Call: Migration Studies and Social Theory: Problematizing Ontologies, De-Centering Migration
The Conference “Migration Studies and Social Theory: Problematizing Ontologies, De-Centering Migration” will take place on 14-15 September 2023, at the University of Tübingen, Germany.
Increased reflexivity in migration research (e.g. in regard to the construction of social categories like ‘migrant’, ‘refugee’ or ‘migration background’) has changed the focus and identity of migration studies. Since migration-related differences are no longer seen as ‘natural’, it seems less self-evident and legitimate to treat migration or migrants as an exception to ‘normal sedentary life’. Thus, migration and migration studies are de-centered. Relativizing and complexifying difference draws attention to the ordinariness of migrations and migrants in many realms of social life. In consequence, migration studies cease to differ from other fields of social research. How can de-centering transform the ‘epistemic object’ of migration studies in a manner that pushes migration studies forward, i.e. out of its sociological niche in order to mainstream ‘the migration question’? How can we both de-migranticize migration studies and migranticize social theory? Further Information.
Organizers: Iva Dodevska (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier & Charles University), Stefan Manser-Egli (University of Neuchâtel), Boris Nieswand (University of Tübingen), Anja Weiß (University of Duisburg-Essen)