We make science and its relevance visible

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The core and aim of science communication is to make scientific findings accessible and understandable and to contribute to the understanding of research methods and research results. Science communication is not limited to one-dimensional communication from within the university, but conversely also contributes to bringing impulses and social issues into the science system.

At UDE, we view science communication as a complex and multi-layered interaction between science, civil society, business, media, politics and culture. This includes professional exchange within the scientific community, social debates with and about science as well as science and university communication mediated via editorial media and digital platforms. Science and research can gain trust, relevance and effectiveness through transparent and comprehensible communication and interaction. The aim is to communicate and convey relevant topics and solutions for socio-political, economic and technological issues to the various target groups in different formats on the specific channels in language appropriate to the target group.

We also see the strategic importance of science and university communication for the positioning and profile building of our UDE in the scientific landscape and among the general public. The communication of research results on current and future-oriented topics from our broad scientific spectrum, combined with cross-media communication planning, contribute to the strategic profiling of UDE as a place where the future is conceived and developed in decisive key areas. We provide answers and solutions wherever social transformations raise questions and challenges.

UDE Research Magazine


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