Veröffentlichungen (Paper) bis 1999


  • Neubert, L.; Lee, H.Y.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Density waves and jamming transition in cellular automaton models for traffic flow
    In: Journal of physics : a journal recognized by the European Physical Society: A, Mathematical and theoretical Jg. 32 (1999) Nr. 37, S. 6517 - 6525
  • Wahle, Jochen; Neubert, Lutz; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Modeling and simulation of traffic flow
    In: Computer Physics Communications Jg. 121/122 (1999) Nr. September/October, S. 402 - 405
  • Esser, Jörg; Neubert, Lutz; Wahle, Joachim; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Microscopic online simulations of urban traffic
    In: Transportation and traffic theory: proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory / 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory - ISTTT14, 20-23 July 1999, Jerusalem, Israel / Ceder, Avishai (Hrsg.) 1999
  • Neubert, L.; Barlovic, R.; Knospe, W.; Esser, J.; Schreckenberg, Michael; Wahle, J.; Froese, K.
    Online Traffic Simulation with Cellular Automata
    In: Traffic and Mobility: Simulation - Economics - Environment / International Workshop Traffic and Mobility: Simulation - Economics - Environment, 1999, Aachen / Brilon, Werner; Huber, Felix; Schreckenberg, Michael; Wallentowitz, Henning (Hrsg.) 1999, S. 117 - 134
  • Knospe, Wolfgang; Santen, Ludger; Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Disorder effects in cellular automata for two-lane traffic
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Jg. 265 (1999) Nr. 3, S. 614 - 633
  • Neubert, Lutz; Santen, Ludger; Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Single-vehicle data of highway traffic : a statistical analysis
    In: Physical Review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics Jg. 60 (1999) Nr. 6, S. 6480 - 6490
  • Brilon, Werner; Huber, Felix; Schreckenberg, Michael; Wallentowitz, Henning (Hrsg.)
    Traffic and mobility : Simulation - Economics - Environment
    In: Springer eBook Collection Berlin (1999) XIV, 270p. 136 illus.
  • Meyer-König, Tim; Klüpfel, Hubert; Wahle, J.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    BYPASS : Evakuierungssimulation für Fahrgastschiffe
    In: OR News: das Magazin der GOR [Gesellschaft für Operations Research] (1999) Nr. 7, S. 5 - 8


  • Brankov, Jordan G.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    A five-vertex model interpretation of one-dimensional traffic flow
    In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Jg. 31 (1998) Nr. 9, S. 2133 - 2140
  • Lübeck, Sven; Schreckenberg, Michael; Usadel, Klaus
    Density fluctuations and phase separation in a traffic flow model
    In: Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow ’97. Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, Germany, October 6 - 8, 1997 / Schreckenberg, Michael; Wolf, Dietrich (Hrsg.) 1998, S. 361 - 366
  • Lübeck, Sven; Schreckenberg, Michael; Usadel, Klaus
    Density fluctuations and phase transition in the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model
    In: Physical Review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics Jg. 57 (1998) Nr. 1, S. 1171 - 1174
  • Eisenblätter, B.; Santen, Ludger; Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Jamming transition in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow
    In: Physical Review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics Jg. 57 (1998) Nr. 2, S. 1309 - 1314
  • Barlovic, Robert; Santen, Ludger; Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Metastable states in cellular automata for traffic flow
    In: The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Jg. 5 (1998) Nr. 3, S. 793 - 800
  • Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Garden of Eden states in traffic models : Letter to the editor
    In: Journal of physics : a journal recognized by the European Physical Society: A, Mathematical and theoretical Jg. 31 (1998) Nr. 11, S. L225 - L231
  • Schreckenberg, Michael; Wolf, Dietrich; (Hrsg.)
    Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow '97 : Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, Germany, October 6 - 8, 1997
    International Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow, 06.-08.10.1997, Duisburg,
    Singapore [u.a.] (1998) XIII, 490 S : Ill., graph. Darst
  • Volk, D.; Baumann, G.; Wolf, Dietrich; Törner, Günter; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Simulating granular media using cellular automata
    In: Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow ’97. Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, Germany, October 6 - 8, 1997 / Schreckenberg, Michael; Wolf, Dietrich (Hrsg.) 1998, S. 145 - 152


  • Schreckenberg, Michael; Schadschneider, Andreas
    Traffic flow models with ‘slow-to-start’ rules
    In: Annalen der Physik Jg. 509 (1997) Nr. 7, S. 541 - 551
  • Geppert, U.; Rieger, Heiko; Schreckenberg, Michael
    A hierarchical model for ageing
    In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Jg. 30 (1997) Nr. 12,
  • Chowdhury, Debashish; Wolf, Dietrich; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Particle hopping models for two-lane traffic with two kinds of vehicles: Effects of lane-changing rules
    In: Physica A : Statistical mechanics and its applications Jg. 235 (1997) Nr. 3-4, S. 417 - 439
  • Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Car-oriented mean-field theory for traffic flow models
    In: Journal of physics : A: Mathematical and general Jg. 30 (1997) Nr. 4, S. L69 - L75
  • Esser, J.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Microscopic simulation of urban traffic based on cellular automata
    In: International Journal of Modern Physics C Jg. 8 (1997) Nr. 5, S. 1025 - 1036


  • Rajewsky, N.; Schadschneider, A.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    The asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update
    In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Jg. 29 (1996) Nr. 12, S. L305 - L309
  • Kisker, Jens; Santen, Ludger; Schreckenberg, Michael; Rieger, Heiko
    Off-equilibrium dynamics in finite-dimensional spin-glass models
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 53 (1996) Nr. 10, S. 6418 - 6428
  • Brankov, Jordan G.; Priezzhev, Vyatcheslav B.; Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    The Kasteleyn model and a cellular automaton approach to traffic flow
    In: Journal of physics : A: Mathematical and general Jg. 29 (1996) Nr. 10, S. L229 - L235
  • Rickert, Marcus; Nagel, Kai; Schreckenberg, Michael; Latour, Andreas
    Two lane traffic simulations using cellular automata
    In: Physica A : Statistical mechanics and its applications Jg. 231 (1996) Nr. 4, S. 534 - 550
  • Nagel, K.; Schadschneider, A.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Zellularautomaten simulieren Straßenverkehr
    In: Physikalische Blätter Jg. 52 (1996) Nr. 5, S. 460 - 462
  • Wolf, Dietrich; Schreckenberg, Michael; Bachem, Achim; (Hrsg.)
    Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow : HLRZ, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany October 9-11, 1995
    Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow,10.-11.09.1995. Jülich,
    Singapore [u.a.] (1996) XI, 378 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.


  • Schreckenberg, Michael; Schadschneider, Andreas; Nagel, Kai; Ito, Nobuyasu
    Discrete stochastic models for traffic flow
    In: Physical Review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics Jg. 51 (1995) Nr. 4, S. 2939 - 2949


  • Rieger, Heiko; Kisker, Jens; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Non-equilibrium dynamics in the random bond Ising chain: A reminiscence of aging in spin glasses
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Jg. 210 (1994) Nr. 3-4, S. 326 - 340
  • Kisker, Jens; Rieger, Heiko; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Escape from metastability via aging: Non-equilibrium dynamics in a one-dimensional Ising model
    In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Jg. 27 (1994) Nr. 22, S. L853 - L860


  • Schadschneider, Andreas; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Cellular automation models and traffic flow
    In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Jg. 26 (1993) Nr. 15, S. L679 - L683


  • Nagel, Kai; Schreckenberg, Michael
    A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic
    In: Journal de Physique I Jg. 2 (1992) Nr. 12, S. 2221 - 2229
  • Schreckenberg, Michael; Rieger, Heiko
    Remanence effects in symmetric and asymmetric spin glass models
    In: Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter Jg. 86 (1992) Nr. 3, S. 443 - 451


  • Rieger, Heiko; Schreckenberg, Michael; Spitzner, Peter; Kinzel, Wolfgang
    Alignment in the fully asymmetric SK model
    In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Jg. 24 (1991) Nr. 14, S. 3399 - 3406
  • Schreckenberg, Michael; Pfenning, T.; Rieger, Heiko
    Numerical investigation of the asymmetric SK-model with deterministic dynamics
    In: Journal de Physique I Jg. 1 (1991) S. 323 - 329
  • Rieger, Heiko; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Decay of the remanent magnetization in the asymmetric spin chain
    In: Journal of Statistical Physics Jg. 64 (1991) Nr. 1-2, S. 329 - 361


  • Kinzel, W.; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Physik neuronaler Netzwerke
    In: Physikalische Blätter Jg. 46 (1990) Nr. 2, S. 65 - 66


  • Rieger, Heiko; Schreckenberg, Michael; Zittartz, Johannes
    Glauber dynamics of the asymmetric SK-model
    In: The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Jg. 74 (1989) Nr. 4, S. 527 - 538
  • Ceccatto, H. Alejandro; Schreckenberg, Michael
    Motion detection in noisy environments: Phase transition in a model system
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 63 (1989) Nr. 19, S. 2152 - 2155


  • Rieger, H.; Schreckenberg, Michael; Zittartz, J.
    Glauber dynamics of the Little-Hopfield model
    In: The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Jg. 72 (1988) Nr. 4, S. 523 - 533
  • Rieger, H.; Schreckenberg, Michael; Zittartz, J.
    Glauber dynamics of neural network models : Letter to the editor
    In: Journal of physics : a journal recognized by the European Physical Society: A, Mathematical and theoretical Jg. 21 (1988) Nr. 4, S. L263 - L267