Prof. Dr. Peter Jung | Communication Technology
Personal Details
Professor Peter Jung received the diploma (M.Sc. equiv.) in physics from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, in 1990, and the Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.EE equiv.) and Dr.-Ing. habil. (D.Sc.EE equiv.), both in electrical engineering with focus on microelectronics and communication technology, from the same university in 1993 and 1996, respectively. After that he became private educator (equiv. to reader) at his alma mater and in 1998 also at the Technical University of Dresden. Between March 1998 and May 2000 he was Director of Cellular Innovation and later Senior Director of Concept Engineering Wireless Baseband at Siemens AG’s semi-conductor division, now Infineon Technologies.
In June 2000, he became Chaired Professor for Communication Technology at the Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg. In 1995, he was co-recipient of the best paper award at the symposium ITG Mobile Communication in Ulm, Germany. Two years later, he was co-recipient of the Johann-Philipp-Reis-Award for his work on multicarrier CDMA mobile radio systems. In 2006, he was co-recipient of the EEEfCOM Innovation Award 2006 and of the ICETE Best Paper Award. Professor Jung served as Chairman of the faculty day for electro technology and information technology (FTEI) e.V., and as a member of the board of VDE/VDI-GMM. He was a member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication and has been a member of the editorial boards of the Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications and of the Hindawi Research Letters in Communications. His areas of interest include wireless communication technology, software defined radio, and system-on-a-chip integration of communication systems.
Since their advent in the 1940s, communication technologies have been established as a highly sophisticated field of applied mathematics, combined with innovative concept engineering, development and realization of devices, comprising of hardware and software. Communication engineers therefore need both solid analytical skills and practical know-how in implementation of feasible products, setting out from the prevailing technological and economical limits.
Therefore, students learn how to solve complex problems in communications, setting out from a profound theoretical background, and how to further evolve their skills after leaving university. Courses on basic and advanced mobile communications, communication devices and image processing among others provide a broad insight into many different real-life communication technologies problems. These courses demonstrate how advanced scientific state-of-the-art methods can successfully be applied.
Leading a research team that has had eighteen award winning scientists who have been honored with 59 awards, the research focus of Professor Jung and his team is focusing on wireless multimedia applications, communication infrastructure and protocols, many transmission techniques in the physical layer and the demonstrator and system integration.
An emphasis is on problems from the following fields:
- Integration of Wireless Multimedia Applications
- Infrastructure Aspects of Wireless Communication Systems
- New Technologies of Signal Demodulation (sifirX, JoinTrans)
- Reconfigurable Radio (SDR)
- Smart Antennas for Future Wireless Communication
- Transceiver Techniques for Systems beyond 3G
Having been engaged in about forty industry-funded bilateral co-operations with large global players as well as with globally operating SMEs, selected public funded research projects are:
- Advanced Signal Demodulation with Irregular Sampling, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG),
- Universal Radio-link Platform for Efficient User-centric Access (URANUS), funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme as a STREP, and
- Coexisting Short Range Radio by Advanced Ultra-Wideband Radio Technology (EUWB), funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme as an IP.
Until today, Professor Jung has been inventor and co-inventor of 55 patents and 50 published patent applications. He has authored numerous scientific publications which appeared in refereed journals like IET Electronics Letters, IET Proceedings on Communications, IET Journal on Circuits, Devices and Systems, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Kluwer/Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, European Transactions on Communications, Journal of Communications, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (Plenum Press), Optics Communications, Microelectronics Journal, frequency, and communications engineering/ electronic. Furthermore, he has published a text book on digital cellular communications and has been co-editor of a textbook on GSM evolution.