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Online event “Science and practice in dialog”

Our first online event “Science and Practice in Dialogue” successfully took place on 01.03.23. We would like to thank the numerous participants from science, education administration and practice from all federal states.

A total of 108 participants from 13 federal states took part!

5 federal states have reported on current developments.

Individual scientists then presented their qualification projects and possible ideas for the development of materials for practice and administration in workshops.

  •  Dr. Aleksej Tikhonov “Raising awareness of multilingualism: Using (corpus) linguistic methods to create working and teaching materials"
  •   Dr. Ina-Maria Maahs “HSU 4.0 - future-oriented, multilingual, learner-centered”
  •  Sofia Grigoriadou & Anica Ispirova “HSU: Creating a bias-free zone and strengthening expertise”
  • Dr. Maria Sulimova “Approaches to the promotion of writing”

We are already looking forward to next year's online event!

3 Frage an...

Heritage languages are part of our society because...

Preserving heritage languages within the family is important because...

How can multilingual parents best support their children in language acquisition?

Start of the first face-to-face event “Language of origin in the family” at the Essen campus

Our first face-to-face event entitled “Language of origin in the family” successfully took place on 09.11-10.11 at the Essen campus. The event brought together academics in qualification phases, experts and interested parties to discuss current research work on languages of origin and HSU and to engage in interdisciplinary exchange and networking. the lively participation and lively discussions underline the importance of this topic.

We would like to thank all participants, organizers and supporters for their contribution to this important event.

Stay tuned for upcoming events and news about our project!

More insights and photos to follow.