for filling out the Online Learning Agreement can be found here (in German).

3. Signing the Grant Agreement

The Grant Agreement is a contract that regulates financial support during your Erasmus+ stay. We’ll send you this document mid/late July (for stays in the winter semester) or early/mid-November (for stays in the summer semester). After receiving it, please print out two copies of the Grant Agreement, sign both and return them to us by post. The Grant Agreement will then be signed by the Erasmus+ coordinator and we will send a signed copy back to you.

4. Completing a language test

All those who participate in the Erasmus+ programme are required to complete an online language test before their stay abroad in order to assess their language proficiency in the partner institution’s language of instruction. Only native speakers are exempt from this requirement. You will receive an invitation to complete a language test by email (sender: After receiving this email, you have one month to do the language test.

Please note that the result of the language test does not have any influence on the previous decision made regarding your participation in the Erasmus+ programme. It helps you to assess your language skills and, according to the test result, you have the opportunity to take part in a free online language course.

5. Payment of the first grant instalment

After the International Office has received a Learning Agreement signed by all parties and the Grant Agreement, and you have completed the OLS language test, the first of two Erasmus+ grant instalments (70% of the grant sum) can be paid to you. You will receive the remaining amount (30% of the grant sum) when we have received all of the necessary final documents at the end of your stay abroad.

During your stay

1. Confirmation of Arrival

After starting your studies at the partner institution, you need to get the Confirmation of Arrival section on the Certificate for Erasmus+ Grant form signed by the partner institution and send it to us by email.

2. Changes to the Learning Agreement

If any changes occur with regard to your study plan, you have the possibility to amend your Online Learning Agreement up until 30 days after your arrival at the partner institution. Please ensure you have discussed the changes with your subject coordinator and have your Online Learning Agreement signed by all involved parties again.

You can find a step-by-step guide on changing your Online Learning Agreement here (in German).

3. Potential stay extension

If you are considering extending your stay, you should talk to us as soon as possible. You can reach us by emailing

4. Getting documents signed/requesting documents before departing

Before departing, clarify with the partner institution how you can request your Transcript of Records, an overview of the credits you have obtained abroad, and how it will be delivered to you. The Transcript of Records is a prerequisite for credit recognition.

You must get the Confirmation of Departure section on the Certificate for Erasmus+ Grant form signed and stamped by the partner institution at the earliest five days before your studies at the partner institution end. 

After your stay

1. Submit your documents

Please submit your Certificate for Erasmus+ Grant to us by email ( within 30 days after returning. You must also complete an EU survey within this timeframe; you will receive the invitation to do so by email. If changes have been made to your Learning Agreement, please also send us the updated version including signatures from all parties.

After we have received these documents, we can pay you the second grant instalment (30% of the grant sum). Please also submit a copy of your Transcript of Records to us as soon as you have received it from the partner institution. After you have received credit for the courses completed abroad, we need a copy of your academic transcript that shows the recognised credits.

2. Writing your Erasmus+ report

Write an Erasmus+ report and help students who want to plan a stay abroad by giving them useful tips and tricks for a stay at the partner institution. We will soon make a template for the Erasmus+ report available here for you.

3. Recognition of credits obtained abroad

As a rule, you must submit your Learning Agreement, the Transcript of Records and an application for the recognition of credits to the relevant Examination Board after returning. This procedure can, however, vary according to the subject/faculty. Please contact your subject coordinator to find out more about the exact procedure. Please note that credits can only be recognised if they were discussed and agreed in the Learning Agreement and are accounted for in the Transcript of Records.

4. Be part of an intercultural exchange

Are you interested in using and consolidating your international and intercultural skills? At the University of Duisburg-Essen, there are numerous opportunities to do so:

  • UDE’s go abroad ambassadors programme offers you the opportunity to share the experience you have gained abroad and, at the same time, inspire your fellow students to take the step to go abroad themselves. You can also develop your international competencies, work in a team of like-minded people, improve your presentation and public speaking skills and implement your own projects.
  • The International Office’s TutorenServiceCenter (TSC) runs a buddy programme to support exchange students. As buddies, UDE students give newly arrived international students tips and advice and help out as cultural mediators and friends.
  • Are you interested in volunteering in an intercultural environment, improving your foreign language skills and acquiring international competencies? Then why not go for the Certificate of International Competence? As part of this certificate, you need to complete three out of four components to be able to have your dedication to the international and intercultural field certified. And the best thing about is you will have already successfully completed the Stay Abroad component with your Erasmus period.
  • Please find further information on intercultural and international participation here (in German).

Contact and information

Erasmus+ faculty coodinators and information from each faculty

Got more questions?

Contact & consultation

Do you have any questions? 

Then please send us an e-mail to 

or register for an online or on-site consultation.

We look forward to seeing you!