Information about Enrollment & Co.

Direct to a place to study

Application and Enrollment

The studies of Physics and Energy Science are not admission restricted. You can enroll directly without an application during the following time periods:

  • June 03rd 2019 until July 31th 2020/
  • September 08th 2020 until October 30th 2020

Video on Enrollment at the University of Duisburg-Essen (in German)

Information on Enrollment (in German)

Enrollment request (in German)

Start of lectures

October 12th 2020

Recommended pre-courses

Beginners in the Bachelor's of Science in Physik and Energy Science degree program are particularly adviced to attend the pre-course for Maths and Physics.

Beginners in the teaching post Physics programm are particularly adviced to attend the pre-course for Physics.

Information (in German) on recommended pre-courses.


Should you have any further questions, please contact the student advisory service.

Student Advisory Service