Soft Skills Summer 2024

The Soft Skills Summer is an initiative by the CRC 1242, the CRR/TRR 247, the CRC/TRR270, 2D-Mature, CENIDE, and the team for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. We would like to invite you to be a part of it and to improve your soft skills.

Registration: If you like to attend one or more of these workshops, please go to  and fill out the registration form for the respective workshop(s) until July 21, 2024. 

Date: 30.07.2024

Voice and Speech


Your voice is your auditive visiting card - and how you present yourself and your knowledge is vital to your success. This workshop teaches you the anatomy of the voice, how to use and strengthen your vocal system and provides you with a toolbox of instruments to apply when speaking in public. The workshop also contains

  • interactive, playful exercises
  • stage training to enhance your confidence and self awareness
  • analysis and feedback of your individual presentations

and throughout the day there will be space für sharing experiences and working on individual topics.

Start:  09:30    Duration: 7,5h      Room: NETZ room 2.42

Trainer: Christina Branner Jespersen

Max. 12 participants

Date: 06.08.2024

Job Application


Writing a convincing application is a big challenge, but it is also critical, when it comes to managing your professional career in free economy or academia. Good applications are highly specific: They address the needs and requirements of each job position, sell your personal profile and qualifications as well as possible and, of course, are up to the standards of employers and hiring processes. Thus, there is a big gap between career-management and application processes for academic or economic purposes.

This three-part workshop will provide you with what you need to know. We will cover:

I. Academia vs. Economy – Pros & Cons on Planning your Career Path

  • Prospects of Success                                          Chances, Challenges, & Risks (WissZeitVG)         
  • Requirements & Expectations                          Payment

II. Writing a Convincing Application – For Economy

  • Finding a Suitable Job                                         Creating a Personal Profile
  • Reading Job Descriptions Properly                   Writing a Professional CV
  • Writing a Convincing Cover Letter                    Performing at the Job Interview

III. Writing a Convincing Application – For Academia

  • Finding a Suitable Job                                         Creating a Research Profile
  • Reading Job Descriptions Properly                   Writing a Professional Academic CV
  • Adding Research, Publications & Teaching     Including Third-Party-Funding & Projects
  • Writing a Convincing Cover Letter                    Performing at the Job Interview (Rehearsal Lecture)

Start:  09:30    Duration: 7,5h      Room: NETZ room 2.42

Trainer: Nicolas Gaspers

Max. 12 participants

Date: 15.08.2024

Performing Under Pressure


Presenting oneself and one's work can be stressful, especially for female academics, who face unique challenges in the workplace. Women often encounter intimidation in male-dominated fields, mixed messages on behavior, and a lack of confidence and support. They are also more often affected by imposter syndrome. This workshop uses theater techniques and transformational coaching exercises to help women explore and redefine their professional roles, take ownership of their expertise, and transform stress into motivation.

Participants will learn to...

  • Utilize strategies for reframing criticism and the inner-critic.
  • Techniques to project confidence and competence in presentation situations.
  • Build awareness of the roles they have chosen and be able to craft the role they desire.
  • Use tools to help them transform stress and pressure into energy and motivation.

Start:  09:30    Duration: 7,5h      Room: NETZ room 2.42

Trainer: Francesca Carlin

Max. 12 participants

Date: 03.09.2024

Decision Making - How to Find the Best Solution


  • Understanding of the importance of decision-making processes, both in everyday life as well as in a professional context
  • Raising awareness of the impact of decisions that are not made
  • Learning and applying of decision-making methods
  • Exchange of experience on decision-making processes and methods

Target group

  • Female doctoral students who would like to learn methods and approaches that will make decision-making situations easier for them in the future in order to achieve clarity about the right decision more quickly.

Rough concept

  • Preparation: Collection of decisions that need to be made now or in the future, or have been difficult in the past
  • Exchange about personal challenges with regard to past or current decisions
  • Communicating the importance of decision-making processes
  • Presentation of different methods of decision-making and application using the example of practical cases
  • Exchange on results as well as advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches within the group

Start:  09:30    Duration: 7,5h      Room: Senatssaal LR 106, 1. OG Gerhard Mercator Haus

Trainer: Kathrin Hombach

Max. 12 participants