Raphael van Riel
Geisteswissenschaften / Philosophie
45141 Essen
Universitätsprofessor/in, Philosophie
Geschäftsführende/r Direktor/in, Philosophie
Current lectures
2024 WS
- Master-SE Person und Geist: Grundlagenfragen der Philosophie des Geistes
- OS Aktuelle Themen der Theoretischen Philosophie
- Philosophisches Kolloquium
- Vortrag: „Wie soziale Normen unsere Wahrnehmung, unser Denken und unser Handeln beeinflussen“
- SE Theoretische Philosophie: Was ist eine Erklärung? Sprachphilosophische und wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektiven
- SE Erkenntnis/Wissenschaft/Sprache (M.A.): Theoretische Ressourcen zur Analyse pragmatischer Aspekte in Sprachphilosophie und Linguistik
- Gruppensprechstunde van Riel
- E3 - GeiWi_Philo - Theoretische Ressourcen zur Analyse pragmatischer Aspekte in Sprachphilosophie und Linguistik - Cr. 3-3
- E3 - GeiWi_Philo - Was ist eine Erklärung - Sprachphilosophische und wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektiven - Cr. 3-3
Past lectures (max. 10)
2024 SS
- SE Sozialontologie (MA Theorie des Sozialen): Perspektiven auf die soziale Wirklichkeit
- ZAC11033 Basismodul Theoretische Philosophie
- Funktionalistische Theorien von Sprache
- Einführung in die Theoretische Philosophie
- E3 - GeiWi_Philo - Einführung in die Theoretische Philosophie - Cr. 3-3
- OS Aktuelle Themen der Theoretischen Philosophie
- Besprechung van Riel
- E3 - GeiWi_Philo - Perspektiven auf die soziale Wirklichkeit - Cr. 3-3
2023 WS
2023 SS
A. Monographs
A.2 (with Gottfried Vosgerau) Aussagen und Prädikatenlogik. Eine Einführung. Metzler 2018.
A.1 The Concept of Reduction, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
B. Edited Volumes
B8. (in print) Th. Besch, H. Kincaid, T. Menon, R. van Riel: Volume on Cultural Domination, under contract with Routledge.
B7. R. Hufendiek, D. James, R. van Riel: Social Functions in Philosophy: Metaphysical, Normative, and Methodological Perspectives, Routledge: 2020.
B6. A.-M. Eder, I. Lawler, R. van Riel (eds.): ‘Philosophical Methods’, Synthese (Special Issue) 2017.
B5. M. Eronen, R. van Riel (eds.): ‘Understanding Through Modeling’, Synthese (Special Issue) 2015.
B4. R. van Riel, E. Di Nucci, J. Schildmann (eds.): Moralisches Enhancement, Mentis 2015.
B3. A. Newen, R. van Riel (eds.), Identity, Language, and Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of John Perry, CSLI publ./Mentis, 2012.
B2. R. van Riel und A. Newen (eds.), ‘Reduction in the Philosophy of Mind’, Philosophia Naturalis (Special Issue), 47-48/2010-11, 1-2.
B1. A. Newen, R. van Riel, M. Sollberger (eds.), ‘Second European Graduate School: Philosophy of Language, Mind, and Science’. Abstracta (Special Issue), 5/2. 2009.
C. Papers, Contributions, Misc.
C.54 R. van Riel: Hegemony and Cultural Domination, in: Th. Besch, H. Kincaid, T. Menon, R. van Riel (Hrsg.) Philosophical Perspectives on Cultural Domination, Routledge (forthcoming).
C.53. R. van Riel: ‘Reduktionismus und Reduktive Erklärungen’, in: V. Hoffman-Kolss (ed.), Handbuch Philosophie des Geistes, Metzler (forthcoming).
C.52 R. van Riel 2024: „Scientific Reduction“ in: E. Zalta (Hrsg.) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019 edition – revised and substantially extended version of the versions from 2019 and 2014 (these together with R.N. Van Gulick)
C.51 R. van Riel : 'Free Will and Two Types of Determinism', The Review of Metaphysics: A Philosophical Quarterly 76, 2022, 95-113.
C.50. R. van Riel: ‘Two Originals, One Artwork’, Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 59, 2022, 119-134; DOI: http://doi.org/10.33134/eeja.298
C.49. R. van Riel: ‘Representationalist Physicalism’, Theoria May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/theo.12410
C.48. R. van Riel: ‘Weberian Ideal-Type Construction as Concept Replacement’, European Journal of Philosophy, 2022, DOI: 10.1111/ejop.12752.
C.47. R. van Riel: ‘Nagel on Idealization in the Sciences’, in: M. Neuber & A. Tuboly (eds.), Ernest Nagel. Philosophy of Science and the Fight for Clarity. Springer 2021, 111-130.
C.46. R. van Riel: ‘Erklärungen und Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse’, Unikate 2021 (56), 84-93.
C.45. “In Search of the Missing Mechanism”, in: Hufendiek et al (eds): Social functions in philosophy, Routledge: 2020, 70-92.
C.44. R. van Riel: Gerson Reuter “Was wir grundlegend sind: Menschen unter anderen biologischen Einzeldingen”, Review in: Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur 2020, 42-51.
C.43. R. Hufendiek, D. James, R. van Riel: ‘Introduction’, in: Hufendiek et al (eds.) Social Functions in Philosophy, Routledge 2020, 1-18.
C.42. with R. N. Van Gulick: ‘Scientific Reduction’, in: E. Zalta (ed.) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019 (revised and extended version of van Riel & van Gulick 2014).
C.41. ‘Lying Beyond a Conversational Purpose. A Critique of Stokke’s Assertion Based Account of Lying’, The Journal of Philosophy 116 (2) 2019, 106-118.
C.40. with H. Koch ‘Gewalt – definitorische und normative Aspekte’, Sozialphsychiatrische Informationen, 41 I, 2019, 4-8.
C.39. ‘Free Will, Foreknowledge, and Future-Dependent Beliefs’, The Southern Journal of Philosophy 55, 2017, 500-520.
C.38. R. van Riel: ‘Reduktion und Emergenz’, in: M. Schrenk (ed.): Handbuch Metaphysik, Metzler 2017, 285-291.
C.37. ‘Falsche Fragen, Verstehenslücken, und philosophische Analysen’ Information Philosophie, 2017 (published manuscript of a talk delivered in Giessen in July 2016), link.
C.36. ‘Leibniz on Freedom, Foreknowledge, and Necessitation Without Dependence’, Studia Leibnitiana 48, 2016, 178-200.
C.35. ‘Mental Disorder and the Indirect Construction of Social Facts’, Journal of Social Ontology 2016, Doi: 10.1515/jso-2016-0008.
C.34. ‘Real Knowledge Undermining Luck’, Logos and Episteme 2016, 325.344,
C.33. ‘What is the Problem of Explanation and Modeling?, Acta Analytica 2016, DOI: 10.1007/S12136-016-0307-y.
C.32. ‘What is Constructionism in Psychiatry? From Social Causes to Psychiatric Classification’, Frontiers in Psychiatry 2016, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00057.
C.31. ‘If you understand, you won’t be lucky’, Grazer Philosophische Studien 93, 2016, 196-211.
C.30. ‘Enhancing beyond what ought to be the case’, Bioethics 30, 2016, 384-388.
C.29. ‘The Content of Model-Based Information’, Synthese 192, 2015, 3839-3858.
C.28. `Modelle und Interpretationen. Grenzen eines allgemeinen Modellbegriffs.’ Commentary on Bernd Mahr’s ‘Modelle und ihre Befragbarkeit’, Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik 3 2015, 399-401.
C.27. R. van Riel, J. Schildmann: ‘Enhancement der Moral. Zur Einführung’, in: R. van Riel, E. Di Nucci, J. Schildmann (eds.): Moralisches Enhancement. Mentis 2015.
C.26. Book Review: R. van Riel: Jason Stanley; ‘How Propaganda Works’, in: Moral Theory and Ethical Practice (online first) 2015: DOI: 10.1007/s10677-015-9667-4.
C.25. Markus Eronen, Raphael van Riel: ‘Understanding Through Modeling: The Explanatory Power of Inadequate Representation’, Synthese 192. doi:10.1007/s11229-015-0973-0, 2015.
C.24. with R. N. Van Gulick: ‘Scientific Reduction’, in: E. Zalta (ed.) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2014.
C.23. with Reuter, K., Kirfel, L., Barlassina, L.: ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Timely: How Temporal Order and Moral Judgement Influence Causal Selection’, Frontiers in Psychology 2014, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01336, 2014.
C.22. ‘The Nature of Types and Tokens: On the Metaphysical Commitments of Non-Reductive Physicalism’, Metaphysica 2014, DOI: 10.1515/mp-2014-0014.
C.21. ‘Prophets Against Ockhamism. Or: Why the hard fact/soft fact distinction is irrelevant to the problem of foreknowledge’, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2014, 75 (2), 119-135.
C.20. ‘McDowell’s Frege (und Evans)’, in: Lauer & Barth (eds.) Die Philosophie John McDowells, Mentis, 2014, 203-222 .
C.19. Book Review: R. van Riel: Michael Weisberg: Simulation and Similarity. Using Models to Understand the World. Oxford: OUP 2013. Zeitschrift für Philosophische Literatur 1, 2013, 60-70.
C.18. ‘Pains, Pills, and Properties. Functionalism and the First-Order/Second- Order Distinction’, Dialectica 66, 2012, 543-562.
C.17. ‘Identity, Asymmetry, and the Relevance of Meanings for Models of Reduction’, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2012, doi: 10.1093/bjps/ axs028.
C.16. ‘Cognitive Significance and Epistemic Intensions’, Logique et Analyse 54 2012.
C.15. ‘Personal Identity’, Newen, A. & R. van Riel (eds.), Identity, Language, and Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of John Perry. Stanford: CSLI Publishing/Mentis, 2012.
C.14. A. Newen, R. van Riel, ‘Speaking and Thinking About the Self’, in: Newen & van Riel (eds.), Identity, Language, and Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of John Perry. Stanford: CSLI Publishing/Mentis, 2012.
C.13. H. Wohlrapp, R. van Riel: ‘Schluss’, in: P. Kolmer und A. Wildfeuer (eds.); Neues Handbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe, Karl Alber, 1919-1934, 2012.
C.12. ‘Nagelian Reduction beyond the Nagel Model’, Philosophy of Science, 2011, 78/3, 353-375.
C.11. ‘Identity-Based Reduction and Reductive Explanation’, Philosophia Naturalis, 47-48 (1-2), 2010-2011, 185-221.
C.10. with F. Zenker, H. Gottschall, A. Newen, G. Vosgerau: ‘Designing an Introductory Course to Elementary Symbolic Logic within the Blackboard E-Learning Environment’; P. Blackburn, H. von Ditmarsch, M. Manzano, F. Soler-Toscano (eds.): Proceedings of TICTTL 2011, Special Issue of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6680, 2011, 249-255.
Prior to 2010
C.9. ‘On how we perceive the social world. Criticizing Gallagher’s view on direct perception and outlining an alternative’, Consciousness and Cognition 17/2, 2008, 544-552.
C.8. R. van Riel, ‘Theorie-Theorie, Simulationstheorie und der Ansatz der direkten Wahrnehmung – übertriebener Kognitivismus einerseits, naiver Naturalismus andererseits?’, Konferenzband der DG-Phil Konferenz 2008, (CD-ROM), 17 pages.
C.7. Book Review: R. van Riel: David Woodruff Smith, Amie L. Thomasson (eds.): ‘Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind’, in: Philosophique, 36/1, 2009, 257–259 (in French).
6. R. van Riel, A. Newen: ‘Reductionism, Explanation, and Metaphors in the Philosophy of Mind’, in: The Reasoner, 3/10, 2009, 9-10.
C.5. Book Review: R. van Riel: Wohlrapp, Harald: ‘Der Begriff des Arguments. Über die Beziehung zwischen Wissen, Forschen, Glauben, Subjektivität und Vernunft’, in: Universitas (online), 2008.
C.4. R. van Riel, ‘Naxaliten (Indien)’, in: Wolfgang Schreiber (ed.): Das Kriegsgeschehen 2006. Daten und Tendenzen der Kriege und bewaffneten Konflikte. Wiesbaden: vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008, 55-60.
C.3. R. van Riel, ‘Naxaliten (Indien)’, in: Wolfgang Schreiber (ed.): Das Kriegsgeschehen 2005. Daten und Tendenzen der Kriege und bewaffneten Konflikte. Wiesbaden: vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008, 56-60.
C.2. R. van Riel, ‘Englisch in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft?’, in: Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 1, 2006, 183-186.
C.1. R. van Riel, ‘Naxaliten (Indien)’, in: Wolfgang Schreiber (ed.): Das Kriegsgeschehen 2004. Daten und Tendenzen der Kriege und bewaffneten Konflikte. Wiesbaden: vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005, 55-60.7
Doktor phil., Ruhr-University Bochum. Supervisors: Prof. Albert Newen (Bochum) und Prof. Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg/Munich).
Postgraduate Studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, and at TiLPS , Netherlands.
Magister Artium (Philosophy, Minors: Political Sciences and Social Psychology), University of Hamburg. Supervisors: Prof. Wolfgang Künne and Prof. Ulrich Gähde.
Studied Philosophy, Political Science and Social Psychology at the University of Hamburg and Sorbonne, Paris.
10.23-3.2024 |
Fellow at the KHK/Center for Global Cooperation Research |
Since 7.2022 |
Chair for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen. |
Spring 2020 |
Visiting Professor for History of Philosophy at FU-Berlin. |
10.2018-8.2022 |
Senior Lecturer (Akademischer Rat auf Lebenszeit), Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Spring 2018 |
Visiting scholar at Wuhan University (China) |
2016 |
Temporary Lecturer at the University of Basel (Switzerland) |
2015-2016 |
Acting Chair Theoretical Philosophy, Philipps-University Marburg. |
2/3.2014 | Visiting Scholar, LOGOS Group, Barcelona. |
8.2013-10.2018 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Associate Professor/Principal Investigator); Institute for Philosophy, University of Duisburg-Essen – Principal Investigator in the project “A Study in Explanatory Power” (Details: See below). |
2012-2013 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Associate Professor); Institute for Philosophy, University of Bochum – Project “A Study in Explanatory Power” (Details: See below). |
2/3.2012 | Visiting Scholar, LOGOS Group, Barcelona. |
2010-2012 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Assistant Professor), Institute for Philosophy II, Ruhr-University Bochum. |
2-6.2009 | Visiting Fellow, Tilburg Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (NL). |
2007-2010 | Reasearch Assistant at the Instituts for Philosophy II, Ruhr-University Bochum. |
Workshop and Conference Organization
2023 | Workshop: Varieties of Contestation, Duisburg-Essen. |
2022 | Workshop: Cultural Domination, Hybrid, together with Thomas Besch (Wuhan), Tarun Menon (Bengaluru), and Harold Kincaid (Cape Town). |
2019 | Workshop: Foundations in Social Science, 1.20219, Duisburg-Essen (together with Heiner Koch) |
2018 | Workshop: ‘The Nature and Significance of Social Kinds’, Essen (together with Daniel James, Andreas Niederberger, Neil Roughley). |
2017 | Workshop: ‘The Varieties of Knowing How’, Essen (together with Insa Lawler) |
2017 | Workshop: ‘The Metaphysics of Social Functions’, Essen KWI (together with Dr. Miguel Hoeltje) |
2016 | Workshop: ‘Philosophical Methods’, Essen KWI (together with Dr. Anna-Maria Eder and Insa Lawler) |
2015 | Colloquim ‘Varieties of Explanation’, Colloquium at the GAP.9 (together with Dr. Miguel Hoeltje). |
2015 | ‘Issues in Applied Analytic Philosophy’, Workshop at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, with Prof. Sally Haslanger (MIT), Prof. Mari Mikkola (Humboldt Universität), Prof. Dan Lopez de Sa (Barcelona), Prof. Esa Diez-Leon (Barcelona) (together with Dr. Miguel Hoeltje) |
2014 | ‘Norms of Reasoning’, Bochum (together with Anna-Maria Eder and Dr. Peter Brössel) |
2014 | ‘Explanatory Power III: Topics in Explanation, Dependence, and Understanding’, Workshop at the University Duisburg-Essen (together with Miguel Hoeltje and Insa Lawler). |
2013 | ‘Explanatory Power II: Understanding Through Modeling’, Workshop at the Ruhr-University Bochum (together with Markus Eronen). |
2012 | ‘Dependence in Social Ontology’, Workshop at the Humboldt University Berlin (together with Miguel Hoeltje, Daniel James and Heiner Koch). |
2012 | ‘Neuro-enhancement and its moral implications’, Workshop at the Ruhr-University Bochum (together with post-docs from the Global Young Faculty Network). |
2012 | ‘Explanatory Power I’, Workshop at the Ruhr-University Bochum (together with Markus Eronen). |
2009 | ‘Reductionism, Explanation and Metaphors in the Philosophy of Mind’, Satellite Workshop at the GAP7, Bremen (together with Albert Newen). |
2009 | ‘Second European Graduate School’, Bochum, (together with Albert Newen). |
2007/2008 | Lecture Series “Philosophie und Kognition” (together with Albert Newen and Christoph Michel). |
Reviewer for
Abstracta; Acta Analytica; Australasian Journal of Philosophy; Economics and Philosophy; Erkenntnis; European Journal for Philosophy of Science; Foundations of Science; International Studies in Philosophy of Science; Journal of Economic Methodology; Journal of Social Ontology; Perspectives on Science; Phenomenology and Mind; Philosopher’s Imprint; Philosophia Naturalis; Philosophical Papers; Philosophia. Philosophical Quarterly of Israel; Philosophical Studies; Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology; Philosophy of the Social Sciences; Philosophy of Science; Philosophical Studies; Studies in History and Philosophy of Science; The Southern Journal of Philosophy; Synthese; Topoi.
Reviewer Swiss National Fund: Project Funding in Humanities and Social Sciences (Division I)
Committee DeGruyter-Preis (2018).
Editor PhilPapers: Section Editor, Reductive Explanation, Theory Reduction
PhD Committees/Supervision
Sara Ipakchi (Düsseldorf), Second Supervisor
Insa Lawler (Duisburg-Essen), Supervisor
Heiner Koch (Duisburg-Essen), Supervisor
Rookmaker (Nijmegen)
Aurélien Darbellay (Barcelona)