Physikalisches Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik

Physikalisches Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik Wintersemester 2024/25

Mittwochs 13:00 Uhr

(Hörsaal MC 122)

Ab 12:40 Uhr gibt es Erfrischungen vor dem Hörsaal​​



Datum Sprecher:in Vortragstitel
16.10.2024 Dr. Anne-Marie Schreyer
Institute of Aerodynamics, RWTH Aachen University
Spanwise-inclined air jets in supersonic cross flow – and their application to control flow separation
23.10.2024 Berufungsvorträge
(Das Kolloquium entfällt)
30.10.2024 Berufungsvorträge
(Das Kolloquium entfällt)
06.11.2024 Dr. Gabriele Cugno
Department of Astrophysics, University of Zurich
Planet formation in the JWST era
13.11.2024 Dr. Matthias Kübel
Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Watching electrons move inside atoms and molecules
20.11.2024 Dr. Andreas Sander
Center for Astronomy, University of Heidelberg
Unveiling the secrets of massive stars with detailed stellar atmosphere models
27.11.2024 Dr. Sepideh Izadi
Institute for Energy and Material Processes, University of Duisburg-Essen
Surface transport in nanograined Bi2Te3 and SnTe
04.12.2024 PD Dr. Alex Greilich, Experimentelle Physik 2a, TU Dortmund, 44227 Dortmund Time Crystal in Semiconductor Electron-Nuclear Spin System
11.12.2024 Fakultätstag
(Das Kolloquium entfällt)
18.12.2024 Prof. Dr. Nigel Husey
University of Bristol and Radboud University
Strange metallicity and superconductivity
08.01.2025 Dr. Julia Tesch
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Shaping the future: The role of metrology in a changing world
15.01.2025 Prof. Dr. Bastian Gundlach
Institute of Planetology, University of Münster
Comets – Why Should We Study Them?
22.01.2025 Prof. Dr. John Kolinski
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Make it and break it: Contact and Cracks at soft interfaces
29.01.2025 Prof. Dr. Sophia Rudorf
Institute for Cell Biology and Biophysics, Leibniz University Hannover
Decoding mRNA translation: Computational and experimental approaches to understanding gene expression