EKfG-Fachgespräch mit Prof. Dr. Birte Siim

16. November 2012: EKfG-Fachgespräch mit Prof. Dr. Birte Siim The Intersectionality Approach as a Challenge for Gender Theory and Research
Am 16. November 2012 heißen wir am Essener Kolleg für Geschlechterforschung Prof. Dr. Birte Siim zu einem Fachgespräch über The Intersectionality Approach as a Challenge for Gender Theory and Research willkommen. Birte Siim hat in diesem Semester die Marie-Jahoda-Gastprofessur für internationale Geschlechterforschung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum http://www.sowi.rub.de/jahoda/profs/2012_siim.html.de inne. Die zweisprachigen Fachgespräche des EKfG greifen aktuelle Themen der Geschlechterforschung auf und bieten die Möglichkeit, in informellem Rahmen mit internationalen WissenschaftlerInnen ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Scholars have discussed the implications of the European and global ‘turn to diversity’ (Negotiating Equality and Diversity in Britain: Towards a Differentiated Citizenship? Judith Squires, 2007) and ‘the politics of complex diversity’ (The politics of complex diversity: A European perspective, Peter A. Kraus, 2010) in political theory and research. Feminist scholars have discussed the implications of the trend to address multiple inequalities and discriminations in European politics for gender theory and research. The intersectionality approach has been proposed as a way to conceptualize and study multiple and intersecting inequalities. Intersectionality is a theoretical, normative and empirical concept. It is also a traveling concept, which has been interpreted and developed in different ways by scholars in the US as well as in different parts of Europe. The paper will discuss the intersectionality approach as a challenge for gender theory and research on the basis of findings and reflections from two large European research projects, the VEIL and the EUROSPHERE project. In the EUROSPHERE project intersectionality was used as one of the key concepts for analyzing relations between gender, ethnicity/race and class. The project explored the dynamic inclusion/exclusion of women and minorities in the European Public Sphere (EPS) focusing on the situated and contested meanings and framings of gender and ethnicity race influenced by national histories, institutions and culture (https://www.eurospheres.org). The main argument of the paper is that a contextual approach to intersectionality can contribute to identify what kind of intersectionalities need to be conceptionalized; who the excluded minorities are; as well as the articulation of the particular intersections by varied political actors according to places and spaces.
Die Veranstaltung wird um 10.00 Uhr beginnen und um 12.30 Uhr enden. Sie findet in englischer und deutscher Sprache statt. Veranstaltungsort ist das Essener Kolleg für Geschlechterforschung (Campus Essen, Raum R12 S06 H01).
Über eine rege Teilnahme würden wir uns freuen. Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 12. November verbindlich an unter: geschlechterkolleg@uni-due.de