Lectures & Webinars
Winter semester
Basics: Immunology
Type: Lecture, Practical course
Description: In this course, students will learn the basic immunology of vertebrates. During the lecture, they will be taught about innate and adaptive immunity, their different cell types and various diseases, such as auto immune diseases and allergy. In the practical course, they will be able to perform standard immunological procedures, such as antibody labelling, magnetic cell isolation and neutrophil stimulation. The students will also learn how to interpret scientific results from flow cytometry, 2-photon, epifluorescence and time-lapse widefield microscopy and how to use different evaluation softwares, such as FlowJo or ImageJ.
The lecture is held weekly every Tuesday from 4 until 6 p.m. The practical course takes place yearly around February / March and last 2 weeks from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. For further information please refer to LSF or contact Dr. Anja Hasenberg.
Basics: Biotechnology
Type: Seminar
Description: During this course, students will learn the basic principles of biotechnology, involving cells in the food industry, production of biological agents for medical application (e.g. antibodies) and biodesign of enzymes for detergents and food.
The seminar is held weekly by different lecturers and at varying timepoints. Please refer to LSF or contact Dr. Anja Hasenberg for further information.
Summer semester
Basics: Physiology
Type: Lecture, Seminar
Description: During this course, students will learn the basic cell and organ functions in mammals. They will be lectured on the central organs and their function in the body and how they react to stimuli as well as their possible pathological dysfunctions.
For further information, please refer to LSF or contact Dr. Anja Hasenberg.
Modern Microcopy
Type: Lecture, Practical course
Description: In the course the students get to know different microscopes in their theory (laser-scanning and 2-photon microscopy, super-resolution techniques such as STED, PALM and STORM as well as light sheet microscopy and modern methods of electron microscopy) and gain application-oriented expertise in addition to physical basics (laser technology, optics, etc.). This includes the correct choice of dyes and filters, the use of a microtome, as well as image processing and documentation. The knowledge gained is later deepened in practical exercises, so that the students are finally able to decide which microscopy technique is suitable for which problem and how the corresponding preparations can be made.
For further information please refer to Dr. Anja Hasenberg