Library in numbers

Reporting year 2023

Floor space in use m² 17.874
User workplaces 2.222
     thereof computer workstations 255
Number of branch libraries 5
Opening days 348
Opening hours (weekly)  94
Holdings (volumes) 2.284.401
     subscriptions (printed versions) 896
     access (electronic) 39.508
Databases 322
E-books 698.300
Library staff (persons, active permanent staff)    153
Training courses (hours/year) 907
Course participants 13.887
Calls e-learning 1.645
Loans +  renewals of loan periods / year   646.982
Reservations 18.155
Campus delivery service 39.402
Interlibrary loans (to other libraries) 7.459
Interlibrary loans (from other libraries) 10.266
Literature expense in € (incl. Medicine) 6.862.294
     thereof for printed media 781.350
     thereof for electronic media 6.080.944
New media / year (printed volumes) 13.498

