Soft Skills Summer 2023
The Soft Skills Summer is an initiative by the CRC 1242, the CRR/TRR 247, the CRC/TRR270, 2D-Mature, CENIDE, the SPP 1980, FOR 2284 and the team for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. We would like to invite you to be a part of it and to improve your soft skills.
Registration: If you like to attend one or more of these workshops, please send an e-mail to until 07.07.2023 including:
- full name
- position / project
- workshop(s) you would like to attend
- and if childcare is needed.
Date: 18.07.2023
You've accomplished more than you think - about your transferable skills and how to sell them
It is widespread for PhD students and postdocs to feel insecure about their achievements and
employability outside of academia. But in many cases, it is just an understatement. You are
likely to have many skills that have significant value.
You'll learn...
- How do employers communicate what they want from you? About job ads and other information sources.
- Typical skills gaps- perceived and real.
- What have you done, and how to translate this into worthwhile skills?
- Many transferable skills most PhD holders have.
- How can you tailor your academic experience to be more employable in the field you want to move to?
- Selling yourself to different employer types as a valuable asset.
- The core of a good CV: the skills section.
Start: 09:00 Duration: 8,5h Room: NETZ room 2.42
Trainer: Philipp Gramlich
Max. 12 participants (fully booked)
Date: 26.07.2023
Feeling compelled to deliver a good to outstanding performance in university, at work, and in other areas of life simultaneously can put even the best and strongest under pressure. Stress is present in our everyday life. Yet we are never properly trained to cope with it. In this workshop, you are going to learn how to cope with stress and build unshakable resilience through recognizing stressors such as performance and success pressure, learning strategies to cope with them, as well as how to protect and strengthen your mental health.
- STRESS BASICS: What is stress? Gaining knowledge and awareness on development of a burnout, differentiation between positive and negative stress, effects on the body and mind
- STRESSED OUT STUDENT: Debunking common stressors and their roots
- ME, MY STRESS AND I: Stress is different for each and everyone. Learn to Identifying your personal stressors, body and mind reactions and what causes stress
- RESILIENCE AND RELAXATION: How to let go and relax through identify levers for change, mindset shifts, time management, goal setting, learning about and your needs and emotions, setting boundaries, selfcare and social support.
- JUST BREATHE: Learn how to guide your body through stressful situations by using your breath (Breathwork session with Yvonne Gottlich).
Please bring a yoga mat.
Start: 09:30 Duration: 7,5h Room: NETZ room 2.42
Trainer: Nora Stracke
Max. 12 participants (fully booked)
Date: 02.08.2023
Women* and Career
Topics like “glass ceiling”, “leaky pipeline”, or the initiatives #IamHannah and #IamReyhan shine a light on the progress for women’s rights in the German workplace. But aren’t we already equal? Moreover, is it not the performance that actually matters?
In the workshop, participants will learn more about the current chances and challenges for women* academics working in Germany. We will identify factors influencing your career and develop strategies to navigate obstacles. The workshop also provides space to share your experiences and to work on individual topics.
- Structural Barriers for women*
- Internalized gender roles
- Dealing with discrimination in the work place
- Building strategies to navigate your career
Start: 09:00 Duration: 8h Room: NETZ room 2.42
Trainer: Stephanie Sera
Max. 12 participants (fully booked)
Date: 10.08.2023
Leading discussions in small and large groups
"This training is for participants who have to communicate and hold discussions.
The training will focus on verbal and non-verbal elements of communication, how to convince partners with simple argumentation techniques and how to react to different situations and different types of partner.
It is an interactive and lively seminar with a lot of opportunity to try out new ideas and receive constructive feedback."
Start: 09:30 Duration: 8,5h Room: MC 351
Trainer: Brian Mantle
Max. 12 participants (fully booked)
Date: 17.08.2023
Decision making - how to find the best solution
- Understanding of the importance of decision-making processes, both in everyday life as well as in a professional context
- Raising awareness of the impact of decisions that are not made
- Learning and applying of decision-making methods
- Exchange of experience on decision-making processes and methods
Target group
- Female doctoral students who would like to learn how to they can present themselves confidently in front of groups and communicate convincingly.
Rough concept
- Preparation: Collection of decisions that need to be made now or in the future, or that have or have been difficult in the past
- Enquiry about personal challenges with regard to past or current decisions
- Communicating the importance of decision-making processes
- Presentation of different methods of decision-making and application using the example of practical cases
- Exchange on results as well as advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches within the group
Start: 09:30 Duration: 7,5h Room: NETZ room 2.42
Trainer: Kathrin Hombach
Max. 12 participants (fully booked)