IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies Final Conference 2019


Final Conference 2019

Innovation in East Asia in Global Context: E-Mobility and Urban Systems
Concluding the second funding period of the IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies

May 9 and 10, 2019

Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin

Organized by
Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB)
IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies on Innovation in East Asia,
Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen

Innovation is a constant feature of our lives. And innovation is not just an issue of new engineering techniques and digital gadgets. Innovation is a social phenomenon. Societies and their cultural roots determine the incentives that trigger innovation efforts, give direction to these efforts and eventually govern the adoption (or rejection) of innovations in the social, political and economic realm. These cultural roots of innovation dynamics are at the heart of the different development trajectories we observe all over the world, and the different socio-political “equilibria” existing on the global map.

A region that has shown exceptional dynamics and innovative strength in recent years and decades is East Asia. Societes in China, Japan and (South) Korea have not only facilitated truly disruptive innovations in a multitude of technology fields, but also in the social and political realms. How can we understand what is happening in East Asia and is there something we can learn for our own societies?

In this symposium, electromobility and urban systems (physical space, sustainable urban development, social consequences) is examined to better understand how innovation processes are embedded in East-Asian societies. In addition to the technical perspective, the symposium investigates the social dimension of innovation processes in order to identify the characteristics of national innovation systems.

Discussions cover not only the similarities and differences between East Asian societies, but also European societies and other countries in an international comparison. Another focus is the study of transnational phenomena, i.e., the question of how innovations, institutions and ideas overcome national boundaries (institutional transfers).

The conference is based on research of the IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies on Innovation in East Asia at the University of Duisburg-Essen, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The symposium is held in English.

Link to the conference website of Japan-German Center Berlin (jdzb)


Thursday, May 9, 2019


The Future of Mobility in Urban Areas
Tim SCHWANEN (Oxford University)

Panel: E-Mobility

Chair: Shuanping DAI, University of Duisburg-Essen

  • E-Mobility and Automated Driving: Perspectives from Engineering
    Dieter SCHRAMM, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • The E-Mobility Future in the Carsharing Systems in France and Japan
    Yveline LECLER and Bruno FAIVRE D’ARCIER, University of Lyon
  • E-Mobility in China
    Mira SCHÜLLER, University of Duisburg-Essen
Panel: Smart City

Chair: Florian COULMAS, University of Duisburg-Essen

  • Smart City Concepts in China, India and Germany
    Jörg Rainer NOENNIG, HafenCity University Hamburg
  • Cologne – Smart City in the Making: For an Integrated Approach Towards a Climate-Friendly and Liveable Cologne
    Minh-Chau TRAN, Coordination Unit for Climate Protection, City of Cologne
  • Understanding the Japanese Innovation System of Smart Cities: Knowledge, Actors, and Institutions
    Masaru YARIME, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Roundtable: Mobility in the City of the Future

Chair: Jens Martin GURR, University of Duisburg-Essen

Jörg Rainer NOENNIG
Minh-Chau TRAN

Friday, May 10, 2019


Mobile Innovations: Actors, Institutions, Politics, and Space
Eugene McCANN, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver

Panel: Urban Concepts in Global and Local Context

Chair: Axel KLEIN, University of Duisburg-Essen

  • The Spread of the Garden City Concept in the Early 20th Century – and Implications for the Study of Travelling Concepts
    Jens Martin GURR, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Reforming Urban Renewal and Learning from Abroad: An Assessment Based on the Case of Yangzhou (Jiangsu)
    Giulia ROMANO, University of Duisburg-Essen
Panel: From West to East to West: New Production Concepts in the Automobile Industry

Chair: Helmut DEMES, University of Duisburg-Essen

  • Development of Lean Production in Japan and Its Transfer to the US
    Takahiro FUJIMOTO, University of Tokyo
  • Lean Production in Germany
    Ulrich JÜRGENS, Berlin Social Science Center
Roundtable: Institutional Learning

Chair: Markus TAUBE, University of Duisburg-Essen

Jens Martin GURR
Eugene McCANN

Download of the detailed Program Booklet including Abstracts and CVs

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