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Essen Campus

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Information about standards and guidelines

Licensed databases:

Perinorm online

  • standards from (almost all) countries
  • VDI guidelindes
go to Perinorm online

VDE NormenBibliothek

  • statutes and other basic documents of the VDE
  • DIN VDE standards (VDE regulations)
  • VDE guidelines on the subject of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technology
go to VDE NormenBibliothek

IEEE Standards

  • more than 3.800 valid IEEE standards
go to IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Full text access

DIN standards

The Perinorm online database offers only full text access to valid DIN standard and to valid DIN EN, DIN ISO standards etc. (the abbreviation for the DIN Institute has to be included).

Only exception:
DIN VDE standards.

go to Perinorm online

VDI guidelines

All VDI guidlines are available in full text via Perinorm online database.

go to Perinorm online

VDE standards

The database VDE-NormenBibliothek offers valid DIN VDE standards (VDE regulations) in full text.

go to VDE NormenBibliothek

IEEE standards

The database IEEE Xplore offers all IEEE standards in full text.

go to IEEE Xplore Digital Library