Prof. Dr. Christof Hartmann

Professor of Political Science, International Relations and African Politics 

► News
► CV
► Teaching
► Research
► Publications


Wednesday 15-16h
The office hours take place in hybrid form, i.e. either on campus (LF 325) or via Skype (christof.hartmann1 - then register in the chat).

during the teaching break (22.7.-6.10).

  • 30 July 11-12.30
  • 8 August 16-17.30 (only via skype)
  • 21 August 11-12.30
  • 16 September 14-15.30


Photo: Zanzibar Daima

New Research Project on Jihadism in Africa

The German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF) finances a new research project which will start at Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) in December 2020 and will deal with local dynamics of jihadist mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this project, we will investigate the so far neglected potential ‘non-radicalization paths’; and put particular emphasis on the preventive role of political party competition.

We congratulate Nora Schrader-Rashidkhan on her successful defense of her PhD

On 13 August 2020 Nora Schrader-Rashidkhan successfully defended her PhD dissertation on Rebel Parties in African Post-Conflict Elections. Explaining party Formation and Success  and completed her PhD with a summa cum laude. Our congratulations on this excellent performance.

DAAD extends financial support to MA Development and Governance within the Helmut Schmidt-Programm

Prof. Hartmann’s application for a new phase of institutional support of the international MA Development and Governance has been approved. For six further years (2020-2025) DAAD provides up to 10 full scholarships for applicants from the Global South. We are happy about this recognition of our program and thank DAAD for the continued support!

New Publication on Presidential Term Limits

A new article by Christof Hartmann has been published in the academic journal Democratization: Authoritarian origins of term limit trajectories in Africa, in: Democratization Vol. 29 (2022) No. 1: 57 - 73 ISSN: 1743-890X; 1351-0347

BMBF funded Competence Network ANCIP

The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) will finance a competence network bringing together three German research institutions (Leipzig, PRIF Frankfurt, INEF Duisburg-Essen) with research partners in Africa and Europe, investigating African non-military conflict intervention practices (ANCIP). Christof Hartmann will serve as PI for the UDE projects dealing with the emergence and dynamics of regional and national infrastructures for peace in West Africa and their potential role within a broader portfolio of non-military intervention practices, as well as the international environment and linkages of non-military conflict interventions of regional actors in Africa


DFG-PROJECT on China and Political Transformation in Africa

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is financing a new research project, jointly led by Chrsitof Hartmann and Nele Noesselt (IfP/InEast) which will start in April 2022. The project which will be implemented in cooperation with Chinese and African partner organisations, will analyse the relevance of different political settlements in African countries for engaging and interacting with Chinese actors.

New Book on China‘s Role in Africa

The book on China’s New Role in African Politics. From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? edited by Nele Noesselt and Christof Hartmann has been published by Routledge. The volume integrates African, Chinese and European perspectives on the changing political and security role of China on eth African continent.


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► since April 2021

Director, Institute for Development and Peace

► since 2016

Professor of Political Science, in particular International Relations and African Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences; University Duisburg-Essen

► 2010-2011, 2013-14

Managing Director of the Institute of Political Science, UDE

► 2006-2016

Professor of Political Science, in particular International and Development Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences; University Duisburg-Essen

► 2004-2006     

Assistant Professor of Transformation Research with emphasis on Africa and Asia, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy; Ruhr-University Bochum; Director at the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy

► 2002-2006

Visiting Lecturer in the MADM Programme, School of Government, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

► 2003-2004                           

Assistant Professor, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy; Ruhr-University Bochum

► 1999-2003     

Senior Research Fellow, , Institute of Development Research and Development Policy; Ruhr-University Bochum

Lecturer at Faculty of Social Sciences, Ruhr-University Bochum

► 1998-1999                           

Senior Research Fellow , Institute of Political Science, University Heidelberg (DFG Project Elections in Asia and the Pacific)

► 1997-1998                           

Lecturer in the Corso di Perfezionamento in Cooperation and Conflict Management, Università di Bologna

► 1994-1998                           

Ph.D. in Political Science, University Heidelberg

Dissertation: External Factors in Democratization. A Comparative Study of African Countries (Chair: Dieter Nohlen)

► 1989-1994                  

MA in Political Science (Minors: Modern History and International Law), University Heidelberg

► 1990-1991                  

Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Aix-en-Provence (Frankreich); Certificat d’Etudes Politiques; Option: Relations Internationales

► 1987-1989                  

BA in Political Science (Minors: Modern History and International Law), University Freiburg i. Brsg. (Grundstudium)


Detailed CV


Wencke Rottländer


Room: LF 314
Phone: (0203) 379 - 2049

Dr. Georg Lammich

Research Associate

Room: LF 326
Phone: (0203) 379 - 3182

Photo by Saskia Uppenkamp

Elvis Melia

Research Associate

Room: LF 326
Phone: (0203) 379 - 3107

Tim Mayer

Research Assistant

Room: -
Phone: -

Victoria Kronemeyer

Research Assistant

Room: -
Phone: -


Prof. Hartmann and his team offer teaching at undergraduate, graduate, and PhD level.

Teaching at the University Duisburg-Essen is mostly in German language, except for international MA programs (such as MA Development and Governance)

Selected modules offered during the last semesters

► Development Theories / Practices and Theories of Development
► Development Problems and North-South Relations
► Introduction to German Development Policy
► African Politics
► African Development
► International Relations of Africa
► Democracy and Governance
► Research Logic and Academic Writing
► Introduction to Political Science 
► Global Development Goals
► Institutionalism from a Political Science Perspective
► Conflict Management
► Elections in the Global South
► Practice of Development Cooperation
► The Macro-Political Regulation of Conflict
► South African Politics
► Decentralisation and Poverty Reduction 

Electronic link to course offers in the current teaching term: LSF


Professor Hartmann is currently involved in two PhD programs.

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PhD Program Internationale Beziehungen/Friedens- und Entwicklungsforschung at University of Duisburg-Essen

Current PhD projects at the Univ. of Duisburg-Essen

  • Alemayehu Tedla: Explaining Variation in the Electoral Quality of Africa’s Hegemonic Party Autocracies

  • Henrik Maihack: Urbanization and Changing Political Interest Organization in Kenya

  • Elvis Melia: The Political Economy of Digital Transformation in Africa: A Comparison of Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia (LINK:

  • Jannis Saalfeld: Muslim politics and collective Jihadist radicalisation in sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative case study of Ghana and Mozambique (LINK:


PhD program in International Development Studies at the Institute of Development Research and Development Research of the Ruhr – University Bochum

Current supervision in the PhD program in Bochum


Former PhD students

  • Nora Schrader-RashidkhanRebel Parties in African Post-Conflict Elections. Explaining party Formation and Success
  • Georg Lammich: Kapazitätsbildende Funktionen von asymmetrischem Interregionalismus – die regionale Dimension der sino-afrikanischen Kooperation
  • Johannes Schmitt: Budget Support and Domestic Accountability in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Charlotte Heyl: Constitutional Courts’ Contribution to the Democratic Quality of Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Anika Becher: Disaggregating violence. The impact of ethnic politics, land access and inequalities on ethnic and electoral violence in Kenya and Malawi (Duisburg 2015)
  • Catherine Promise Biira: Collective Identity and Prospects for Political Integration: The Case of the East African Community (Bochum 2015)
  • Martin Goeke: Parteiwechsel und Institutional Engineering: Erklärungen und Auswirkungen von Regulierungen des Parteiwechsels auf die Konsolidierung der jungen Demokratien Afrikas (Duisburg 2014)
  • Samson Lembani: Institutions and Actors in Legislative Decisions in Africa: Analysing Institutional Contexts and Veto Players in Legislative Decisions in Malawi (Bochum 2013).
  • Ahmed Rasul Minja: Security Architecture in sub-Saharan Africa. The Case of East African Community and the Southern African Development Community (durch ein DAAD-Stipendium an der Universität Duisburg-Essen finanziert) (Duisburg 2013) (LINK:
  • Viviane Brunne: Public-Private Partnerships als Instrument der AIDS-Bekämpfung in Südafrika (Bochum 2007; Zweitgutachter)
  • Augustine Magolowondo: Democratisation Aid as a Challenge for Development Co-operation. A Comparative Study of Overall Policies of Two Bilateral and Two Multilateral Development Agencies and How They are Implemented in Malawi (Bochum 2005; Zweitgutachter)


Over the past years, I have focused on three areas of research:

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Firstly, I am interested in processes of institutional change in African countries. My main interest is the comparative analysis of different formal institutions, especially electoral systems and regime types, presidentialism and term limits, political parties and their regulation, and decentralisation and vertical power-sharing. Past research projects dealt with party regulation in Africa (Ethnic Party Bans in Africa) and with local politics and decentralisation (book with Gordon Crawford). I have a longstanding interest in various aspects of elections on the African continent, both with regard to electoral systems (DFG-Project Elections; Hartmann 2007, 2017), but also the dynamics of voting rights, and how they are related to citizenship (Hartmann 2015). I have focused on the relevance and interaction of different institutions for the management and resolution of violent conflict (Hartmann 2013) and continue to be interested in the relevance of political institutions for managing inter-ethnic relations from a comparative perspective (Hartmann 2018). Currently, I am also conducting research on presidential term limits in Africa (Hartmann 2022) and on parties in the context of violent conflict.

Current Research Project: The German Foundation for Peace Research funds the project Party Competition and Collective Jihadist Radicalisation in Sub-Saharan Africa that deals with the sub-national (non-)occurrence of collective Jihadist radicalization in four African countries: Kenya, Mozambique, Ghana and Tanzania. More infos on this project can be found here.

Secondly, I am interested in regional co-operation in Africa with a focus on West Africa. The political and security dimensions of regional co-operation and its impact on member states are at the centre of my research. This includes a concern with the capacity of regional actors to deal with security challenges and an interest in humanitarian intervention by regional actors as well as an interest into the relationship between regional cooperation and the dynamics of domestic political reforms. Empirically my research concentrates on ECOWAS and has dealt with governance transfer (Hartmann 2013), the development of ECOWAS’ extraordinary norms of intervention (Hartmann 2013, Hartmann & Striebinger 2015), the application of Levitsky and Way’s linkage-leverage-model to the relations between African regional organisations and their member states (Hartmann 2016), and to specific ‘pro-democratic interventions’ (Hartmann 2017). More recently, I have concentrated on a better understanding of the different dimensions and effects of overlapping regionalism in Africa (Hartmann 2019, 2020).

Current Research Project: Starting in April 2022 the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) finances a competence network bringing together three German research institutions (Leipzig, PRIF Frankfurt, INEF Duisburg-Essen) with research partners in Africa and Europe, investigating African non-military conflict intervention practices (ANCIP). Christof Hartmann will serve as PI for the UDE projects dealing with the emergence and dynamics of regional and national infrastructures for peace in West Africa and their potential role within a broader portfolio of non-military intervention practices, as well as the international environment and linkages of non-military conflict interventions of regional actors in Africa.

A third research area is Africa’s relations with external actors. While initially focusing on different western States and their influence on democratization processes (Hartmann 1998), I am now mainly interested in the role of China. China’s relevance is no longer limited to questions of trade and economic development but has extended to the political sphere. In 2020, a co-edited book on China's influence on political stability and instability was published, combining African, Chinese and European perspectives (Hartmann/Noesselt 2020).

Current Research Project: The German Research Foundation (DFG) is financing a new research project on China and the Transformation of Political Order in Africa, jointly led by Chrsitof Hartmann and Nele Noesselt (IfP/InEast) which will start in April 2022. The project, which will be implemented in cooperation with Chinese and African partner organisations, will analyse the relevance of different political settlements in African countries for engaging and interacting with Chinese actors.

Finally, I have many years of experience in consultancy work and policy transfer, mainly in the areas of electoral system reform and electoral assistance, crisis prevention and conflict management, democracy promotion and political aspects of development cooperation.


Bogaards, M./ Basedau, M./ Hartmann, C. (Hg.) 2013: 'Ethnic Party Bans in Africa', Oxon: Routledge.

Bogaards, M./ Basedau, M./ Hartmann, C. 2010: 'Ethnic Party Bans in Africa: An Introduction', in Democratization 17/4, 599-617.

Hartmann, C. 2010: 'Senegal's party system: The limits of formal regulation', in Democratization 17 (2010), 4, 769-786.

Hartmann, C./ Kemmerzell, J. 2010: 'Understanding variations in party bans in Africa', in Democratization 17/4, 642-665.

Basedau, M./ Bogaards, M./ Hartmann, C./ Niesen, P. (2007) 'Ethnic Party Bans in Africa: A Research Agenda' in German Law Journal 8/6, 617-634.

Local Elections, Local Politics and Democratization in Southern Africa (DFG)



C. Hartmann 2008: Local Government and the Management of Conflict in Fragmented Societies: South Africa, Namibia, and Mauritius Compared', in: Paul Tiyambe Zeleza (ed.), Managing and Resolving African Conflicts: Vol.2 Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict Reconstruction, Oxford: James Currey

C. Hartmann/ G. Crawford 2008: Introduction: Decentralisation as a Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?, in: Gordon Crawford/ Christof Hartmann (Hg.), Decentralisation in Africa: A Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 7-32.

C. Hartmann 2008: Decentralisation and the Legacy of Protracted Conflict – Mauritius, Namibia and South Africa, in: Gordon Crawford/ Christof Hartmann (Hg.), Decentralisation in Africa: A Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 169-190.

C.Hartmann/ G. Crawford 2008: Conclusion: Decentralisation – No Shortcut to Development and Peace, in: Gordon Crawford/ Christof Hartmann (Hg.), Decentralisation in Africa: A Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 233-252.

C. Hartmann 2004: 'Local Elections in the SADC Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Local Electoral Institutions', Journal of African Elections 3/1, 160-184.

C. Hartmann 2004: 'Kommunalwahlen und die Demokratisierung des Ländlichen Raums' Entwicklung + Ländlicher Raum 38/4, 12-14.

C. Hartmann 2004: ‚Local Elections and Local Government in Southern Africa' Afrika Spectrum 39/2, 223-248.

C. Hartmann 2003: Local Elections in Southern Africa. Bochum: Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik (IEE Working Papers No.175).

C. Hartmann 2002: ‚Südafrika. Von der Apartheid zur Demokratie', Politische Bildung 35/2, 63-75.

Elections in Asia and the Pacific (DFG)

(Project director Prof. Dr. Dieter Nohlen, Universität Heidelberg)

Publications: D. Nohlen/ F.Grotz/ C.Hartmann (Hg.) ,Elections and Electoral Systems in Asia and the Pacific’ , 2 volumes, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Books, Collections, Proceedings

  • Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele (Eds.)
    China’s New Role in African Politics : From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization?
    In: Routledge global cooperation series London (2020) 256 Seiten
  • Behnke, Joachim; Grotz, Florian; Hartmann, Christof
    Wahlen und Wahlsysteme
    Berlin (2017) VII, 204 Seiten
  • Bogaards, Matthijs; Hartmann, Christof (Eds.)
    Ethnic party bans in Africa
    In: Democratization London Vol. 17,4 (2013) 192 S.
  • Crawford, Gordon; Hartmann, Christof (Eds.)
    Decentralisation in Africa : a pathway out of poverty and conflict?
    [Amsterdam] (2008) 260 S. : graph. Darst.
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Wandel durch Wahlen? : Wahlen, Demokratie und politischer Wandel in der arabischen Welt
    In: Aktuelle Debatte / HECEAS Wiesbaden Vol. 3 (2007) 120 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
  • Nohlen, Dieter; Hartmann, Christof (Eds.)
    Elections in Asia and the Pacific : a data handbook : 2. South East Asia, East Asia and the South Pacific
    Oxford (2001) XV, 858 S.
  • Nohlen, Dieter; Hartmann, Christof (Eds.)
    Elections in Asia and the Pacific : a data handbook : 1. The Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia
    Oxford (2001) XVII, 752 S.
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Ivory Coast : a prevention case for EU policy
    Berlin/ Brüssel (2001) 26 Seiten
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Zehn Jahre Demokratieentwicklung im frankophonen Afrika : Erfahrungen und Perspektiven - Bericht zur Tagung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin 10.-11.10.2000
    Bonn (2001) 39 Seiten
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Ethnizität, Präsidentschaftswahlen und Demokratie
    In: Focus Afrika Hamburg Vol. 13 (1999)
  • Journal articles

  • Hartmann, Christof
    Authoritarian origins of term limit trajectories in Africa
    In: Democratization Vol. 29 (2022) Nr. 1: Contested, Violated but Persistent: Presidential Term Limits in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa; Guest Editors: Charlotte Heyl & Mariana Llanos, pp. 57 - 73
  • Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele
    China’s New Silk Road and (Changing) State Trajectories in Africa
    In: Berliner China Hefte Vol. 52 (2020) pp. 133 - 143
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Managing Ethnicity in African Politics
    In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics (2019)
  • Hartmann, Christof
    ECOWAS and the Restoration of Democracy in The Gambia
    In: Africa Spectrum Vol. 52 (2017) Nr. 1, pp. 85 - 99
  • Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele
    Ende der Neutralität : Pekings Doktrin der Nichteinmischung gilt für Afrika nicht mehr
    In: Internationale Politik Vol. 72 (2017) Nr. 3, pp. 107 - 113
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Leverage and linkage : how regionalism shapes regime dynamics in Africa
    In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (ZfVP) = Comparative Governance and Politics Vol. 10 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, pp. 79 - 98
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Limits of Constitutional Reform in Managing African Conflicts
    In: Ethnopolitics Vol. 15 (2016)
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Expatriates as voters? : the new dynamics of external voting in Sub-Saharan Africa
    In: Democratization Vol. 22 (2015) Nr. 5, pp. 906 - 926
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Auswege aus dem afrikanischen Labyrinth? : Die afrikabezogene Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft im Spiegel einiger Neuerscheinungen
    In: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft Vol. 7 (2013) Nr. 4, pp. 347 - 357
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Territorial Power-Sharing and the Regulation of Conflict in Africa
    In: Civil wars Vol. 15 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, pp. 123 - 143
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Machtwechsel im Senegal – neue Chance für die Demokratie?
    In: GIGA Focus Afrika Vol. 2 (2012)
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Entwicklungspolitik im Wandel : `Neuerfindung‘ oder neue Bescheidenheit?
    In: Politische Bildung Vol. 44 (2011) Nr. 3, pp. 10 - 21
  • Goeke, Martin; Hartmann, Christof
    The regulation of party switching in Africa
    In: Journal of contemporary African studies Vol. 29 (2011) Nr. 3, pp. 263 - 280
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Die ECOWAS als Ordnungsmacht in Westafrika?
    In: Die Friedens-Warte : journal of international peace and organization Vol. 85 (2010) Nr. 1-2, pp. 177 - 197
  • Bogaards, Matthijs; Basedau, Matthias; Hartmann, Christof
    Ethnic party bans in Africa : an introduction
    In: Democratization Vol. 17 (2010) Nr. 4, pp. 599 - 617
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Senegal's party system : the limits of formal regulation
    In: Democratization Vol. 17 (2010) Nr. 4, pp. 769 - 786
  • Hartmann, Christof; Kemmerzell, Jörg
    Understanding variations in party bans in Africa
    In: Democratization Vol. 17 (2010) Nr. 4, pp. 642 - 665
  • Hartmann, Christof; Grimm, Sven; Koepf, Tobias; Mair, Stefan; Schmidt, Siegmar; Schumacher, Tobias; Tull, Denis M.; Werenfels, Isabelle
    Afrika in der internationalen Politik
    In: Informationen zur politischen Bildung : izpb / Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, (BpB) (Eds.) (2009) Nr. 303, pp. 56 - 57
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Democracy as a Fortuitous By-product of Independence : UN Intervention and Democratization in Namibia
    In: Taiwan Journal of Democracy Vol. 5 (2009) Nr. 1, pp. 27 - 50
  • Hartmann, Christof; Basedau, Matthias; Boogards, Matthijs; Niesen, Peter
    Ethnic party bans in Africa : a research agenda
    In: German Law Journal Vol. 8 (2007) Nr. 6, pp. 617 - 634
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Zwischen Universalismus und Partikularismus: Demokratie in Afrika
    In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee Vol. 40 (2007) Nr. 4, pp. 408 - 422
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Togo : Una vittoria del costituzionalsimo
    In: Afriche e orienti Vol. 6 (2006) Nr. 2, pp. 116 - 121
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Demokratie als Leitbild der afrikanischen Staatengemeinschaft? : Zur Theorie und Praxis demokratischer Schutzklauseln in der Afrikanischen Union' Verfassung und Recht in Übersee
    In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee : VRÜ Vol. 38 (2005) Nr. 2, pp. 201 - 220
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Elections communales: Moteurs de la Democratie Locale
    In: Agriculture & Développement Rural Vol. 12 (2005) Nr. 1, pp. 27 - 29
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Togo: una vittoria del costituzionalismo?
    In: Afriche e Orienti Vol. 7 (2005) Nr. 2, pp. 116 - 121
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Wahlen in Mauritius : Eine zweite Chance für Ramgoolam
    In: Afrika Süd : Zeitschrift zum Südlichen Afrika Vol. 34 (2005) Nr. 4, pp. 29 - 31
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Kommunalwahlen und die Demokratisierung des ländlichen Raums
    In: Entwicklung & ländlicher Raum : Beiträge zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit Vol. 38 (2004) Nr. 4, pp. 12 - 14
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Local Elections and Local Government in Southern Africa
    In: Africa-Spectrum Vol. 39 (2004) Nr. 2, pp. 223 - 248
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Local elections in the SADC countries : A comparative analysis of local electoral institutions
    In: Journal of African elections Vol. 3 (2004) Nr. 1, pp. 160 - 183
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Wahlen und Wahlreformen in Afrika : Auf dem Weg zur demokratischen Normalität?
    In: Der Überblick Vol. 39 (2003) Nr. 3, pp. 41 - 44
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Südafrika : Von der Apartheid zur Demokratie
    In: Politische Bildung : PB Vol. 35 (2002) Nr. 2, pp. 63 - 75
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Ende des Sonderwegs : Die Elfenbeinküste nach dem Putsch
    In: Der Überblick Vol. 36 (2000) Nr. 1, pp. 84 - 88
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Ende des Sonderwegs : die Elfenbeinküste nach dem Putsch
    In: DAMID: development and migration in international dialogue Vol. 10 (2000) Nr. 5, pp. 13 - 14
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Konferenzbericht: Managing Ethnic Conflict, 24. - 26.5.2000, Cape Town
    In: Afriche e Orienti Vol. 2 (2000) Nr. 2, pp. 110
  • Hartmann, Christof
    La Côte d'Ivoire n'est plus la Côte d'Ivoire : Una lettura dei cambiamenti in Costa d'Avorio
    In: Afriche e orienti Vol. 2 (2000) Nr. 3-4, pp. 101 - 102
  • Hartmann, Christof
    L'elefante dai piedi d'argilla : La Costa d'Avorio del dopo Houphouet-Boigny
    In: Afriche e orienti Vol. 1 (1999) Nr. 4, pp. 48 - 51
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Demokratisierung und das internationale System : Anmerkungen zu einigen Querverbindungen zwischen IB-Forschung und Komparatistik
    In: Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen : ZIB Vol. 4 (1997) Nr. 2, pp. 329 - 346
  • Hartmann, Christof
    La dimensione internazionale dei mutamenti politici in Africa
    In: Africa e Mediterraneo: cultura, politica, economia, societa Vol. 22 (1997) Nr. 3-4, pp. 14 - 21
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Demokratisierungsprozesse in Afrika und die europäische Entwicklungspolitik
    In: Nord-Süd-Aktuell Vol. 9 (1995) Nr. 3, pp. 425 - 434
  • Book articles / Proceedings papers

  • Abb, Pascal; Hartmann, Christof; Kreuzer, Peter; Noesselt, Nele; Sebastian, Gregor
    China : Partner, Konkurrent oder Rivale?
    In: Friedensgutachten 2021: Europa kann mehr! / HSFK Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung HSFK Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung; IFSH Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg; INEF Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden; BICC Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies (Eds.) 2021, pp. 27 - 47
  • Hartmann, Christof; Promise Biira, Catherine
    Demographic Change and Political Order in Sub-Saharan Africa : How Côte d’Ivoire and Uganda Deal with Youth Bulge and Politicized Migration
    In: Global Political Demography: The Politics of Population Change / Goerres, Achim; Vanhuysse, Pieter (Eds.) 2021, pp. 219 - 246
  • Hartmann, Christof
    China's contribution to African Governance : Some conceptual thoughts
    In: China's New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? / Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele (Eds.) 2020, pp. 83 - 97
  • Noesselt, Nele; Hartmann, Christof
    Conclusion : China and Africa’s Complex Security Challenges
    In: China’s New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? / Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele (Eds.) 2020, pp. 229 - 240
  • Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele
    Introduction : China's New Role in African Politics ; From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization?
    In: China’s New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? / Hartmann, Christof; Noesselt, Nele (Eds.) 2020, pp. 1 - 14
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Regionalism in sub-Saharan Africa : Structural constraints and African agency
    In: Regionalism Under Stress: Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective / Nolte, Detlef; Weiffen, Brigitte (Eds.) 2020, pp. 209 - 222
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Overlapping Regionalism and Region-Building in Africa
    In: The Relevance of Regions in a Globalized World: Bridging the Social Sciences-Humanities Gap / Kacowicz, Arie; Fine, Ruth; Press-Barnathan, Galia (Eds.) 2019, pp. 93 - 121
  • Bethke, Felix; Debiel, Tobias; Hartmann, Christof; Poppe, Annika E.; Schablitzki, Jan; Wolff, Jonas
    Liberal-demokratische Friedenskonzepte unter Druck
    In: Kriege ohne Ende: mehr Diplomatie - weniger Rüstungsexporte / Bonn International Center for Conversion; INEF Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (Eds.) 2018, pp. 65 - 84
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Entwicklungspolitik : in der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft
    In: Handbuch Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft / Lauth, Hans-Joachim; Kneuer, Marianne; Pickel, Gert (Eds.) 2016, pp. 815 - 824
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Sub-Saharan Africa
    In: Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism / Börzel, Tanja; Risse, Thomas (Eds.) 2016, pp. 271 - 294
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Handwörterbuch Internationale Politik / Woyke, Wichard (Eds.) 2015, pp. 338 - 348
  • Hartmann, Christof; Striebinger, Kai
    Writing the Script? : ECOWAS’ military intervention mechanism
    In: Governance transfer by regional organizations: patching together a global script / Börzel, Tanja Anita (Eds.) 2015, pp. 68 - 83
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Zivilgesellschaft und politischer Wandel im Senegal
    In: Zivilgesellschaft in Subsahara Afrika / Eberlei, Walter (Eds.) 2014, pp. 169 - 190
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Senegal : The Rise and Fall of Dominant Party System
    In: One-party dominance in African democracies / Doorenspleet, Renske (Eds.) 2013, pp. 169 - 194
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Handbuch Internationale Organisationen: theoretische Grundlagen und Akteure / Freistein, Katja; Leininger, Julia (Eds.) 2012, pp. 85 - 93
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Côte d’Ivoire
    In: Transformation-Index 2010: politische Gestaltung im internationalen Vergleich / Bertelsmann-Stiftung (Eds.) 2010
  • Hartmann, Christof; Schrader-Rashidkhan, Nora
    Vom Gewaltakteur zur politischen Partei? : Rebellengruppen und Parteienwettbewerb in Liberia und der Côte d'Ivoire
    In: Friedensgutachten 2010 / Fröhlich, Christiane; Johannsen, Margret; Schoch, Bruno; Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas; Hippler, Jochen (Eds.) 2010, pp. 193 - 205
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Demokratie/ good governance/ Partizipation/ Empowerment
    In: Handbuch eine Welt: Entwicklung im globalen Wandel / Meyns, Peter (Eds.) 2009, pp. 34 - 42
  • Hartmann, Christof; Crawford, Gordon
    Conclusion : Decentralisation – No Shortcut to Development and Peace
    In: Decentralisation in Africa: a pathway out of poverty and conflict? / Crawford, Gordon (Eds.) 2008, pp. 233 - 252
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Decentralisation and the Legacy of Protracted Conflict – Mauritius, Namibia and South Africa
    In: Decentralisation in Africa: a pathway out of poverty and conflict? / Crawford, Gordon (Eds.) 2008, pp. 169 - 190
  • Hartmann, Christof; Crawford, Gordon
    Introduction : Decentralisation as a Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?
    In: Decentralisation in Africa: a pathway out of poverty and conflict? / Crawford, Gordon (Eds.) 2008, pp. 7 - 32
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Local government and the management of conflict in fragmented societies : South Africa, Namibia, and Mauritius compared
    In: The resolution of african conflicts: the management of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction / Nhema, Alfred; Tiyambe Zeleza, Paul (Eds.) 2008, pp. 89 - 105
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Regional Organizations and the Promotion of Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa
    In: Governance and legitimacy in a globalized world / Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (Eds.) 2008, pp. 207 - 227
  • Debiel, Tobias; Hartmann, Christof; Herm, Anne
    Stabilizing fragile states in Sub-Saharan Africa : towards a new role of regional organizations
    In: Strategies for peace: contributions of international organizations, states and non-state actors / Rittberger, Volker; Fischer, Martina (Eds.) 2008, pp. 153 - 178
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Paths of Electoral Reform in Africa
    In: Votes, Money and Violence: Political Parties and Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa / Basedau, Matthias; Erdmann, Gero; Mehler, Andreas (Eds.) 2007, pp. 144 - 167
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Amtszeitbeschränkungen, Machtwechsel und Demokratisierung in vergleichender Perspektive
    In: Demokratisierung im internationalen Vergleich: Neue Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven / Pickel, Gert; Pickel, Susanne (Eds.) 2006, pp. 237 - 250
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Kommentar zum Afrika-Memorandum
    In: Das "Afrika-Memorandum" und seine Kritiker: eine Dokumentation / Jakobeit, Cord; Weiland, Heribert (Eds.) 2002, pp. 259 - 261
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Côte d’Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste)
    In: Handbuch der Außenpolitik: von Afghanistan bis Zypern / Benner, Thorsten; Gerke, Ines M.; Bellers, Jürgen (Eds.) 2001, pp. 517 - 521
  • Hartmann, Christof; Hassall, Graham; Santos, Soliman
    In: Elections in Asia and the Pacific: a data handbook. 2. South East Asia, East Asia and the South Pacific / Nohlen, Dieter (Eds.) 2001, pp. 185 - 238
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Elections in Asia and the Pacific: a data handbook. 2. South East Asia, East Asia and the South Pacific / Nohlen, Dieter (Eds.) 2001, pp. 321 - 342
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Elections in Africa: a Data Handbook / Nohlen, Dieter; Krennerich, Michael; Thibaut, Bernhard (Eds.) 1999, pp. 79 - 102
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Côte d'Ivoire
    In: Elections in Africa: a Data Handbook / Nohlen, Dieter; Krennerich, Michael; Thibaut, Bernhard (Eds.) 1999, pp. 301 - 314
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Globales Konfliktpanorama: 1990 - 1995 / Pfetsch, Frank R.; Billing, Peter (Eds.) 1996, pp. 67 - 126
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Uganda auf dem Weg zur Demokratie
    In: Materialen zu Uganda / Uganda Community München (Eds.) 1996, pp. 17 - 30
  • Encyclopedia entries

  • Hartmann, Christof
    Côte d'Ivoire
    In: Kleines Afrika-Lexikon: Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur / Hofmeier, Rolf; Mehler, Andreas (Eds.) 2004, pp. 55 - 58
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Kleines Afrika-Lexikon: Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur / Hofmeier, Ralf; Mehler, Andreas (Eds.) 2004, pp. 321 - 322
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft: Theorien-Methoden-Begriffe ; 1. A-M / Nohlen, Dieter; Schultze, Rainer-Olaf (Eds.) 2002, pp. 203 - 204
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft: Theorien-Methoden-Begriffe. 2. N-Z / Nohlen, Dieter; Schultze, Rainer-Olaf (Eds.) 2002, pp. 981 - 982
  • Hartmann, Christof; Axtmann, Dirk
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter (Eds.) 1998, pp. 90
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 130
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter (Eds.) 1998, pp. 210
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 248
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 406
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Kongo (Ex-Zaire)
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 444
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 653
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 737
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 746
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 751
  • Hartmann, Christof
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 760
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Zentralafrikanische Republik
    In: Lexikon Dritte Welt: Länder, Organisationen, Theorien, Begriffe, Personen / Nohlen, Dieter; Axtmann, Dirk (Eds.) 1998, pp. 833
  • Reviews

  • Hartmann, Christof
    Book Review: Undoing Coups. The African Union and Post-coup Intervention in Madagascar by Antonia Witt
    In: Africa Spectrum Vol. 57 (2022) Nr. 3, pp. 340 - 342
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Kollmorgen, Raj, Wolfgang Merkel und Hans-Jürgen Wagener, Hrsg. 2015. Handbuch Transformationsforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 799 Seiten, € 59,99
    In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (ZfVP) = Comparative Governance and Politics Vol. 10 (2016) Nr. 3-4, pp. 413 - 415
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Party Politics and Economic Reform in Africa ’ s Democracies , by M. Anne Pitcher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. xviii + 303
    In: African affairs Vol. 113 (2014) Nr. 451, pp. 321 - 322
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Carola Lentz/Godwin Kornes (Hg.), Staatsinszenierung, Erinnerungsmarathon und Volksfest. Afrika feiert 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit, Frankfurt am Main, 2011
    In: Periplus : Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte Vol. 22 (2013) pp. 239 - 241
  • Hartmann, Christof
    H. Melber/R. Southall (eds.), Legacies of Power. Leadership Change and Former Presidents in African Politics, Uppsala 2006
    In: Africa-Spectrum Vol. 43 (2008) Nr. 2, pp. 287 - 289
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Journal of African Elections (Vol.1+2)
    In: African Affairs Vol. 103 (2004) Nr. 2-411, pp. 319 - 320
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Adam Przeworski, Michael E. Alvarez, José Antonio Cheibub, Fernando Limongi: Democracy and Development. Political Institutions and Well-Being in the World, 1950–1990
    In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) Vol. 43 (2002) Nr. 1, pp. 191 - 193
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Mario Zamponi, Terra, produzione e lavoro. Storia agraria dell’Africa australe. Il caso dello Zimbabwe (San Marino: AIEP Editore 2001)
    In: Afriche e Orienti Vol. 4 (2002) Nr. 1, pp. 85 - 86
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Heribert Adam, Frederik van Zyl Slabbert, Kogila Moodley: Comrades in Business. Post-Liberation Politics in South Africa st]Utrecht: International Books 1998, 240 S.
    In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) Vol. 42 (2001) Nr. 1, pp. 167 - 168
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Jacob E. Mabe (Hg.). Das Afrika-Lexikon. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag 2001
    In: Africa-Spectrum Vol. 36 (2001) Nr. 3, pp. 410 - 412
  • Hartmann, Christof
    René Lenzin, ‚Afrika macht oder bricht einen Mann'. Soziales Verhalten und politische Einschätzung einer Kolonialgesellschaft am Beispiel der Schweizer in Ghana (1945-1966), Basel 1999
    In: Afriche e orienti Vol. 2 (2000) Nr. 1, pp. 91 - 92
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Michael Bratton/ Nicolas van de Walle, Democratic Experiments
    In: Africa e Mediterraneo: cultura, politica, economia, societa Vol. 25-26 (1998) Nr. 2, pp. 87 - 88
  • Blog entries

  • Hartmann, Christof
    Wahlen in der Côte d’Ivoire – Stabilität statt Demokratie
    In: Development and Peace Blog (2021)
  • Saalfeld, Jannis; Hartmann, Christof
    Does electoral inclusion constrain jihadist radicalisation in Africa?
    In: Development and Peace Blog (2020)
  • Thesis

  • Hartmann, Christof
    Externe Faktoren im Demokratisierungsprozeß : eine vergleichende Untersuchung afrikanischer Länder
    In: Junge Demokratien Opladen : Vol. 2 (1999) 343 S.
  • Working Paper

  • Hartmann, Christof
    Governance Transfer by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) : a B2 Case Study Report
    In: SFB 700 Working Paper Series Berlin Vol. 47 (2013) 54 Seiten
  • Hartmann, Christof
    Local elections in Southern Africa
    In: IEE Working Papers Bochum Vol. 175 (2003) 21 Seiten
  • Lectures

  • Hartmann, Christof;
    Afrikanische Lösungen für afrikanische Probleme? : Eine Bilanz des afrikanischen Regionalismus
    Die kleine Form, 10. Januar 2018, Essen,
    In: Die kleine Form 2017/2018 (2018)
  • Series / Blogs

  • Pickel, Susanne; Hartmann, Christof; Rohlfing, Ingo (Eds.)
    Comparative politics