
Parts of INAM are modern and well-equipped laboratories and facilities. These include a cavitation tunnel, a laser laboratory to analyze microscopic cavitation, a sloshing laboratory equipped with a hexapod, a circulation tank, and a facility to assess impact-related slamming. The experimental equipment includes high-speed cameras, PIV systems, LDV systems, DIC systems, highly accurate IMUs, numerous pressure sensors, and various force sensors.

A close cooperation with other institutions, such as the DST, for the use of a wave channel exists. Furthermore, INAM has its own PC cluster with more than 2000 computing cores. In addition, INAM is the largest user of the university's own mainframe computers MagnitUDE and AmplitUDE. The numerical techniques include computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods, boundary element methods, mathematical models for predicting the maneuvering behavior of ships, finite element methods for structural dynamics, data-based methods (AI), and methods to analyze molecular dynamics.

The research projects are funded by the German Federal Ministries (BMWK, BMDV), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Union (EU), the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Furthermore, INAM regularly conducts investigations on behalf of numerous companies. Examples include Airbus, Siemens, Shell Shipping, Lürssen Werft, and ThyssenKrupp. There are also extensive collaborations with universities and companies in Germany and abroad. Research results are regularly published in leading international journals and are presented at international conferences. The director of the institute is a member of numerous editorial boards of international journals, and national and international expert committees.

The head of the institute, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bettar el Moctar, leads the research activities, assisted by the three group leaders Dr.-Ing.  Jens Neugebauer, Dr.- Ing. Udo Lantermann, and Dr.- Ing. Andreas Peters.

Principal Research Topics

Cavitation and Multiphase Flows

Wave-Structure Interaction

Sustainable Maritime Systems

Autonomous Maritime Systems