Instructions for ordering journal articles and volumes

Order via Primo

Our online catalogue Primo displays the holdings of all the branch libraries in Duisburg and Essen. In addition, Primo offers the opportunity to order journal articles or volumes from the closed stockroom.

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2. Result list

If you receive too many hits, you can search specifically for journals by filtering your search results.
To do this, select the option " Journals" below the search slot:


When you are searching for journal titels, you will find a combination of the following symbols due to availability of printed or electronic versions:

Journals Online & Print

  Show availability of printed and electronic versions

Symbols for electronic versions:

  Journal available for free, without limitation
  Journal partly available for free
  licensed journal
  partly licensed journal
  no online access, Table of contens or abstracts may be available

Symbole für printed versions:

  Journal available in print
  Journal not available in print, interlibrary loan order possible

Please click on the symbols to learn which volumes are actually available in print or online.

3. Holdings and availability

Below the headline "Gedruckter Bestand" (= Printed version) you will find more information about volumes that are actually available as well as the shelfmarks:

Below the shelfmarks, you can choose between two options:

4. Ordering articles

If you would like to order an article from a journal volume at the other campus, please select the link "Bestellung über den Aufsatzlieferdienst (nur für Hochschulangehörige!)".

The data for the selected journal is automatically transferred to the order form:

Complete the form and click on "Abschicken" (= send). The article will be delivered as a pdf file to your email address.

Please check if your e-mail adress is stated correctly and provide enough storage space in your email account.

5. Ordering volumes from a closed stock room

If you want to order a journal volume from a closed stockroom, please choose the link "Bände aus dem geschlossenen Magazin zur Ansicht bestellen".

Title and shelfmark of the chosen journal will be transferred automatically to the order form:

Now enter the data of the desired volume in the form and complete your personal data.

The ordered volumes will be made available for five opening days.

You will be notified of the availability by email.