IEII and the public
IEII and the Public
Our paper A network of trans-cortical capillaries as mainstay for blood circulation in long bones in Nature Metabolism has received a lot of attention from the press and public. Here you can find the articles published about the paper in German as well as international press:
- Versteckte Blutgefäße in Knochen entdeckt (, German only)
- Scientists discover a new kind of blood vessel in our bones that could help treat arthritis (, English only)
- Forscher entdecken neues Blutgefäßsystem in den Knochen (, German only)
- New Capillary Network discovered (, English only)
- Okända kärl upptäckta i skelettet (, Swedish only)
- We’ve discovered a new type of blood vessel in our bones (, English only)
- Aldrig før kortlagt: Det strømmer med blod i knoglers yderste lag (, Danish only)