Welcome to the new website of the Institute of Sustainable and Autonomous Maritime Systems (INAM)!
The INAM has emerged from the Institute of Ship Technology, Ocean Engineering and Transport Systems in Duisburg.

Please feel free to look around!



For decades, the Institute of Sustainable and Autonomous Maritime Systems (INAM = Institut für Nachhaltige Autonome Maritime Systeme) has been engaged in basic and applied research to develop maritime systems in various maritime related fields. The main topic of sustainability is of major importance here, as we strive to reduce the energy demand of maritime systems and to increase the system's performance. In addition, we are working on numerous research projects (see projects) regarding cavitating flows, wave-induced loads and the associated motions of ships and floating wind turbines, anchoring systems, flow-induced vibrations, ditching-induced loads of aircrafts, flow control, the maneuvering of ships, resistance and propulsion of ships in shallow waters and waves, aerodynamics of ships and wind turbines, automation of watercrafts and their propulsion systems, sloshing in partially filled tanks, impact-related slamming, and the associated safety regulations. Another important research activity is the systematic development of numerical techniques that are needed to assess research results, and the appropriate experimental methods to verify these results.



Study Programs


North Rhine-Westphalia and, especially, the Ruhr area are home to numerous offshore wind turbine companies. A considerable part of the turnover in the offshore wind industry is gained in North Rhine-Westphalia. Duisburg is also home of the largest inland shipping port in Europe.

The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is an ideal location to get prepared for the professional life of an engineer. The university’s versatile and challenging study program in mechanical engineering focuses on sustainable and autonomous maritime systems.  This new specialization deals with modern approaches and applications used to develop sustainable and future-oriented technologies.




Full professor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bettar Ould el Moctar

E-Mail: ould.el-moctar[at]uni-due.de
Room BK 118, Phone: +49 203 379-2539

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Milovan Peric (retired)
Room BK 118, Phone: +49 203 379-2539 



 Martina van Lück

E-Mail: Martina van Lück

Mon - Fri : 8:30 - 12:30
Room BK 117
Phone: +49 203 379-1173

 Tanja Literski

E-Mail: Tanja Literski


Mon - Thu : 10:00 - 16:00
Room BK 115
Phone: +49 203 379-4596